ink spot: my writing



academic writing

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mightier than the sword

Check out some of my writing-- I've got assorted poems, a short story, a bit of fanfic, and more. You can also see a sample of how I write when I don't have any say in the matter, also known as my academic writing. Say what you like, but 26th-dynasty temple sculpture is cool.

Of the stuff you'll see here, my short story "Happily Ever After," plus four poems, were run in last year's issue of Erehwon, Churchill's literary magazine. "Happily" won second place for prose. This year's Erehwon will have my "Sestina #1," "Blank Verse," "At Sunset," "Life on Paper," and one o two others.

And, in much bigger news, is going to be publishing (in paper form!) one of my sonnets, "Regrets," which is unfreakingbelieveably cool.

My other major writing development is that I've been Bookslut's Bookslut-In-Training for several months now; I've written two reviews and have a column in the February issue. Neil Gaiman, the author of Coraline, the first book I reviewed, linked to my review on his weblog. When I wrote him to express my sincere geeker joy at this event, he posted the letter on his blog. The shrieks of glee could be heard several hundred miles away.