~*~My Family~*~

~*~Mom & Dad~*~

My mom (Donna) & my dad (Dennis) have been married for almost 30 years!!! Woo hoo!!! (I think that pic is from '75??) Dad grew up here in Southern IL, & my mom grew up near Chicago, in the suburbs. She moved down here (a good while back ;-) ) & met my dad, then they got married... awwww.
My mom is into photography & she's very good!!! (go see for yourself here! ) She's spent most of her life at home raising me & my brother & she did a very good job!!! She's always been one of the "cool moms" and my friends always loved her. She's really talented, creative, and smart.. she made growing up so much fun.
My dad makes his own beer (can't put that on here though; sorry guys!) He's getting ready to go back to school & further his degree; getting a new job somewhere and we're getting the heck out of here! I think he should open his own micro-brewery because he'd love to - and isn't that what life should be about? Finding what you love and doing it..?



I have one brother, Nick. He's almost 27; I feel so old!!! (I can just imagine how my parents must feel!) He, of course, went to Egyptian too. Graduated waaaaay back in 1997! He does art too, and he's got a very original style (Go check it out here!), kind af an impressionist look, with a little abstract thrown in, I guess you could say. He's had several showings at local juried exhibits (not to mention, won a couple awards). Hopefully, there are many more to come...

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