Screenplay Consultant

Our agency seeks FINISHED SCREENPLAYS of the highest quality. We screen all work via your email synopsis. If we find your story is original and we know of which Studio or Producer or Director will read your work then we will ask to see your entire play. Our job is to secure for you an option. We specifically seek screenplays involving multiple-level complexity ie.., Forest Gump, Field Of Dreams, Star Wars. Creativity and originality are required. Our primary aim in representing you to the media is to enhance the entire culture so develope large ideas of mythic proportion. Please have all work registered with the WGA.

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AAAsh AAAlgaes Screenwriters Garden

If you have a FINISHED screenplay after knowing the craft well, ie.. school, or years behind the desk, send us a synopsis. Please do not contact us if there is no play. Time is precious. Screenwriter?

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