surname index My Holdridge Line
George W. Holdridge
Catskill, New York - 20 Oct. 1847 - 20 Dec 1934

George W. Holdridge a Catskill icon from humble beginnings. At the age of 13 George was considered old enough to work. He left home and went to work for the A & B Wiltse Co., a foundry and machine shop in Catskill. George struggled as a boy in the foundry, doing work that was hard work for a full grown man. At 17 he joined the Navy, and served in the Civil War. Read his autobiographical sketch "Reminiscences of George W. Holdridge" and share in the personal history of his life, his struggles as a young boy, his experiences in the Navy, and his life as a contractor in Catskill.

The Reminiscences of George W. Holdridge

    Photo that I found in a photo album, that belonged to my Great Grandmother Celia Edgerley Post.


This page is maintained by Ken Holdridge (webmaster) .