Classic Episodes

Breaking Boundaries (Luke's Rape) - March 2000

Breaking Boundaries was Hollyoaks first ever late night special. The episode centered around the 90's night that Finn and Lewis had organised at Lorraine's club. However the 90's night nearly didn't happen as Lewis had spent the deposit money for the club on a computer for Ruth. Eventually after Finn went to Ruth's flat to try and find Lewis and find out what had happened to the money, Ruth gave Finn the £300 to pay the deposit and secure the club. This event resulted in an argument between Ruth and Lewis when Lewis returned home from the betting shop. (Ruth didn't know about Lewis gambling.) Lewis said he'd only brought Ruth the computer as a present and he thought she'd be pleased about it. Ruth then said that it was a nice gesture but a pity she had to end up paying for it with her own grant money. Mid flow through the argument Lewis told Ruth he had to go as Finn needed his help at the club and they could carry on with their 'discussion' later. Ruth then turned up at the club very scantily dressed and continued her argument with Lewis. Lewis told her he'd only brought her the computer so she could work from home instead of spending all of her time at college and Ruth argued that Ed had already said she could use his computer. This resulted in Lewis saying Ruth never had time for him anymore and she was always his number one priority and he was never hers! Ruth then told Lewis if he wanted a 'little wifey' he should find someone else and she stormed off and proceeded to make Lewis jealous by dancing raunchily with Finn and some random lad in the club. After this Ruth made her way home and Lewis followed. The pair argued continuously as they made their way home until Lewis confessed he'd wanted Ruth there and then when he'd seen her dancing raunchily on the dance floor but none of what she had done was for him. Ruth said it was all for him and they ended up kissing passionately and made love against a wall outside. When the pair arrived home Ruth finally took her wedding ring off (from her marriage to Kurt) to show Lewis she was now dedicated to him. Also at the 90's night O.B was hoping to pull Emma Jordan and brought Max along to keep her mate company. Max thought his luck was in when he thought Emma's mate was Nadia Edwards until he discovered who the girl actually was, none other than Chloe Bruce the Moose. Max tried to avoid Chloe all evening but he eventually discovered that Chloe was a nice person and he did actually fancy her. O.B's girl ended up snogging Finn and it was ultimately Max who ended up pulling. Following this was Max's first ever-sexual experience when he lost his virginity to Chloe when he invited her back home after the 90's night. Also attending the 90's night was Mandy who was meant to be going with Luke. She had arranged to meet him at The Dog after he'd finished his football match but he didn't turn up. When Darren arrived (he played on the same football team as Luke) Mandy asked Darren where Luke was and Darren said he was probably still doing his hair and they should go on to the 90's night and get Luke to meet them there later. Mandy agreed and she went with Darren to the club. However when she was there she spent most of the night ringing Luke but never got an answer due to what was happening to him. Eventually she got annoyed with Luke and said she was going to kill him the next day and gave up on him. Mandy and Darren then went on to tease Max about Chloe but Chloe got her own back when she teased Mandy about modelling thermal underwear! It was at the 90's night that Darren first tried it on with Mandy trying to nick Mandy off Luke (his best mate!) Finn then asked Darren if he was sharking in on his mate's girlfriend and Darren said that if Luke couldn't be bothered to turn up then he deserved everything he got. (A cruelly ironic thing to say when at the exact same point Luke had just been through his ordeal!) Away from the 90's night Dan asked Nikki to come with him to visit the family of the man he had killed when he had knocked him over whilst driving a car. Nikki didn't want to go but Dan eventually convinced her to go with him. On their arrival at the man's home Dan discovered the man's wife, Linda had been pregnant and had had another child called Steven (named after his dad) who the man had never seen and never even knew about! Dan tried to explain his actions until Linda's eldest son; Justin came home and told Dan to get lost. Dan and Justin got into a fight when Dan tried to apologise and Justin told Dan that he had ruined his family's life and they could never forgive him for what he had done to them. When Nikki and Dan got back to the dorms in the halls at college (HCC) Nikki got upset and explained the reason why she didn't want to go and see Steven's family. She said she didn’t want to know what she had done to them and she had never wanted to feel the way she had when she went to see them. (Nikki was the one who dared Dan to drive the car in the first place and so she felt responsible for Steven's death.) Nikki also told Dan how she had thought about killing herself but didn't go through with it because she couldn't have done that to him. Despite all these stories the one that had the viewers gripped and most interested in was the portrayal of the climax to the bullying campaign led against Luke by Mark Gibbs. None of the other stories were as heartbreaking or as emotional as this one. The event that had started the bullying campaign was, when Luke had damaged Mark's leg at a football match that talent scouts for Chester FC were present at. (Mark and Luke were on different football teams and were always in competition with one another.) Mark was not offered a trial and was then made even angrier when he discovered Luke had ruined any chances he may have had to play professional football. On the night of the 90's do Luke had played in a football game and had won man of the match. When everyone else had gone and Luke was the only person left in the changing rooms Mark, Kenny and Steve came in when Luke was getting changed and started having a go at him. Mark was particularly hacked off as he had been subbed in the football game and then Luke had gone on to win man of the match. First Mark hid Luke's football boot and started having a go at him. He then started trashing Luke's things and chucked his hair gel, mobile phone and aftershave onto the floor and emptied the rest of the contents of Luke's kit bag onto the floor. Mark then started chucking Luke's shirt (that he was going to put on) to Kenny and Steve so Luke couldn't get it off them. Mark and Luke then had another argument, which resulted in Mark ramming Luke up against a wall when Luke said; 'why don't you let me get changed or do you like looking at other blokes with their kit off?' After this Mark peed all over Luke's football kit and when Luke sarcastically asked if he wanted him to say sorry about damaging his leg Mark got Kenny and Steve to put Luke under a running shower getting him soaking wet saying 'let's get you nice and clean for Mandy.' Luke then said he wished he could change what had happened but he couldn't and Mark said 'what the hell do you know about wishing things you can't have, rich Mummy and Daddy to buy you things.' At which Luke shouted 'they're not rich.' 'Little Mandy falling over herself to get her knickers off for you!' Mark said continuing to taunt Luke. Mark then got Kenny and Steve to flush Luke's head in the bogs and laughed at him when Luke told him he 'was dead.' Mark then told Luke to fight back but Luke refused saying he didn't need to. Mark then said the reason Luke had damaged his leg was because he was afraid that he'd take Mandy off him because she wanted a real man. Luke then said 'don't you get it Gibbs she was laughing at you she knows who the real man is' and Mark punched him. Luke still didn't retaliate and told Mark to get on with it if that’s what he'd come for. Mark then laughed at Luke and said he wouldn't even stand his ground like a real man and Luke again said he didn't need to fight him. Mark then said 'what will it take to bring the man out of you' and kneed Luke in the stomach and when Luke fell to the ground Mark, Kenny and Steve all started kicking him. After this they then started pushing Luke around and he pulled a hand dryer of the wall as they were doing this. Luke then finally said that he had had enough but Mark, Kenny and Steve heard a voice and grabbed Luke and hid in the showers covering Luke's mouth so he couldn’t say anything. When the person came into the changing rooms Mark told Luke it wasn't finished and chucked a towel into the face of the bloke that had come in and pushed Luke into him before running off along with Kenny and Steve. The bloke who had come into the changing rooms was the caretaker, Jabba and as Luke was getting changed he started complaining about them not tidying up after themselves and then noticed the hand dryer hanging off the wall and started having a go at Luke calling him a yob. Luke told Jabba to do him a favour and get back in his hut and Jabba then threatened to get Luke kicked out of the league and Luke protested that he hadn't done anything. Luke then ran out of the changing rooms and saw Mark, Kenny and Steve in the car park sitting in their car, laughing. Feeling totally humiliated and angry Luke shouted 'you wanna see how much I can take' and ran over to Mark slamming the car door onto his bad leg before throwing a brick through the back screen window of Mark's car. As Luke ran off to his car Jabba came out of the changing rooms to the chaos outside and shouted 'you little hooligan you deserve all you get!' After this a car chase resulted around Chester with Mark, Kenny and Steve chasing Luke. When Luke reached some red lights and had to stop Mark rammed his car into the back of Luke's which forced Luke to drive through the on coming traffic doing his best to swerve and avoid the cars. As the chase continued Luke finally thought he had shaken Mark and his mates off until he reached a level crossing and had to stop. Mark, Kenny and Steve got out of their car and ran towards Luke who was still sitting in his car. Having no choice but to get away Luke drove up a country lane to try and get away from Mark. Mark then saw Luke trying to get away and ran back to his car and again followed Luke. When Luke's car got stuck in a muddy ditch and he couldn't get it to move he realised he had no choice but to get out of his car and run as he could see Mark, Kenny and Steve coming up close behind him. Mark, Kenny and Steve then got out of their car and ran after Luke until he slipped in the mud and they caught him. As Luke fell to the ground Mark, Kenny and Steve started kicking and punching him. Mark then started to take the mick out of Luke because of the modelling he had done with Mandy and told him he knew there was something funny about him and that Luke liked watching other blokes get changed. Mark said he didn't know what Mandy saw in a 'gay boy' like him and he wished she could see him now because then she'd know what he was like. Luke then shouted that he wasn’t the one chasing blokes out of showers and Mark told him to 'shut it.' Luke then had another go at Mark and Mark told Luke to shut it again or he'd show him what he would do with a 'faggot.' Mark then told Luke to pretend he was a man and fight back and Luke said 'why?' and Mark said because I want you to, however Luke just repeated the fact that he didn't need to prove anything to him. Mark then started to get really angry and told Luke not to think that he was better than him and Luke said he knew he was. Mark then said 'you're so bleedin' full of yourself' and Luke told Mark that he was just jealous of him. Mark then started to scream at Luke until Luke spat in his face. Mark then totally lost it and grabbed Luke and pulled him to his car. Luke shouted at him to get off but he ignored him. Mark then shouted at Kenny and Steve to hold Luke down on the car's bonnet. Luke again shouted at him to get off him but Mark just said 'it's turning you on ain't it?' Mark then pulled Luke's trousers down and told Luke that he was disgusting and that he made him sick. Steve said that Luke was sick and that he was getting off on Mark. Mark then said 'you want me to hurt you, you're getting turned on by this aren't you?' Mark then took the mick out of Luke again saying he was gay. Luke then asked what he was doing and Mark said he had to learn the hard way. Luke screamed at him to stop it and said that he'd say anything. Mark then said that it was too late for that now and he would have to learn the hard way. Mark then raped Luke over the car bonnet whilst he was screaming at him to stop it and get off him. After Mark had finished he told Kenny and Steve that Luke deserved it and they got back into their car and drove off leaving a devastated Luke lying on the ground contemplating what had just happened to him. When Luke got into his car he picked up his mobile to phone someone but broke down into tears and then tried to get the car to start as it was still stuck in the ditch. Luke then drove back to the changing rooms at the football ground and had a shower, scrubbing himself to try and 'wash' away what had happened to him before he collapsed to the ground in tears under the running water of the shower! Luke then started to make his way home but ran out of petrol and had to stop at a petrol station to fill up. However as he was doing this a group of lads pulled into the petrol station laughing and joking and Luke got freaked out by this and drove off without paying! After this Luke drove to a multi-storey car park stopping when he reached the top level to break down into tears again. Luke then drove wildly around the multi-storey before smashing through the barrier at the exit! As Luke was doing this, the scene was split between him and Nikki. In Nikki's scene she was telling Dan that she felt it was all her fault and she thought she'd made it happen (in referral to the man they had killed in the car accident.) These words were especially poignant as they reflected Luke's feelings after the rape. In the last scenes of Breaking Boundaries Luke was running through the streets until he saw Mark, Kenny and Steve laughing and joking. Luke hid behind a building and again started sobbing in a particularly heartbreaking style. Breaking Boundaries is the most critically acclaimed episode of Hollyoaks to date. The episode was heart-rendering, distressing, tantalizing and terrifying! Breaking Boundaries was an exceptional episode with a superb and touching script and unforgettable performances from the entire cast. Gary Lucy's performance as Luke was absolutely moving, touching and emotional and Colin Parry's performance as Mark Gibbs who sexually abused Luke in the most horrific way was haunting and chilling. Breaking Boundaries will probably go down in history as the most memorable episode of Hollyoaks ever!

Memorability Rating: ***** five stars out of five

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