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Yunji Shin - 11/01/00 12:34:33
Your Favorite Movie: American Beauty
Location: South Korea
Have you seen The American President?: Yes! twice

Well..I happened to visit this page while surfing the net. :) I remember the movie was quite nice. Personally I'm a fan of Annette Bening!! She's so charming..and I like her acting..I've uploaded some pics of her in my web page :) so..frankly speaking, writing in English is so hard for me..:P (I don't live in English-speaking country)so..I'd better finish off here.. Have a nice time then!

- 08/07/00 10:58:28


McCain 2000 - 02/21/00 06:18:01
Have you seen The American President?: yes, hated it

This movie makes no sense! Ignoring the obvious (erroneous) parallels the film tries to make between Shepard and Clinton for now, there are just too many things occurring that defy conventional political wisdom. For example, when Sidney Wade and Shepard hook up, for some reason his poll numbers drop. However, in today's celebrity oriented society, any romance by a bachelor president is almost sure to capture the public's imagination and fascination, even if it is with a whiny environmental lobbyist. Hi poll numbers drop inexplicably, for no reason, when the opposite would occur. Also inexplicable is the shock and horror the movie attributes to the religious right on Shepard's relationship with Wade (ig, the horror on Sidney spending the night at the W ite House where the daughter is, the caller stating "at last we can have an honest debate on family values"). Oh, come on! Contrary to the slandererous depiction of the movie, most people who have conservative beliefs are rather level headed and would n t begrudge the president a relationship, especially one between two single people. Even if they did, the falling poll numbers of the president shows a sheeplike mentality for the rest of the American people, implying they would beleive anything they hear and are that easily swayed, a true insult to the intelligence of the common American citizen. Also, the movie makes a big deal about character, how the Republicans would use the character issue against the President. Politicians are not stupid, having c afted their craft over many years, and would not try to level a character charge against an opponent unless it has some hope of sticking lest they look desperate and dirty. In order for a character charge to stick, there has to be something there, such a draft dodging, philandering, pot-smoking, getting blowjobs from interns... that kind of thing. Otherwise, the character issue would be used against everybody, and in the case of the current presidential election, it is not even an issue because all the rinciple candidates (Gore, Bradley, Bush, McCain) are pretty clean, at least compared to Clinton. Yet, the movie alludes to no past character flaws on the part of Shepard, who is depicted as nothing less than the second coming of John Kennedy, minus the anging of Marilyn Monroe. And as for the laughable attacks on Sidney Wade (trading sexual favors for votes in Virginia, America hating by virtue of burning the flag), such negative attacks on a non-politician is not something that would be picked up by t e public in general, and a politician who made such accusations would have a tough sell on the news magazine shows, who would therefore demote the politician to somewhere on the lunatic fringe. To have a polished politician who has risen to the rank of S nate Minority Leader make such heavy handed, negative, possibly slanderous attacks without a basis goes against reality. To have politicians allude to character without basis ignores the reality and subtlety of modern politics. As for the issues of the ovie, with the environment and gun control playing predominant parts, it makes no real attempt to show these issues in anything other than a liberal bias. For the environment, opponents of the bill to lower automobile exhaust emissions (a non-issue, sinc exhaust emissions are currently set by individual states) are seen as merely irrationally opposing it, without any mention of the possible economic and social costs of such a measure. As for the vague crime bill, which involves gun control, Wade says so ething to the effect that the bill would stop 5 year olds from buying uzis. However, nowhere in America is it legal for a 5 year old to buy a firearm, and nowhere is it legal to buy an automatic weapon like an uzi. The issues that the crime bill address s are essentially non-issues, and are there merely there to try to further promote the heavy handed lie of the movie (Conservative Republican=evil, Liberal Democrat=Son of God) As for the Clinton-Shepard parallels, Rob Reiner, who directed the film, has made it clear that he intended to have this film as a defense of Clinton and an indictment of his critics. A careful examination of parallals drawn reveals that they are all cra . Both Shepard and Clinton were governors of small states before becoming president, both have daughters, and both have stellar poll numbers, but that it pretty much it. Where Shepard is a widower president who has fallen for an intelligent, beautiful, lassy, independent woman like Sidney Wade, Clinton is a married president who has a shrewish wife who hates his guts and who has used the fascination and awe that his office inspires in others to take advantage of lowly, unintelligent, unattractive, spoil d and easily led White House interns and has convinced them to please him orally. Where Shepard has refused to take political advantage of situations, saying something to the effect of "sometimes polls don't matter," Clinton is the most poll oriented pre ident in the nation's history (just ask any of his old advisors and staff) and would not move unless it would benefit his numbers and would benefit him politically. Where Shepard is a politician who would not attack others, even those slandering him, unl ss he has reached a certain boiling point, Clinton is the master of scorched earth politics, a man who vindictively and surreptitously destroys his political enemies on a constant basis, a man less interested about leading than surviving to crush his foes Where even as a conservative Republican, I could take some measure of pride in knowing someone like Shepard was president, I can't stand to even look at Clinton without gagging. In short, the parallels the movie tries to make between the two presidents are garbage, and one should not think that the character of President Shepard is an accurate reflection of President Clinton.

Bobbie Burnett - 01/22/00 21:51:23
My Email:bobolinker@yahoo.com
Your Favorite Movie: way too many to list
Have you seen The American President?: yes

I love The American President. It's definitely on my top 10 list.

Emily - 12/30/99 03:25:20
My URL:http://home.talkcity.com/HalfpipeLn/Princess14
My Email:emb53@hotmail.com
Your Favorite Movie: The American President
Location: New York
Have you seen The American President?: Yes about 1000 times!

oh my gosh i love your website. I was looking for 'The American President' pages and I found yours and you feel exactly how i feel about this movie. Please email so we can discuss our love for the movie! Great site. I'm thinking of making one myself.

Carolyn - 10/11/99 01:03:46
Your Favorite Movie: The American President
Location: Mass.
Have you seen The American President?: Yes!!!

This is my all-time favorite movie. I have seen it at least 50 times. I know practically every word. I own the movie and watch it at least twice a week!!! It is the best

SAMANTHA - 08/17/99 14:46:49
Location: MA
Have you seen The American President?: YEAH!! TOO MANY TIMES TO COUNT


Christy - 06/22/99 21:28:24
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~clsmith/clsmith.html
My Email:clsmith75@hotmail.com
Your Favorite Movie: Too many to name
Location: Memphis
Have you seen The American President?: No

Cool page, I really enjoyed myself....

Webmasters can make money!

Webmasters can make money!

kyle - 06/07/99 02:26:24
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Hollywood/Land/6124/
Location: earth

nice page

Aurora - 05/22/99 15:19:43
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/SouthBeach/Balcony/8128
My Email:psychicaurora@oocities.com
Have you seen The American President?: Yes, several times

I loved your page. It is very kewl! Loved the music.

Audrey - 02/14/99 05:37:55
My Email:cate@goplay.com
Your Favorite Movie: The American President
Location: Australia
Have you seen The American President?: about 25 times!

This is my absolute, all time favourite movie. An excellent script, aided by the brilliant and intelligent cast, the President provides what so many other romantic comedies have failed to do. NEver slow moving, always thoughtful and poignant, the Presid nt deserved an Oscar!

Peter - 12/27/98 22:27:55
My Email:p_men@yahoo.com
Location: Germany
Have you seen The American President?: yes

It was just on German TV yesterday (RTL). Title: Hallo, Mr. President. I like it very much. I adore Michael Douglas, have seen him in many movies. It's difficult to decide for a favourite movie cause he is so multi talented. You have created a nice site. I'll visit again. Peter

Marie - Louise Dahl - 12/07/98 15:10:29
Your Favorite Movie: the scarlet pimpernel & the american president
Location: DENMARK
Have you seen The American President?: YES!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am totally crazy about the way Sidney makes a joke of herself (when the president is watching her) and of course the coment about andy's nice ass.. she is absolutely fun.....

willemijn - 11/30/98 20:36:54
My URL:http://i don't have one
My Email:nonijntje@svhuitema-thuis.nl
Your Favorite Movie: the american president
Location: holland, bilthoven.
Have you seen The American President?: yes several times ( 8)

i just love this movie i don't know why because the story is actually pretty boring, i also like this page very much,it's very easy to read and use for foreigners ( not usaér, who dont speak english very good..) it's a great one i will visit this one many times i think and hope, bye

Effie Martinos (Ms) - 11/15/98 19:41:42
My Email:efima@athena.domi.gr
Location: Hellas-Greece
Have you seen The American President?: No

Still waiting for the movie...

Ashley Grossman - 11/05/98 00:28:50
My Email:ash86@aol.com
Your Favorite Movie: The American President
Have you seen The American President?: yes

I think the American President is so awesome. Annette Bening and Michael Doulas are two of my favorite actors. Watching this movie makes me so happy because it means so much to so many people. Thanks for this page!

10/23/98 08:56:55
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just surfing. Thanks.

Fiona - 10/13/98 02:18:36
My Email:fma79@hotmail.com
Your Favorite Movie: The American President
Location: Queensland Australia
Have you seen The American President?: YES!!!!

The first time I was it I loved it and in a week I watched it 10 times

CJ - 09/23/98 01:36:45
My Email:Methos400@hotmail.com
Your Favorite Movie: The American President
Have you seen The American President?: yes

I love the movie(well, actually because annette bening was in it). i've watched it 15 times, now. I wrote to you before with some sequel ideas. please use the above e-mail address if you wish to get in touch.

Kimber Maurine - 09/20/98 21:14:10
Your Favorite Movie: Out of Africa
Location: Tampa, Fla.
Have you seen The American President?: Countless times (I own the video)!

Thanks for doing a great job on this site - very interesting and informative! I can see why you have won awards. Thanks again, Mrs. K. Maurine

Megan - 09/09/98 16:51:37
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Paris/8533
My Email:slickice@highlandil.com
Your Favorite Movie: The American President
Location: Illinois
Have you seen The American President?: Of course

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