Classic Episodes

Off On One - October 1998

Off On One was the video release that showed what happened between Kurt and Rob on the mysterious weekend they went to France. The back story for Off On One was Rob Hawthorne's quest for revenge against Kurt for the leg injury he had received when Kurt left Rob on the roof of a car park to some drug dealers that Rob had stolen money from. Rob blamed Kurt for his injury and he got revenge by getting Lucy (Kurt's sister) hooked on heroin. On the eve of the weekend where Off On One took place, Rob caused Lucy to overdose by injecting heroin into her when she was already drugged up. Rob left her on the roof of the car park where he was thrown off from and announced it was pay back time. Lucy was then found by Kurt and rushed to intensive care. Rob then went to France with Carol and Jude who were on a booze run for Parker's (a wine bar/restaurant.) Rob was planning to leave Hollyoaks with the money he had stolen from Lucy who had stolen the money from her family to start a new life. However Kurt followed Rob to France determined to get revenge. Following Kurt were Tony, Ruth and Lewis who went to try and prevent Kurt from doing something he'd regret. In France a chase broke out between Kurt and Rob climaxing in Rob speeding off in the speedboat that Jude was meant to be delivering for some money which she was going to use to pay the final payment for Parker's with. However Kurt managed to jump aboard the boat just as Rob drove off. As Kurt sat at the front of the boat, not being able to move incase he fell into the sea, Rob wound Kurt up about Lucy saying it was his and his family's fault that Lucy was in the mess she was in. At this point Kurt found the anchor to the boat and as the boat stopped Kurt charged at Rob. This resulted in a fight between Rob and Kurt on board the boat and as Rob ran towards Kurt, Kurt stepped aside and Rob fell into the sea. As Kurt brought the anchor back up Rob pleaded with him to pull him back onto the boat but Kurt refused to listen and drove off leaving Rob floating in the middle of the Atlantic Sea. In Off On One Jude was upset when she discovered Rob had taken the boat intended for delivery and she now wouldn't get the money she needed for Parker's and she was further upset when the booze she had brought for Parker's was destroyed. Ruth and Lewis also hooked up in Off On One taking comfort in each other through their upset. Ruth because of Kurt and Lewis because of what his father had done to Mandy. After Off On One everyone believed Rob was dead but Rob had survived and had only been further infuriated by what Kurt had done to him and it resulted in more quests for revenge, which finally reached its peak on the eve of the Millennium!

Memorability Rating: **** four stars out of five

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