The Following was Dick Warlock's 1998 Christmas gift to me and
 my homepage! I had a bunch of questions for him and he
 not only agreed to answer them but got them back the next
 day! For the uninitiated Dick Warlock played Michael Myers
 in Halloween II and the Assassin in Halloween III: Season 
 of the Witch, along with countless stuntwork parts for the
 Cimema and Television! I hope you all enjoy the session ! 

Dick would you mind giving us a few vital statistics?

Full Name:Richard Warlock Hometown:Cincinnati, Ohio Marital Status:Married Children:3 children Grandchildren:4 grandchildren Education:10th grade (not proud of that) Careers prior to acting:First job, Mac Donalds, sold shoes for Kinney, American Airlines. Current Residence:Northridge, Ca QUESTION Dick tell us a little about how you got started in the movie business! ANSWER It started at a movie ranch in Simi Ca. in 1957. After working there doing live shows for 2 1/2 years I met a man who wrote produced and directed a movie with Marty Robbins (El Paso) titled "Ballad of a Gunfighter" in 1960.He asked me if I was interested in being in the movie and doubling for Mr. Robbins. I've been doing stunts and acting ever since. QUESTION What were your favorite films as a viewer? ANSWER The Creature From the Black Lagoon, Red River, Loving You, King Creole, Jailhouse Rock, Halloween and The Abyss. QUESTION What were your favorite films as an actor? ANSWER H2 and Pumpkinhead. QUESTION Did you do any television ? ANSWER everything from Bat Masterson to Unhappily Ever After. Probably 250 episodes of T.V. QUESTION Dick tell us how the departure from the Michael Meyers character was explained to you in the development of Halloween III? I thought the idea was unique and maybe not a masterpiece but still a creative way to lead us into another theme! What did you think? ANSWER The departure was never explained to me. I was just a stuntguy doing a job.They didn't and don't to this day owe me an explaination. I thought it was very creative also. QUESTION John Carpenter loves to put little tributes in his movies to honor others !To mention a few ..the Donald Pleasance character,Sam Loomis in the ‘other’ Halloweens was named after a character in Hitchcock’s Psycho and the town of Santa Mira in Halloween III is also the name of the town in the '56' classic Invasion of the Body Snatchers ! Are you aware of any other of these Carpenter Tributes? ANSWER I was never aware of the tributes until recently. I didn't know until a year ago that there was such a large fan base for the Halloween series. QUESTION I’m a movie location buff as you can see on my homepage ! Do you remember any of these locations from Halloween III ? (just answer what you can, if done in a studio can you elaborate where it was located ) A. No studio. All location! Q... The opening scene where Harry Grimbridge is running from the car with the“Graysuits”.in it near a highway overpass and junkyard. A.. Intersection of Hwy 5 and Hwy 14 near a junk yard in the San Fernando Valley. (it all fell down and a policeman was killed there in the 94 earthquake).My son Lance was doubling for my partner in the car as we start past the junk yard, stop, back up and pull into the yard. Q...The spot where you pull Starker’s head off ! A...Same location where I tore the mans head off. Q...The square where Tom calls his wife before he heads out to SantaMira and the camera pans to a store front where a bank of Televisions are in the window showing the Silver Shamrock commercial!(it almost looks like the same town square in Halloween 2 where you bump into your son) A...The Square and town were up north in Calif. Can't remember the name of the town. We used the town for the motel, warehouse (interior and exterior), The streets and alleys. I drove almost every car you see running around town. Q...The hospital where Harry Grimbridge is killed.The hospital scene(interior & exterior) was shot in Sylmar Ca. at and abandoned hospital. QUESTION Tell me about some of the cast ! Dan O’Herlihy(I’m really interested in him so elaborate if you can) , Tom Atkins , Stacey Nelkin! ANSWER Don't know a thing about Mr. O'Herlihy. Quiet and to himself. Q...Do you keep in touch with them? A... Haven't seen any of them since that time. Q...Did cast members from any other movies leave an impression on you ? A... Jamie Lee did. WOW !! QUESTION Tell me what you remember about filming on location in the town of Loleta which was Santa Mira in the movie ! I’ve been there and was a bit surprised how depressed the area looked ! Did you actually shoot in the factory(which is a dairy dehydration plant) at all? How long were you in Loleta for the shooting ! How did the locals treat the crew/cast ? ANSWER Loleta that was it ! Neat little place. That's about all I remember.Yes the Dairy was the factory. Stayed I think about 2 weeks. The locals as I recall were very nice to all of us. QUESTION The movie Halloween was of course a masterpiece of Cinema on a low budget, which of course led to the sequels ! Did it bother you that the theme left a very excellent suspense formula and became a basic ‘Slasher Movie’? ANSWER VERY MUCH !!!! That's exactly what happened. The producers wanted to compete with JASON. Michael is NOT Jason. Halloween is NOT Friday the 13th. QUESTION Is there anyway we the fans could contact someone to try and acquirer some memorabilia .Silver Shamrock masks , disks , logos ,props? ANSWER I don't know of anything, anyplace or anyone that can be of help in locating the items you spoke of. FINAL THOUGHTS TO DICK, I don’t know if you are aware how many fans want to see you in Halloween 7 but it is in the thousands and we hope you get the role!!!! Thanks from ......Mr.T's Chamber of Horrors ! FROM DICK, I want to thank a everyone that has been supportive of me since getting on the web. I've only come in contact with a few stinkers. I hope I can do M.M. one more time and that I can do him the way everyone wants to see him. Thanks and God bless, Dick W.

Happy Halloween

ADDENDUM: Well Dick didn't get the part in Halloween 7 as we all know. Money Money Money! If the producers of Halloween 8 just want to make money I could show them how and they'd still have a good film. I hope they put it to rest though. Or as one fan told me maybe pick up with the Halloween III script. MAYBE? Also the town square in Halloween III Season of the Witch that I mentioned above is the very same town square in Halloween II but it is not located in Loleta. It's closer to Haddonfield!