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HamRadio CD Reviews

+Live+ -- Secret Samadhi

Live’s third studio album shows clear signs of growing pains. It’s a nice effort, but it won’t have the incredible radio effect that their previous album Throwing Copper had. That album reached number one on the Billboard charts months after the record hit store shelves. Songs from that album that pushed the quartet from York, PA into the Top-10, were “Lightening Crashes”, “I alone”, and “All Over You”. With these songs an incredible U.S. tour followed in support of the album that gave fans a peak at why they are named “Live”.

From the opening track, “Rattlesnake” to the final song “Gas Head Turns West”, Ed Kowalcyk and company seem to be trying to bring back anthem rock. Not that that’s all bad. But Live is at its best with the their fast paced guitar driven licks, with some ballads thrown into the mix. Anthem rock combines both into one song. Today’s radio doesn’t seem to be up for the challenge. “Lakini’s Juice” the one rock song, seemed to be a departure from the groups usual sound. It’s hard edge surprised me when I first heard the song on the radio. Is this really Live???? The song does kick ass though.

Much of the band’s growing pains seem to be centered around Kowalcyk’s pedantic lyrics. They are not very well thought out. I’d hope they came out of jam sessions like Aerosmith songs seem to come from. The band behind Kowalcyk seem as tight as ever. Most of the songs should be able to translate to the stage well. This is the bands major strength.

I have immersed myself into the album. I won’t review an album until I’ve thoroughly biased myself. Hey I’ve purchased the damn thing!!! A few songs really get me going besides “Lakini’s Juice”, including “Freaks”, “heropsychodreamer”, and “Century” which wins the most interesting line in all of rock music “Everybody’s here, puke stinks like beer”. I can just imagine those early mornings after a huge frat party where everybody has crashed where they were standing a few hours before. The keg has been kicked, and the raw sweat-stained bodies begin to rise with the glaring morning sun. And goddamn’it the puke does stink like beer!!!

Rating: B

Song TitleRating
1. Rattlesnake B+
2. Lakini’s Juice A
3. Graze C+
4. Century A-
5. Ghost B+
6. UnsheathedC+
7. Insomnia and the Hole in the Universe B-
8. Turn My HeadB
9. heropsychodreamerA
10. Freaks A
11. ‘Merica C+
12. Gas Head Turns West C
Visit these Live related sites!!

The Hole in the Universe -- Ed Kowalcyk’s, lead singer of Live, home page. Really nice page. Great graphics. An interesting peak into the mind of the singer. Great features include a diary of the 1997 world tour!!!! Rating: A

+Live+ the official home page. Here’s a great page for fans. Lots of news, photos and music. Check this one out!!!

+Live+’s record company site!!

Here are some fans of +Live+ or SOY’ers if you will, own web pages

Bertrand Brouard

Erica Gruenberg -- She calls herself a freak!! “Will you call her a freak??”

Ken Eschrich

Jon Abramowitz--The Official Cole homepage

Torr Leonard Torr Cure’s page

Chris Wright

Steven Edward Williams

Paige C. Henderson --"edFest '97" Cyber Scrapbook Now On-Line

Updated 04/02/97 2:00 AM

Future site of John Mellencamp’s Happy Go Lucky

Future site of Metallica’s Load

Future site of REM’s Adventures in HiFi

Upcoming reviews of the Private Parts soundtrack, Midnight Oil’s Breathe, and more!!!!!!

Visit these related sites!!

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The Cranberries Official Web Site

Alanis Morrisette’s official web-site

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Visit these Cool Web-sites!!

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HardRock Cafe’s web page

Elisabeth Shue Fan Page-- Well Organized, good links, very tastefull. No nudity. Good pic’s still. Rating: A-

ABC-- A falling network????

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Volume #1, Issue # 4

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