Dental Care
contact author: Sandy

Disclaimer: the information provided below is not intended to replace or override the advice of your veterinarian. Both the author and the site owner assume that this information will be used to work with your vet in planning the best treatment plan for your cat

Not unlike humans, cats need to have their teeth cleaned regularly.  If your cat will not tolerate getting her/his teeth cleaned,  or chew on bones, plaque can build up on the teeth.  If this plaque is not removed/scaled, it hardens and forms tartar (also known as calculus).  Cats don't develop cavities the way humans do.  Instead, tartar gets in the crevices between kitty's teeth and gums.  When you take kitty to the vet, s/he can detect tiny holes in the gums where bacteria has grown and caused cavities.

Untreated, kitty can develop periodontal disease such as gingivitis - swelling, inflammation, and bleeding of the gums, which can eventually cause tooth loss.  At this point, nothing can be done and all your cat's teeth will have to be extracted.

In addition, the bacteria can enter kitty's bloodstream and cause major health problems such as heart disease.  Very early in your cat's life, get into the habit of checking his/her teeth and gums on a weekly basis.  If you see a red line along the gums, mouth odor, swelling of the gums, bleeding gums, or tartar on the teeth, it is time for a check-up.

How can I prevent gum/teeth problems in my cat?

It is a fallacy that dry commercial food will prevent tartar.  If it did, we would not see scores of pets going in annually for teeth cleaning to the vets.  The best defense is to have your kitty chew on raw (never cooked; cooked bones can splinter) chicken necks.  Chicken wings and backs can be okay but watch your cat carefully to make sure s/he doesn't choke on it.  Some kitties will chew on gizzards, so you can get them started with those and then move on to necks.  Chop the chicken neck between the vertebrae so that kitty can put her/his teeth around it. Some people initially pulverize the neck with a hammer to make it easier for their cats to eat the necks.

If your cat will not chew on necks and other bones, then frequent brushing is a must.  You can either purchase one specially made for small cat mouths from a pet store, or use the smallest size soft bristled toothbrush from the children's section.

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How do I brush my cat's teeth?

You can do this in steps.  Slowly get kitty used to having his/her mouth touched/handled.  And each day, go a little further.  Eventually, brushing will become a weekly ritual, and it will become easier for both of you.  Be firm, yet gentle with kitty during the entire procedure.  When done, praise kitty and give a chunk of raw or cooked meat as a treat.  Associate teeth cleaning with a reward.

Co-Q-10 is a good supplement for kitty's gums.

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What if I can't brush my cat's teeth?

If your cat will absolutely not tolerate teeth cleaning at home, look for a facility that does anesthesia free teeth cleaning using an ultrasonic scaler/polisher.  Some vets are willing to flick tartar off a cat's teeth.  Although this isn't ideal, it's better than nothing.

If your cat will need to have her/his teeth cleaned at the vets, insist on Isofluorane anesthesia which is excreted mostly by the lungs.  It is more expensive, but much less stressful on your cat's delicate body.  After you bring kitty home, give him/her Homeopathic Arnica (see Homeopathy FAQ for more information on homeopathic remedies, their use, and methods of administration) to help heal.

Note: Some holistic vets recommend myrrh for the teeth but beware that it is rather bitter, so your cat may not tolerate this.  GSE is also extremely bitter and can burn a cat's tongue/gums if not diluted.  See the article on GSE for more information on how to use this product.

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