From Sun Oct 20 21:01:47 1996

Here is my contribution to the Halloween Challenge.  I've been
writing all day and my brain turned to mush, so this is what
you get!

Inspired by Ruth.

Behind the Mask
     by Fiona MacDonald

 -- You can email me c/o --

-- Summary:  In answer to the Halloween challenge -- a silly story about a
fairy tale come true. WARNING:  If you do not like Skinner/Scully
stories, please initiate the self-destruct by pushing the  button on
your computer console now.  Thank-you. --

-- Rating: G S    Skinner/Scully romance  --            

-- These characters belong to someone else (CC, et al) who is generous
enough to allow us to play in his world.  No copyright infringement
intended.  Please do not repost, forward or otherwise distribute without
the permission of the author. --


     "Com'on, Scully," Mulder called from her living room.  The
frustration was in her voice as she yelled back.

     "Mulder. . ."

     "We're going to be late, Scully."

     "I hate him,"  Scully muttered to herself.  "How did I let him talk
me into this?"

     Scully hated parties, she hated government functions, she hate
having to dress up in this silly costume for the masquerade.  But most of
all, right now, she hated that she had let Mulder get their costumes.  Sure,
she had done five autopsies in the last three days, but surely she could
have found time to pick up something to wear.

     Gathering the volumous skirts, she walk through to her living
room.  Mulder was dressed as the 'Phantom of the Opera'.  He was
standing in front of the mirror, practicing facial expressions when she
entered the room.

     "If you knew how ridiculous you look, Mulder."

     "Com'on, Scully.  Go with it.  Lighten up and enjoy," he paused as
he turned and saw her.  He let out a low whistle.  "Wow, Scully.  You look

     The dress had a fitted bodice that the full skirt was gathered into. 
The neckline emphasized the gentle swell of her breasts.  Her shoulders
were bare, save for her gold cross.  It was white velvet trimmed with pale
blue ribbons.  Scully had put her hair up, leaving a few strands loosely
curled around her face.  But the look on her face was far from pleased.

     "Cinderella?!  Mulder, really."

     "I thought all girls wanted to be Cinderella, Scully.  And to be
swept off their feet by Prince Charming."  He had that innocent look on
his face.  She took a couple of menacing steps toward him.  "Ok, I take
that back.  There wasn't much choice left, Scully.  Everyone seems to be
going to a costume party of some kind and they all booked their costumes
well in advance.  It was either Cinderella or Bozo the clown."

     "Bozo the clown." 


     Scully sighed, "Come on, Mulder.  We don't want to be late.  But I
have to warn you, like Cinderella, I have to be out of there by midnight. 
I'm in court tomorrow morning at eight a.m."

     Mulder opened the door with a flourish, "Your chariot awaits."

     Picking up her wrap, she walked carefully out of the apartment.


     Scully adjusted her mask again.  Everyone had been given one
when they entered - except Mulder who was already wearing one.  At
midnight there would be prizes for the best costume and then everyone
would remove their masks.  She glanced at her watch.  It was nearly
11:30.  Thanks goodness, she would be able to leave soon.

     Mulder had received the invitations to this annual Masquerade
under his door.  He had taken it to be a sign that another 'source' was
wanting to contact him.  He had left her nearly an hour ago to try and find
the contact.  She looked around the room again and still could not see
him.  As mad as she was with him, it was probably better if see did not see
him before she left.

     The room had become very warm.  Scully had danced a couple of
slow dances and was beginning to find the dress very hot.  She noticed an
open doorway leading to a small balcony and slipped quietly outside.  It
was not until she reached the railing that she realized she was not alone. 
A man leant against the wall to the right of the doorway.  His costume was
that of a buccaneer.  Complete with beard and moustache and a patch over
his right eye, on top of the mask.

     He had seen her the moment she had entered the room on Mulder's
arm.  She was beautiful.  He had felt his chest constrict as he believed that
she could never truly be his.  He had been afraid to approach her.  And
here she was now.  And they were alone.

     He saw the momentary fear in her eyes, but it disappeared as he

     "Allow me to leave you to your solitude,"  he prayed that the
accent he affected would keep his identity secret.

     "No, please don't go because of me.  I just needed to cool down,"
she smiled at him.  "This dress is heavy and the dancing made me warm."

     Scully was surprised by her response.  She did not normally
encourage unknown men like this, but something about this man was
familiar and strangely comforting.  She could hear the sounds of the tango
the band was playing through the open doorway.  Looking up, she found a
star and made a wish.

     "What did you wish for?"  He had joined her at the railing.  The
smile she gave him made him heart pound.

     "If I tell you, then it won't come true."

     They looked at one another for a moment.  It was broken with the
arrival of another couple.  The woman's laughter sounded loud and
raucous.  Scully looked at the man again.  He gestured for her to follow
and they went back inside.  She scanned the room again and still could not
see Mulder.

     The band changed to a waltz and Scully felt a hand gently cup her

     "I would be honoured if I could have this dance with you."

     On the dance floor, he held her just right.  Firmly enough to
control the dance, but not so tight that she felt constricted.  He was very
light on his feet for such a big man.  They started slowly, getting a feel for
the dance and for each other.  Soon they were whirling around the floor
with the better dancers.

     They sat out the next dance, a lively pop tune, and they talked with
one another.  It had been a long time since Scully flirted with anyone, but
tonight she said whatever came to her mind.  She reasoned that it must be
the anonymity of the mask that allowed her to speak her mind so easily. 
She complimented him on his dancing.  And when he told her she was
enchanting, she told him he was debonair.  He told her she was charming
and she replied he was attractive.

     He had hesitated slightly, before telling her she was the most
beautiful woman he had ever met.  She stared at him for a moment.  The
band started to play another slow tune.  He took her hand and once more
they were in each other's arms on the dance floor.  This time he held her
closer and she did not object.  And when his lips met hers, she returned
the kiss.

     At the end of the dance, the M.C. took the stage to announce the
winners of the masquerade.  People moved onto the dance floor.  Scully
looked around the crowd again for Mulder.  She had to leave soon.

     "Mulder's over there," as soon as he said it, Skinner felt Scully
stiffen beside him.  He had decided that he did not want to continue this
'game' with Scully any longer.  He wanted her to know the truth.

     Scully could not believe her ears.  She recognized the voice of
Skinner.  The room began to spin.  Did he know it was her?  He must if he
knew she was looking for Mulder.  She panicked, she had to get out of
here.  Turning, she blindly pushed her way through the crowd.  As the
crowd thinned out at the edge of the dance floor, she broke into a run.  
Skinner did not fair so well.  

     Scully felt the shoe slip off her foot.  She could not stop to get it. 
Barely slowing down, she pulled off the other shoe.  Someone grabbed her
arm and she tried to pull free.

     "Woah, Scully.  Wait for me."

     "Mulder.  Please I have to go."

     "Yeah, I know.  You've got that court case in the morning."  He
looked at her.  Her face was flushed and she was breathing hard.  He did
not notice the shoe she hid in the folds of her dress.  

     "Are you alright?"

     "Yes, Mulder.  I'm fine.  Come on.  We have to go."  Scully
practically dragged Mulder to the door without a backwards glance.

     If she had looked back, she would have seen Skinner pick up the
shoe.  She would have been surprise to see him watch her leave with a
smile on his face.


     "Scully, I don't know why you are making such a big deal out of
this.  Skinners's message said that he wanted to see you in his office.  Not
me.  Go and see him, now.  That's an order."  He added the last as she
seemed about to protest.  She turned and left.

     Scully sure had been acting funny the last couple of days.


     Scully silently entered Skinner's office.  She did not look directly
at him either.  Sitting in a chair opposite his desk, she felt her face grow
warm as the silence continued.  Finally, she spoke.

     "You wanted to see me, sir?"  She still did not look up.

     Skinner rounded his desk and sat on the edge in front of her.  She
looked so lovely.  The blush on her cheeks enchanted him.  He cleared his

     "Agent Scully, please take off your shoes."

     This time she did look up, "Pardon me?"

     "You heard me, Scully.  Take off your shoes."

     Scully slipped her shoes off her feet and watched in amazement as
Skinner knelt before her.  He pulled her shoe from the masquerade out
from under his desk and slipped it onto her foot.  Then he looked up at

     "I have no mask to hide behind now, Dana.  I would tell you,
again, everything I told you the other night if that is what you wish.  If it is
not, Dana, I will never mention this again.  The choice is yours."

     He watched her closely.  There were tears in her eyes as she
reached out to touch his cheek.  He closed his eyes afraid that she would
say no.  Her voice was husky as she replied.

     "Do you know what I wished for that night,"  he shook his head.  "I
wished that I could find my 'prince charming'.  And I did."

     He opened his eyes as her lips met his.  He pulled her into his
embrace and kissed her deeply.  She gave a small sigh and smiled at him
when they parted.

     He smiled back, "I'm glad I sent Mulder those tickets."

     "You sent those tickets?"  Her eyes widened in surprise and
suddenly she started to laugh.  "It's been driving Mulder crazy.  He figured
that someone wanted to meet HIM there."

     Their laughter filled the office.

The end



