Welcome to homepage of The Tybarian Wars Role-Playing game.

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The Players

[Queen Tamsin Usar] [Princess Selena Usar] [Princess Julika Usar] [Lady Larissa Gladius] [Princess Alyss Usar]

[Kayin Gladius] [Christian Blake] [Trindance Cygnessan] [Arcade Gladius] [Stirling]

[Jacen Stryfe] [Aaron Castlerock] [Sorata Bridgerton] [Ambassador Airisis Lange] [Vash Elden] [Lord Endrek Darnan]

The Conflicts

October 10th
October 11th
October 22nd
October 26th
October 27th
November 3rd
November 15th
November 17th
November 22nd
November 23rd

[Index of Terms] [The History of Tybar]

Questions? Comments? Please email me at hollie0114@yahoo.com.

Song playing is the theme from The Legend of Mana