Between the Lines

Chapter Two

In a distant, far off universe, there exists another planet Earth. Upon its green and blue surface was another California. Upon the golden desert expanse of that state, there lay another Angel Grove, and in this one, things were quite different. It was the same time and place, but the events leading up to this city's present state were entirely different than that of the one we've just spoken about.

In a room, darkened by the night and lit only by the glimmer of billions of stars through the open window, a man and his wife lay sleeping in a bed. The woman, in her late thirties with a full head of fiery red hair, was snuggled up protectively under her husband's arm. The man, seemingly in his mid-forties with a head-full of sandy-blond hair, held his wife close as though she were a security blanket. From a scene such as this, it might have be easy for one to believe that this is a normal, happy couple living in a quiet suburban California neighborhood...

..but such a hypothesis couldn't have been more wrong.

The man, named Lawrence Zedden, was by no means normal. Nor was he in his mid-forties. He wasn't even human. He was being a of an alien race known as the Zarakin, a species known throughout the universe for their skill in thievery and manipulation. Thousands of years ago, a younger version of the Zarakin in question was turned to the side of evil.

He was lured to darkness by a being more powerful than himself, and as a price, he was cut off from everything he held dear. He became Lord Zedd, Supreme Emperor of Evil, and Sworn Enemy of all that is Good and Decent. He cared not for anything nor anybody.

But when an ally of Zordon's, who also was a Zarakin, managed to trap Zedd, the Emperor of Evil couldn't bring himself to kill another of his race in cold blood, no matter how evil Zedd felt he was. Thus Zedd's captor stripped him of his evil powers and sent him to the faraway planet Earth-- a place where he would fit in, but never be able to rise to any great power, as he had previously been able to do.

Once there, he took on the name of Lawrence Zedden, and tried to make a life for himself. At first, he still cared not for anything, nor anybody-- but he soon made one exception... a beautiful human woman named Leslie. Leslie brought out in him emotions he had not believed he could feel. He fell deeply in love with Leslie Corren, and once they married, they had a child, whom they named Jamaica Theresa Zedden-- more commonly known as Jamie. It was October, 1980.

Jamie was a pretty, but not quite beautiful child, with her mother's flaming hair, and her father's eyes. Little did she know of her father's life before her birth.

When Jamie was five, her father was brought back to the power he had lost by devious evil allies he had thought himself rid of. The people that returned him to power also tried to destroy the remains of his life on Earth, setting fire to his house to make him believe his wife and daughter were dead. They also placed a lifeless body, cloned from Larry's DNA, into the Angel Grove harbor causing Leslie to think he was dead as well. The shattered family had no choice but to go on with whatever lives they had to live, and the charade lasted for another twelve years, until Jamie became the Power Ranger she was destined to be. She learned from her new mentor Zordon that her father was still alive, and doing quite well as the malicious and malevolent Lord Zedd.

Doing well, that is to say, physically if not emotionally. When Zedd learned that Leslie and Jamie still lived, it caused strange changes in the spell he had been under since his turn to evil so long ago. Finster, one of his top henchmen, noticed this and took him to see Dr. Lita Kino, an Angel Grove therapist who also counseled a certain troubled young man named Tommy Oliver. After only one session of hypnosis, Dr. Kino-- who was no stranger to magic through her acquaintance with the Power Rangers-- determined that Zedd under a spell. Where for many years people believed he was just truly evil, he was in fact under a deeply placed evil spell that had become ingrained into his personality after so long. Soon after, this knowledge helped the Power Rangers break the spell, and save Larry Zedden from a life he was not meant to lead.

Zedden managed to pull himself away from the seduction of power. He realized what was truly important, and with a little help, the spell placed upon him was broken by the power of love. The love of his daughter, and the love of his wife, saved his soul. Ever since the day of his salvation, Larry has hoped that he could, in some way, pay his debt to those young heroes who endured so much pain by his hand. He hoped that, at least, his life could be a lesson to all those who feel swayed, even in the least, by dreams of power and ambition. Presently, Larry was about to be given that chance he so desired. Tonight, Lawrence Zedden was having a dream.

* * *

In his dream, he saw himself standing upon a cliff, overlooking the slumbering city of his residence. Even though the city looked exactly the same from this vantage point, he couldn't help but feel that it was as foreign as Earth had felt the first day he set foot upon it. He soon realized he was not alone on this cliff.

Sitting upon a dead log was a young man, his head bowed in despair, and his shoulders quaking with frustrated sobs. Larry took a closer look, and realized he recognized this young man. This was Tommy Oliver, the leader of the Power Rangers Zeo; but Larry could tell this wasn't the Tommy he knew-- there was a sort of pain in the boy's hazel eyes that hadn't shown in the eyes of the Tommy Larry knew for a while now.

Larry tried to get the attention of this young man, but all his attempts were futile. Tommy was simply on another plane of existence, and Larry was only able to look in on the goings on. He could not interfere.

What is this I'm seeing? Larry wondered. Is this merely a dream? Or, is this something more...

While he pondered his situation, he saw Tommy's head snap up in alarm. Tommy leapt off the log, and turned to face an approaching figure. Larry turned to follow Tommy's gaze, and was stunned to see a beautiful woman, as pale as fresh snow, approaching them. Larry studied her slim figure, pale skin, flowing hair, and onyx eyes with fascination and confusion.

I have never seen her before, he realized, but she is emitting an aura of power like nothing I've ever experienced before. I was the Supreme Emperor of Evil! I knew everybody who was anybody in the world of malevolence and villainy...didn't I?

Larry listened in on the conversation, in which this mysterious woman used all manner of hormonal, and more subtle magical manipulation, to convince Tommy that they need each other. Larry was deeply alarmed by this.

Whoever she is, she is evil incarnate! Her power signature is astounding, and she's having an effect on Tommy! Doesn't he realize that she's manipulating him?!

Larry watched with relief as Tommy finally ran away, but the fear in the spectral observer's soul still remained.

Tommy has escaped her wiles tonight, but I can tell she had an effect on him. He just may decide to join this woman! If he does, he'll lose everything he holds dear! The power will corrupt him, and blind him from what he truly should care for! He will end up... like I did, when I allowed evil to triumph over me. He will commit atrocities that will scar his fragile soul like knife-wounds, and when he realizes what he has done, he will regret the day he was born...

"Nooo!" Abruptly, he woke up. He was breathing heavily and sweating profusely, frightened out of his mind by the nightmare. His wife rolled over next to him and asked sleepily, "Larry? Is something wrong?"

In the dark bedroom, he hoped she couldn't see his current state of being-- a sweaty, rumpled mess. He tried to make his voice as level as possible.

"No, Leslie. Go back to sleep. I'll tell you about it in the morning."

Unconvinced, but unwilling to protest, Leslie gave him a small smile and rolled over again.

That evil... He hadn't felt anything like it for some time, but all of a sudden, it started pulling at him again. He felt exactly the same way that he had on that day so long ago, when he was first introduced to the life of wickedness. Scared, he was, but not for himself. He was afraid for Tommy, because he sensed that that woman was insidious, with far more heinous a soul than his had ever been.

I've got to save him! Larry realized. This was a vision. I know it's my calling; to save Tommy from this terrible demon. I cannot undo the evil I did as Lord Zedd, but perhaps I can save this young man from making the same fatal mistake I made. I have to ask Zordon to help me seek him out, and send me to that realm to save him. Maybe I should ask Lita to come also... I can see that this Tommy needs help with his dueling sides. Who knows more about that than Dr. Lita, the one woman who was able to help the Tommy Oliver of this dimension balance himself? Just hold on, Tommy, I'm coming to help you. Whatever you do, don't give in to that darkness. Please...

Larry kept on pleading silently, hoping that maybe Tommy would hear him. He didn't want Tommy to ever have to go through what he went through. It disturbed him greatly that the woman was a stranger to him; even though as Lord Zedd, he was acquainted with every powerful villain that existed. This woman was not a part of that group. He couldn't figure out why he didn't know her. Maybe she was from a different universe or time? Perhaps Zordon knows the answer. I will ask him in the morning, and then, I shall find this Tommy Oliver, and save him from a fate worse than death. I owe it to the boy... I owe it to the universe.

As he drifted off to sleep, his only thoughts were of his wife and teenaged daughter Jamie, and how soon he was going to be leaving them. For all he knew, he might not ever see them again after he left his home-- his entire reality-- in the morning.

* * *

The tranquil hum of machinery reigned inside the Power Chamber, the morning after Tommy's frightening encounter with the strange woman. Zordon and Alpha however, still knew nothing of the incident. Tommy had not made contact with them since the previous day.

Alpha V shuffled about, busily finishing up the morning task list, while Zordon stretched out his internal senses to the world, looking for anything out of the ordinary. With a satisfied nod, he turned his attention back to the Power Chamber and what needed to be done that day.

Suddenly, the alarm claxon sounded.

Alpha jumped and shouted, "Aye yi yi, what's the big idea??"

The information poured in. "An energy disturbance in the park region." Zordon said aloud. "It seems to be a female alien, alone, heading north."

"The power from that jewel..."

In Zordon's mind, he saw the striking, flame-colored, walnut sized gem at the woman's throat.

"Yes, I see the reading. That is a Carnelian, a common gem found on several planets in this quadrant. What immense forces power it so is a mystery, but..." Zordon paused, forcing himself to do a double take of the energy readings. "..this woman herself is emanating evil energy to rival that of Ivan Ooze."

If Alpha had had a jaw, it would have hit the floor at that moment.

"Summon the Rangers, Alpha. They must morph and stop this being before she causes considerable damage. I have a feeling she is quite capable of it."

With a string of panicked, nonsensical mumblings, Alpha did as he was told.

In his mind, Zordon gazed at the mysterious visitor as she walked steadily through the park, a determined smile on her pale young face. Her eyes were onyx black and devoid of pupils. Where do I know you from, my child? he thought.

* * *

Alpha stood over the speaker as one by one, the Rangers answered the summons. Adam was first.

^Adam here, go ahead.^

"Adam, we need you at the Power Chamber pronto!"

^I read you.^ said the Green Ranger without hesitation. ^On my way...^

Next, Katherine answered. ^This is Kat, what's up?^

"Katherine, hurry to the Power Chamber, there's trouble in the park!"

An annoyed growl came from the speaker. ^Argh. Fine, I'll be right there.^

Then Tanya responded. ^Come in, Alpha.^

"Tanya, there's a situation in the park. Head for the Power Chamber, and step on it!"

^Oh, sweet mother of... alright, I'm comin', I'm comin'...^

Finally, in a sleepy voice, Rocky answered the call. ^DeSantos residence, to whom are you speaking?^

Alpha started to reply, but then stopped, confused. "Huh?"

^Good morning, sunshine!^ Rocky sang, recognizing the voice. ^Is there a cloud on the horizon?^

"Uh, no, but there's an evil being in the park. Get to the Power Chamber on the double!" They heard the sound of Rocky springing out of bed.

^Come, Robin...^ he cried. ^ the Blue-Mobile!^ and the channel closed.

Alpha turned around and looked to Zordon in puzzlement. "What did he mean by--"

"Never mind, Alpha."

Then Tommy's voice came over the channel. All present were amazed at how exhausted he sounded. ^Tommy here...^

Alpha paused again upon hearing the Red Ranger's voice. "Tommy, is that you? Are you okay?"

^I'm fine, I just didn't get any sleep. What's the matter?^

"A being has appeared in the park. She is emitting evil energy beyond anything we've seen since Ivan Ooze. You all gotta morph and stop her before she hurts someone!"

The channel was silent. "Tommy?"

When he replied, he sounded as though he had just seen a ghost. ^On my way... Tommy out.^

This time, when Zordon and Alpha exchanged looks, they both knew something was wrong.

* * *

The Rangers appeared moments later.

"What's happening?" Adam asked, immediately moving to the control panel and checking the readouts.

"There is an unidentified female in the park." said Zordon. "I am detecting large amounts of dark energy coming from her, but the exact readings are almost off the scale. My data shows she is not human. Observe the Viewscreen."

The screen on the wall lit up to show the familiar greens of Angel Grove City Park; but in the centre of the frame, a woman walked. She seemed yet unaware she was being watched, but there was the confidence in her step of a woman with a mission.

The woman was dressed in a floor-length gown that was parted at the center at knee height. The train rippled like a Manta Ray's wings as she walked, making it seem as though she were floating effortlessly along her path. Her black high-heeled boots hugged her shapely legs and the tops of them were lost under her dress. Her gait resembled a model's catwalk strut. Everyone in the room was captivated by her pupiless, black-hole eyes.

Standing at the back of the group, Tommy shrank back from the screen. His face was a terrified shade of white, and he began to shake his head in disbelief and dread.

"Oh god, no..." he whispered.

The others didn't hear him.

"Where did she come from?" asked Rocky, slightly more serious now.

"Sensors report she appeared spontaneously moments ago. Her energy signature however, is preventing precise readings. The energy residue from her teleportation system is something I have not seen for many many years..."

Tanya gazed at the woman. "If she's not human, what species is she?"

"That is what I am trying to determine. Unfortunately, the sensors are not cooperating. From these readings...." he paused. The rangers noticed the background hum rise slightly as Zordon pushed his computers harder.

" near as I can tell, she is half Eltarian and half--"

He stopped.

"Half what?" Kat asked.

Zordon's voice was quiet. "Half Venusian."

Something clicked in Tommy's brain at that moment. His mind raced back to the previous night when this woman had come to him, gown flowing around her in the moonlight, soft breath in his ear, heavenly scent filling his lungs, and mesmerizing black eyes drawing him in. He had only ever felt that kind of insane pull once before-- when he had first travelled to Venus Island.

Swarming with women more beautiful than the mind could imagine, that place had had a strange effect on him. It had had an even stranger effect on Rocky and Adam, and if Tommy hadn't already been convinced that Kimberly was more gorgeous than all the others put together, he would have gone out of his mind there.

Now, he realized that the woman from the cliff had used the exact same techniques on him that Venusians used on the Blue and Green Rangers, and he found it no surprise that she was one of their kind.

But the things she had said-- the truths she had told that Tommy had been trying to hide for so long-- he simply couldn't ignore. All through the night, he had been thinking about whether or not his friends really did understand what he had once been, and it seemed as though all the healing he had done in the years since Rita's spell had been completely unraveled in twelve sleepless hours.

He heard Alpha asking, "But Zordon, how can that be? No Venusians have been detected leaving the Island recently."

Zordon's voice was more grave now. "I do not understand the correlation Alpha, but the fact of the matter is we must find out what this person wants. Rangers, I would ask you to morph and intercept her as soon as possible."

The Rangers nodded, and all eyes turned to Tommy, who stammered under their gaze. "Uh... right. Come on, guys. It's Morphin Time!"

He faked enthusiasm as best he could, but Adam and Kat at least gave him rather strange looks. They complied however, and moments later, the group was suited up and whisked away to the danger zone.

Zordon watched them go, and shook his head. For some reason, he was sure he should know this woman; and for some reason, he knew she was more dangerous than he could have let on.

* * *

In five successive flashes of vibrant colored energy, the Power Rangers Zeo appeared in Angel Grove City Park.

"Okay, where's the bad guy?" Rocky asked, looking around.

"There." Adam pointed. The woman crested the hill several hundred feet away, and headed straight for them.

The Rangers cautiously stepped back into loose ready stances, but Tommy swallowed nervously. He had a feeling they weren't anywhere near ready for this fight.

It took her no time at all to reach them, and when she was about ten feet away, she stopped, casting her gaze over them appraisingly. Finally, she spoke.

"Greetings, Zeo Rangers. I've been looking forward to meeting you for a long, long time."

"Who are you, and what do you want?" Rocky asked threateningly.

"Just your run-of-the-mill, everyday tourist..." she responded casually, placing her hands on her hips. " to see an old friend of mine. I believe you know him... goes by the name of Zordon?"

The Rangers looked at each other. "What about him?" Tanya demanded.

The visitor looked hurt. "What? Can't I come visit a long-lost pal of mine without being interrogated about it?"

Tanya was about to fire off a retort, but Tommy surprised them by answering first.

"Get to the point, Salacia." he said coldly.

The Rangers stared at him. Salacia smiled.

"He can be taught..." she commented.

"You KNOW this Victoria's Secret Wannabe?" Kat asked, dumfounded.

"We've met before." he answered, afraid to meet the Pink Ranger's eyes.

Before she could question further though, Salacia spoke up again. "Well, it really was nice chatting with you all, but I do have to be going. Are you coming, Tommy?"

Kat's head snapped around. "Over my dead body he is!" she snapped.

Salacia shrugged. "Have it your way."

With that, she snapped her fingers, and seven more bursts of colored light pulsed behind her. The carrier waves dissipated, leaving as many mysterious people dressed in Ranger suits. The Zeo Rangers snapped into fighting stances, all except Tommy, who stood frozen.

"Tommy, what are you doing?" Adam hissed.

The Red Ranger didn't hear. He stood mesmerized by the sight of these new arrivals.

They represented all the colors of the Morphin Spectrum, and more: There was a woman in Blue, a woman in Purple, a man in Yellow, another woman in Black, a man in Red, another man in a Gray costume that resembled Tommy's old white one, and lastly, a girl in Pink. She stood at the far end of the row, standing at least four inches shorter than the rest of them. Tommy briefly got a vision of wide, doe colored eyes like Kimberly's, staring out at him from behind the helmet visor.

Tommy also noticed that the septet's costumes didn't match. They had the token colored bodysuit, helmet, boots, belt and gloves that all Rangers wore, but there were obvious differences-- like the difference between the Zeo uniforms and the old Mighty Morphin Power Ranger costumes. It was as if each of these warriors had come from a different era in Rangering History.

"Zeos," Salacia called out, raising her arms to present the group behind her, "may I introduce to you my loyal Rogue Rangers. We have come a long way, they and I, and now at last we are ready complete our circle with the addition of the eighth and last member..."

The Zeos realized that there was no Green Rogue, and by the way Salacia looked at their fearless leader, they were pretty sure she wasn't after Adam.

With her chin held at a defiant angle, Katherine stepped protectively in front of Tommy.

"Well, you've come a long way for nothing, 'cause he's not going anywhere with you!"

Narrowing her eyes at Kat, Salacia hissed "We'll see about that."

..and the seven Rogue Rangers charged.

* * *

Eagerly, the Zeo Rangers met them and battle ensued. They each found themselves fighting their color counterparts except Tommy-- who fought both the Gray and Red Rogues-- and Adam, who fought the Black and Purple. Tanya, Rocky and Kat fought the Yellow, Blue and Pink Rogues respectively.

As Adam ducked the first two blows from his female opponents, Rocky called out to him, "Some guys get all the luck!"

Tanya sized up her opponent. He easily had 50 pounds on her, but she counted on that making him slow. Testing her theory, she probed with a tentative roundhouse kick to the thigh. He swiftly shielded it though, and a moment later, Tanya found herself on the ground, taken down by a cut-kick to her support leg. She rolled to her feet just as his foot slammed down where she had lay. Whoops, he's smarter than he looks. she thought to herself.

Katherine fared slightly better, taking advantage of the fact that she was almost seven inches taller than her pale pink counterpart. The slight, delicate looking girl could hardly get close enough to get a strike in, still trying diligently to get past Kat's long reach and quick movements. The Pink Rogue proved to be faster though, because as Kat caught the girl's crescent kick against her ribs, the shorter warrior grabbed Kat's helmet, yanked the Ranger's head down and bounced it off her knee. Kat was stunned, stumbling away dizzily, but recovered quickly. With a disgusted scowl, she reminded herself, Never underestimate a midget.

Rocky found himself taking a beating from the Blue Rogue Ranger. She had an impenetrable guard and she always seemed to be able to find a way through his. It took until she landed a square front-kick to his solar-plexus for him to realize he was holding back. What are you thinking, man? This ain't no time to be a gentleman! he said to himself, and waited for her next attack. She had known he was pulling punches, and had taken it for granted. She was surprised when he faded back from her roundhouse kick, and caught her exposed back in a bear-hug. He lifted her straight off the ground in a Suplex, and her not-so-delicate figure went sailing back over his shoulder.

The Purple and Black Rogues were circling Adam, watching for holes in his defense; but whenever they tried simultaneous attacks, he always managed to pull of some elaborate double-defense that stopped them both cold. To his satisfaction, he always managed to get a bruising strike in as well.

But suddenly, the Black Ranger attacked by herself. Adam focused on her and, recognizing her impulsive nature, waited for her to tire herself out with useless blows. He finally caught her sloppy side-kick by the heel and tripped her, making her fall on her arm. He didn't have time to celebrate though, because at that moment the Purple Ranger rejoined the fray and kicked him square in the back. He lurched forward and fell, unprepared for the strike. He shook his head at himself. Smooth move, ex-lax. he thought.

* * *

Salacia stood back from it all. With an exhilarated laugh she gazed at the Rogues and the Rangers duking it out in the field. Some fought better than others on both sides, but so far the entire group seemed evenly matched.

She turned her eyes to where Tommy was fighting Sabin and Keevan, her Red and Gray Rogues. She expected to see him starting to tire out, and thus she would intervene soon, but instead she saw quite the opposite. He looked as deadly and enraged and powerful as ever, swiftly beating back his opponents who were already favoring limbs and attacking half-heartedly. Amazed and delighted, Salacia looked into his mind and saw that he was fighting his enemies as though they were the physical embodiment of the pull she had on him. In his heart she saw confusion, rage, tremendous fear, and at the same time, an undeniable desire to go with her to this place where he she said he truly belonged. It was just the reaction she was hoping for, and she was counting on Tommy's need to belong to win out in the end.

Before her eyes, she saw Sabin slam into the ground, taken off his feet by a debilitating sweep. Keevan was clutching his ribcage a few feet away, and trying to recover before he attacked again.

Standing over Sabin's body, arm poised to strike, Tommy wasn't even thinking-- all he wanted was to obliterate the irresistible urge he felt to leave his "friends", the other Zeo Rangers, and go with Salacia where she said he would be safe and happy. He knew she wasn't to be trusted, but he was tired of fighting the darkness inside. He wanted so badly to be able to say it was still alive-- but that wasn't an option.

Breathing heavily inside his helmet, Tommy prepared to slam his fist down into the gut of his Rogue Counterpart; but just before he did, he felt a familiar iron grip on his raised arm. He whirled to see Salacia standing toe-to-toe with him, her blank eyes shining with intensity. The Red Rogue deflated in relief.

"Look at you!" Salacia hissed.

Tommy was taken aback by her appearance and proximity.

"Look at the person you have become! Powerful, deadly, unstoppable. Tommy you ARE the Green Ranger. Don't deny it anymore! It is time to end this game and go home... go home to where you were destined to live!"

He was holding his breath, trembling with sudden fatigue.

From the other side of the field, Kat caught a glimpse of his red uniform standing unmoving. Forgetting her opponent, she looked to see Salacia standing before him, the Red Rogue lying at their feet watching, and Tommy seeming completely mesmerized into submission. As she watched, Salacia reached up and took his helmeted face in both her hands, her lips moving in some inaudible whisper. In a shimmer of crimson, the Red Ranger demorphed and became Tommy again, staring into the enchantress's eyes with tranquil wonder.

"NOOOO!!" Kat screamed, just as her enemy tackled her in her moment of distraction. They both tumbled to the ground. But, desperate and enraged, Kat threw the girl off her and scrambled to her feet, running toward Tommy.

"Tommy!! Get away from her!!" she cried.

Everyone present stopped and looked up to see what was happening.

Then, strangely, the Rogues disengaged from their battles and stood tall, waiting for something. The Rangers were too surprised to move. Kat ran in what seemed like slow-motion toward where Tommy was. She had almost reached them, ready to knock them apart and break whatever hold the malicious little harlot had on him, when suddenly they were gone-- vanished into thin air. She skidded to a halt, staring in disbelief.

Then one by one, the seven Rogues disappeared also, vanishing in subtle flickers of tinted energy.

They were gone, leaving the Rangers stunned into silence, alone in the park on that sunny spring day.

Her heart sinking in despair, Kat looked down and saw something lying in the grass at her feet. She knelt slowly and picked up the two objects in her shaking hands.

Lying in her palms were Tommy's Zeonizers.

Kat stared at them for a long time until she felt a hand laid gently on her back. She looked up and saw Adam crouching next to her. She couldn't see his face, but his body language spoke shock and sympathy. The others gathered around as well, and they knew they were all thinking the same thing.

How could this happen?

Finally, Rocky broke the silence. He was the first to allow some anger into his mix of emotions.

"Come on. Let's get back and find out what the hell just happened."

They nodded in agreement and Adam and Kat stood.

"Zordon," Rocky said into his communicator. "Stand by. Four to teleport."

And with that, they were transformed into four brilliant columns of Pink, Yellow, Green and Blue energy, and swept away into the bright California sky.