Welcome to a Final Fantasy III page!!

You are the: to visit since of around Sunday the 6 of October 1996.

Hello and Welcome!

I've decided to make this page in dedication to one of the greatest games ever. This game is truly something and saying that I don't love it would probally be a lie. It has granted me so much joy in many forms... and very fond memories both from it and by it. Memories that I'll always remember and cherish, even though it's 'just' a game... it will always have a special place in my heart as a thank you for what it has given me.... I would also like to thank Jamie for being there for me for a very long time and opening my eyes up for this great game... and once again thanks to the truly greatest game ever, Final Fantasy III for the memories it has given me to share with my friends. I hope you'll enjoy this page and visit many times... or that it will make you pull FF3 out from that closet where you've hidden it and play it again...!


Additional Comments

Welcome to my page and hello out there in the autumn darkness! In these dark and cold days when it's much cozier to stay inside and listen to the strong winds bash on the windows I would like to recommend all of you to telnet to Robotech MUSH(ROBOTECH.DF.LTH.SE 2142, IP: 2142) which is a great place and an awesome roleplaying experience. I've been admin there now for quite a while and it's a good place to find me if you want to chat.

"Beasts of doom, known as Espers were created and unleashed to do the bidding of their masters."

Beings of pure magic once ruled the world with power and command. But power rarely leads to contentment... A dispute amongst these beings turned into an all-out war. Beasts of doom, known as Espers, were created and unleashed to do the bidding of their masters. This "War of the Magi" reduced the world into smoldering rubble. When it ended, the Espers were gone, as were most of the citizens of the world.

Many centuries have passed since the war. Civilizations have been rebuilt with iron, machines and technology. For years the Espers have existed only in ancient legends. Now, an Esper has been discovered and the forces of magic are beginning to return. The risk of another, more devastating war is growing. The future

Links to my own pages!

To one of the greatest scenes in FF3, the Opera house!

To my WWW CHAT page.

To my FF3 Facts page.

To my Character profiles page.

To my FF3 Fanfic page.

To my FF3 Secrets page.

To my FF3 Walktrough page.

To my Main page page.

To my Survey, Please fill it out.

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Please mail me,Patrick Crona. if you have any suggestions, comments or just want to say hi. I love getting email and I do get alot, but the more the merrier, so please write.

  • More about me.

    Try paging me trough ICQ,#1726609.

    Note: I do NOT want any chain-mails, I already get enough of them and they're highly annoying since I'm busy at it is.


    Copyright, patrick.crona@mailbox.swipnet.se. Author(s)reserve all rights to the contents herein...

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