Below is a list of acronyms that are occasionally or frequently used on this site, or may be used in the future. Yes, they are listed alphabetically. (Disorganization... that leads to the dark side.)

AICN Ain't It Cool News -- website managed by movie nut Harry Knowles, on the frontier of publishing often false rumours from unreliable sources
ANH A New Hope -- the original Star Wars, and the only one of the Star Wars movies where success was going to be an issue
BOTF Balance of the Force -- old rumoured title for Episode I
ESB Empire Strikes Back -- the 1980 sequel, where Luke finds out Darth Vader is his father
ILM Industrial Light & Magic -- George Lucas' special effects company, which has more computers than NASA
IMDB Internet Movie Database -- huge source of information, sometimes outdated or incorrect, about movies
MTFBWY May the Force be With You -- tagline that everyone says in the movies
OB1 Obi-Wan Kenobi -- Jedi Knight played by Ewan MacGregor and Alec Guinness
TFN -- Microsoft-sized fan website
THX Doesn't actually stand for anything (name refers to the movie THX 1138); a sound system created by Skywalker Sound, a George Lucas company
TPM The Phantom Menace -- the new Episode I title, announced in late September 1998... or is it?
ROTJ Return of the Jedi -- the movie with the cute teddy bears that throw rocks at Imperial stormtroopers


All original content © 1998-99 Nick "IronParrot" Tam.
Star Wars and all related materials are © Lucasfilm Ltd.
All other content belongs to their respective owners.

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