July 17, 2000

Transcribed by Sarin

(It's at Richard and Cassie's wedding which I thought was one of the most beautiful weddings ever, but Michelle and Danny's was obviously better. Michelle is talking to Drew about an argument she had with Danny.)

Drew: Are you ok?
Michelle: Yeah..Yeah I'm fine. Thank you so much for coming down here. I really didn't want to come alone.
Drew: Well I know you want Danny to be here. Like you planned.
Michelle: Our fight last night was so bad Drew. I told him I was glad that his mother died.
Drew: Well he knows where it's coming from.
Michelle: He never stayed away this long.
Drew: Sit..I want you to relax. I want you not to think about him and try to enjoy this beautiful wedding Michelle.
Michelle: Danny looked so handsome on his wedding day. Oh there's Richard.

Cut to Michelle walking around upset. Then Danny comes and looks for Michelle. He looks so good in that suit.(He looks good in anything)

Michelle: Don't ever leave me again. Not even for a night.
Danny: Ok I won't... won't (He has a hold of her and kisses her passionately. They both kiss hungrily. Very nice!)

Cut to Michelle and Danny congratulate Prince Richard and Princess Cassandra a.k.a. Cassie.

Cassie: Hi! (kissing Danny's cheek)
Michelle: We're so happy for you.
Cassie: Oh thank you so much. You know you have a prince there yourself.
Michelle: I know..I know.
Cassie: Just enjoy each other enjoy each other.
Michelle: (smiles and gives her a hug) ok I'll see you.

Cut to Michelle and Danny in the throne room or something like that. They both kiss passionately.

Michelle: I'm sorry... sorry. I never got the chance to tell you that I didn't mean-
Danny: I don't wanna talk about it. Don't wanna talk about any of it. I just wanna be with you and kiss you (he obviously kisses her)
Michelle: You're right. All that matters is that we're here and we're together.
Danny: Yeah. I think we need to be together on our own right now.
Michelle: What do you mean?
Danny: Last time we were here we were on the run. Since then we haven't caught a single break. I think we need get away from everything.
Michelle: (smiles) okay.
Danny: Mmhhm
Michelle: okay. So what are you thinking?
Danny: It's already arranged. I know some people at the marina. Let's sail away for our second honeymoon what do you say?
Michelle: (surprised and smiling) Absolutely!
(When they kiss they're making satisfactory noises. Then Danny picks up Michelle and they go out of the room. Michelle giggles)