Subject:     Crossing the Line 6
Sent:        28/01  11:50 AM
Received:    28/01  9:29 PM
From:        Sharon Nuttycombe,

Crossing the Line 6 - Tempest part 1/2
Sharon Nuttycombe 
May 31, 1996 
 This is the second-last chapter of "Crossing the Line", a Scully
 and Skinner romance.  It takes place in a universe in which
 Avatar never happened.  Part one is still PG-13, but part two
 will (finally) be NC-17.
 I would appreciate any comments or criticism, about story,
 style, or anything else you care to mention.  Thank you. 

 Acknowledgements:  Thanks to Linda Campbell, my co-conspirator
 and unofficial, unpaid research assistant.
 Disclaimer:  Scully, Skinner, and Mulder belong to Chris
 Carter...Do you think if I said copyright infringement was
 intended then the FBI would come to investigate me?  Would they
 look like Skinner...?  Oh no - Canada is out of FBI
 jurisdiction.  Whimper.


                 Crossing the Line 6 - Tempest part 1/2

	Mulder was brooding.  Again.  He rested his chin on his hand
 and stared speculatively into space.  He recognized the
 unpleasant fact that he was becoming obsessed, but couldn't seem
 to help himself.

	Yesterday had been...a shock.  He might have been more
 surprised if a group of extraterrestrials had transported into
 his office singing a selection of barbershop quartet numbers,
 but he doubted it.  Scully and Skinner...

	He had been speechless, yesterday afternoon at the hospital,
 when he had recognized Skinner's as the voice on the phone that
 had informed him that Scully was in the shower.  A shock.  That
 was an understatement.  He had never suspected, never guessed -
 - and he called himself an investigator.  His powers of
 observation were obviously on a level with the produce aisle of
 the local supermarket -- and even potatoes had eyes.

	It didn't help that Scully was avoiding him.  He had missed
 her at the hospital, had returned from his aimless wandering to
 find that she, Jack, and Celeste had gone.  He had hastened back
 to the office...and waited...and waited.  The only visitor had
 been a courier with several truckloads of paperwork for him to
 fill out, courtesy of A.D. Skinner.  Skinner...

	Eventually he had discovered that she had called in to take
 the rest of the day off.  So he had sat at his desk all that
 long, lonely afternoon, forging through reams of file folders,
 and wondering what he would say when next he saw her.  He had
 gone home that evening and stared glumly at the telephone -- but
 hadn't called.  She knew where he was, after all.  If she wanted
 to talk, well, she had his number...

	He was being childish, he knew.  Fine.  What's the point of
 being grown up if you can't act childish?  He was feeling...put
 out.  Not jealous.  Oh no, not that.  He just wished she had
 told him that she was...involved.  He was her partner, after
 all.  Surely she owed him that much.

	"You didn't tell her about Kristin."  His conscience gnawed
 at him.  "True.  But that's different"  "No, it's not," the
 voice inside him shot back.  "Yeah, but..."  This was insane. 
 He was sitting alone in the basement of the FBI Building arguing
 with himself.  "I'm an idiot," he said out loud.

	"I can't argue with that."  Scully's voice startled him out
 of his reverie, and he jumped.  She stood framed in the doorway,
 her expression hooded.  Mulder swallowed.  What was he supposed
 to say?

	Scully braced herself.  She had come to work this morning in
 a foul mood.  The tensions of the last week had finally caught
 up with her, and she felt like someone had scraped every nerve-
 end raw.  Skinner, Mulder's unofficial jaunt to Canada,
 Celeste's false labour...Skinner...It was becoming too much. 
 Scully had always prided herself on her control, but it
 certainly wouldn't take much to push her over the edge today. 
 The oceans of coffee she had consumed hadn't helped; neither had
 the ultra-strength aspirin.  "One word, Mulder," she thought,
 "just one word, and I won't answer for the consequences."

	"Uh, hi Scully."

	"Hi."  Her voice was cold.

	"I missed..."  "Where did...?"  They both spoke at once,
 then stopped.  

	"You first," Scully said.  

	"After you."  There was a brief silence.

	"Okay."  She came all the way in and shut the door behind
 her.  "Sure.  Fine.  Let's start with where you were this
 weekend."  Her adversarial tone surprised even her. 

	Mulder blinked.  "You know where I was," he said, mildly

	Scully narrowed her eyes.  "Yes.  I suppose I do.  How was
 Vancouver?"  The sarcasm in her voice was not lost on him.

	"Wet."  The tension in the office began to rise unbearably. 

	Scully leaned against the wall.  "So.  Catch any sea

	Mulder essayed a weak grin.  "Not even a cold."

	The humour was lost on her.  "Uh huh."  

	Mulder was beginning to feel like a frog on a dissection
 table.  He shifted uncomfortably.  "Look Scully, if this is
 about my trip to Canada..."

	"You bet it's about your trip to Canada."  She pushed
 herself away from the wall and crossed over to his desk, anger
 rising in her voice.  "You ignored Bureau policy and engaged in
 illegal activities in a foreign country.  You didn't tell me
 where you were going.  You made me look like an idiot and you
 got me in hot water.  I had to lie to cover for you, Mulder --
 to the Assistant Director."

	Mulder suspected that the last item on her list was
 bothering her the most.  Had she really lied to Skinner?  Where
 did her loyalties truly lie now?  With surprise, he realized
 that that was part of what was bothering him -- he had trusted
 her unconditionally.  Could he continue to do so?

	"First," he said, trying to maintain his composure, "I did
 not engage in 'illegal activities'.  I took a personal trip
 north of the border, and while there, did a little looking
 around.  There's nothing illegal about..."

	"Mulder," she interrupted, "You were thrown off of two
 Native reservations, were nearly arrested by the RCMP, and were
 'asked politely' to leave the country!"


	"Let me finish.  Worse than that, you ran off without me. 
 Again.  I'm getting really tired of that.  I don't like being
 the last person to know where you are.  I don't like having to
 cover for you to our superiors, and I certainly don't like
 worrying about whether you're all right or lying dead at the
 bottom of the Pacific Ocean."


	"No.  You went too far this time.  Loyalty has it's limits. 
 We have to draw the line somewhere."

	That did it.  Mulder's tenuous hold on his control slipped. 
 She wasn't even letting him defend himself.  "You haven't been
 too worried about stepping over that line lately, it seems," he
 said coldly.

	"Excuse me?"

	"Since we're on the subject of explanations, perhaps you'd
 care to explain what Assistant Director Skinner was doing at
 your apartment on Sunday.  And why you just happened to be in
 the shower?"  He paused expectantly.

	Scully felt as if someone had thrown a bucket of cold water
 over her.  The fine Irish fury she had been working herself up
 to vanished and she swallowed.  He knew.  Of course he knew. 
 Great.  Oh well.  Deal with it and move on...

	"Not that it's any of your business, but there is a
 perfectly logical explanation for that."  She was proud that
 there wasn't a single tremor in her voice.

	"Oh good."  Mulder leaned back in his chair and crossed his
 arms.  "I just love perfectly logical explanations.  Pray

	His sarcasm grated on her, and her temper began to build
 again.  She gritted her teeth.  "We were caught in a rainstorm. 
 He took shelter at my place.  I was cold and took a shower.  You
 phoned.  He answered.  He left.  End of story."  That was all
 true enough, but oh, what volumes it left out.  The sight of
 Skinner standing shirtless in her living room, the light playing
 across his bare chest...all those muscles...Skinner holding her
 close...the warmth of his body...Get a grip, she thought
 fiercely to herself.  There were times for erotic fantasies, and
 this was not one of them.  She stared evenly back at her

	"Uh huh."  There was a note of disbelief in his voice.

	Scully narrowed her eyes.  "What's that supposed to mean?"

	"It means 'uh huh'.  Sure.  Fine.  Whatever."

	She was going to kill him.  She was definitely going to kill
 him.  It would feel so good to pick up the paperweight and start
 beating him with it.  Violence had never seemed so attractive.  

	"You know what I think?" her partner was saying, "I think
 you decided to pick a fight with me about going to Canada, just
 so you wouldn't have to deal with what's obviously going on
 between you and the Assistant Director."

	Her mouth dropped open.  "I did not."  

	"I realize what you do in your spare time is your business
 and that you have no obligation to tell me anything at all, but
 I thought we were friends.  I thought you might have confided in
 me.  And I also thought you had more sense than to get involved
 in another office romance, considering how the last one ended."

	Scully's hands twitched closer to the paperweight.  "That
 was low, Mulder, and I am _not_ involved in an office romance,"
 she said through gritted teeth.  


	"If you say sure, fine, whatever, Mulder, I'm going to kill


	"Fine."  Scully couldn't resist the impulse.

	"Whatever."  He stared back at her challengingly.

	Scully suddenly realized they were both trying to get the
 last word.  This was insane.  Two grown adults, behaving like
 small children.  Fine.  Women were supposed to be more mature
 anyway.  She turned away and crossed stiffly to her desk.

	"I think we've just about exhausted the usefulness of this
 conversation, don't you?"  She sat down and began to sort
 through some papers, not looking at him.

	"I agree."

	She did not respond.  A cold silence descended over the
 office, broken only by the rustle of papers.

                          *     *     *

	A hot bath hadn't helped.  Relaxing nature music hadn't
 helped.  Scully had lit enough exotic candles to start a forest
 fire, and they hadn't helped.  She had tried reading, but Jane
 Austen gave her a headache.  Everything gave her a headache. 
 The sound of her eyelashes gave her a headache.  She had finally
 opened the largest bag of potato chips she could find, curled up
 in front of the TV, and watched everything that was on. 
 Absolutely _everything_.  She had flicked unseeingly through the
 news, cop shows, legal dramas, MTV, The Country Network, game
 shows, prime time soaps, PBS nature shows, infomercials,
 community news, British sitcoms, and The Weather Network. 
 Nothing had helped.  True, she had a much better sense of what
 was going on in her community, had rediscovered that she
 _really_ hated heavy metal, and knew that it was probably going
 to rain tomorrow...but none of that helped the situation she
 found herself in.

	Scully was miserable.  There was no other word for it.  Dry
 waves of unhappiness swept over her at regular intervals, and
 her throat felt tight.  All she really wanted was a warm
 shoulder to lean on and a little sympathy.  She had picked up
 the phone half a dozen times to call Celeste, but had put it
 back each time.  Celeste had enough problems of her own right
 now.  She wasn't going to burden her further.  And of course,
 her mother _would_ be out of town this week.  There was no one
 she could turn to.

	Normally Scully would have phoned Mulder.  He was her
 partner, after all.  He was always there for her.  But not now. 
 Now he was part of the problem.  Her mind replayed their fight
 in harsh, uncompromising detail, and she shuddered.  She
 regretted her  Of course at the time, she had
 wanted to murder him, but she needed a consoling
 shoulder.  And his wasn't available. 

	They had spent the day in frosty silence, speaking to each
 other as little as possible.  They had gone their separate ways
 at lunchtime, and Scully, unwilling to face the rest of the day
 trapped in the basement with him, had found an excuse to do a
 _lot_ of research in the Bureau library.  She had seen no sign
 of Skinner, either, had seen no one all afternoon but Monica,
 the librarian, a tall, willowy woman who always made Scully feel
 slightly frumpy.  Of course, given the state of her mood today,
 frumpy was just icing on the cake.  The agent put another potato
 chip in her mouth and stared blankly at the home repair show
 where a sawdust-covered man was explaining grommets.  What
 exactly was a grommet, anyway?

	The grommet-man eventually finished and a pledge-drive break
 began.  Scully finished the potato chips and crumpled up the
 bag, tossing it toward the wastepaper basket.  Missed.  Of
 course.  What else?  Scully sighed and leaned back against her
 sofa, considering the container of double-deluxe chocolate nut
 fudge ice cream in her freezer.  Tempting.  Very, very tempting.
 She went so far as to get up and open the freezer door then
 stared pensively inside.  She paused.  "This is ridiculous," she
 thought, "I refuse to reduce myself to a cliche."  She closed
 the door with a bang and wandered back to the sofa where she
 wrapped herself in her most comfortable quilt and flicked the
 remote control yet again.

	When her clock chimed two, Scully was in the middle of some
 Canadian show about a vampire who was also a cop.  "Why not?"
 she thought idly.  "It's no less believable than Melrose Place."
 And actually, it wasn't half bad.  At least the vampire-hero was
 easy on the eyes.  That thought led inevitably to Walter
 Skinner, and the way he had looked when...

	Scully groaned and closed her eyes.  She couldn't go on like
 this.  Her work was suffering.  Her friendship with Mulder was
 _really_ suffering.  And she was suffering.  This had to end. 

	Abruptly she leapt from the sofa, untwisting herself from
 the quilt and strode decisively to her room.  She was going to
 talk to Skinner.  They had to come to a solution.  Talking would
 help.  It always did, didn't it?  She ignored the lateness of
 the hour as she pulled on a faded pair of bluejeans and a t-
 shirt.  Action.  That was what was needed.  Face the problem,
 find a solution, and move on.  And she was going to find that
 solution come hell or high water.  She was tired of hiding.

                         END OF PART ONE

                          *     *     *
Crossing the Line 6 - Tempest part 2/2
Sharon Nuttycombe 
May 31, 1996 
 This is the second-last chapter of "Crossing the Line", a Scully
 and Skinner romance.  It takes place in a universe in which
 Avatar never happened. It is (finally) NC-17.  (Everyone has
 been very patient...)
 I would appreciate any comments or criticism, about story,
 style, or anything else you care to mention.  Thank you. 

 Acknowledgements:  Thanks to Linda Campbell, my co-conspirator
 and unofficial, unpaid research assistant.
 Disclaimer:  Scully, Skinner, and Mulder belong to Chris
 Carter...Do you think if I said copyright infringement was
 intended then the FBI would come to investigate me?  Would they
 look like Skinner...?  Oh no!  Canada is out of FBI
 jurisdiction.  Whimper.


                 Crossing the Line 6 - Tempest part 2/2

	Scully stood shivering in the Autumn darkness on Skinner's
 front doorstep.  She had driven straight over, not allowing her
 mind to ponder...anything.  For once in her life, she had simply
 acted.  So now, here she was, feeling like a complete and utter

	"I should go," she thought unhappily.  "What did I expect to
 say to him anyway?  'Excuse me sir, I came over here at 2:00 am
 to tell you that I am incredibly attracted to you, and that you
 probably feel the same way too, given that you kissed me the
 other night.  Except you were drunk at the time and don't
 remember it, so perhaps it doesn't count.  Anyway, I just
 thought I'd drop in to see if we could work something out. 
 Perhaps you'd consider moving to Alaska?  Or getting married to
 somebody?  I know Monica the librarian is available...'"

	A pang went through her.  Even the thought of Walter Skinner
 and...somebody else...hurt.  A lot.  And she knew, deep down,
 that even if he did move to Alaska, or Vladivostok for that
 matter, she would still feel the same way.  Hells, she'd
 probably follow him.   This wasn't going to work.  Scully turned
 to leave.

                          *     *     *

	Skinner set his glasses on the table with a bang.  It was no
 good.  He'd been staring at the same piece of paper for hours
 now, and he still didn't know what it said.  All he could think
 of was a certain red-haired Federal Agent.  The way she moved. 
 Her body...

	Stop it.  He climbed to his feet and reached for the remote.
 A distraction.  Any distraction.  Of course, at this hour, the
 chances of anything good being on tv were slight.  A quick spin
 through the channels proved him correct.  Infomercials, more
 infomercials, a bad movie made in the seventies, and some damn
 vampire-cop show.  Skinner flicked the television off irritably
 and, coming to a quick decision, reached for his coat.  Some
 fresh air, no matter how late the hour, seemed to be in order. 
 Quit kidding yourself, Walter.  You know you're going to drive
 by her apartment.  Skinner scowled and told the voice in his
 head to shut up.

                          *     *     *

	The door opened.  Scully froze in mid-turn as her boss
 appeared in the doorway, carrying a coat.  He too stopped and
 they stared wordlessly at each other.  Scully's heart caught in
 her throat.  

	Neither knew who took the first step, but suddenly they were
 only inches apart.  Skinner did not hesitate, did not think...he
 dropped his coat then slid his arms around her waist, unwilling
 to question whatever quirk of fate had led her here.  Her body
 melded willingly against his.  He dipped his head toward her
 mouth, finally succumbing to the impulses he had been combatting
 for what felt like a lifetime.  

	Scully forgot why she had come, forgot everything but the
 sensations flooding over her.  At his first touch her every
 nerve burst into flame and she quivered in his arms.  When his
 lips descended brutally on hers, she did not flinch, but
 returned the kiss with equal hunger.  

	He deepened the kiss, tilting her head back, his tongue
 roughly demanding an equal response from her.  Her lips parted
 and she gasped as he probed deeper.  Her body arched against his
 as his hands roamed over her back and buttocks.  He pulled her
 yet closer, her breasts crushing against his chest.  Scully
 moaned in the back of her throat, her legs beginning to buckle.

	Abruptly he reached down and lifted her, pressing her body
 tightly against his.  She wrapped both legs around his waist,
 her tongue still duelling with his while he somehow backed up
 into the house and kicked the door shut behind him.  He braced
 her against the wall, desire throbbed through him.  Scully's
 senses exploded when he bent his head first to her throat and
 then to her breasts.  Suddenly she had no patience for this. 
 She wanted him _now_.  Her fingers moved of their own accord to
 his shirt and she fumbled with the buttons.  Impatiently he set
 her down and pulled the shirt over his head.  Scully caught her
 breath as she ran her hands over his bare chest.  She had
 wondered what all those muscles would feel like, and now she
 knew.  He immediately dipped his head back down to hers,
 scorching her mouth.  It took him only a moment to remove her t
 -shirt and bra.  He slid his hands over her ribs then moved
 upward to cup her breasts, ravaging her mouth while pressing
 every inch of himself yet closer.  She could feel his hardness
 through his jeans.  Scully found she could no longer breath. 

	Skinner felt her tremble, and a stray flicker of sanity
 pierced the desire that was threatening to engulf him.  He
 should stop.  They should stop.  He looked down at her, her lips
 parted and bruised, her eyes dark with passion.  Stop this now,
 he thought, while you still can...And then she arched her body
 against his and ran her fingers down to the edge of his
 waistband...and sanity bid him a fond farewell. 
	He swept her up again and she clung to him, locking her
 limbs around his hips.  He carried her to the bedroom and set
 her on the bed.  Scully tightened her grip on him and dragged
 him down with her, rolling on top to kiss him deeply, her hands
 moving freely over his shoulders and chest.  She reached down to
 unbutton his jeans, sliding them over his hips, then removed his
 underwear.  Skinner paused a moment to drag his socks and shoes
 off, then turned his attention back to her.  It took him only a
 moment to remove the rest of her clothing.  Scully twisted
 sinuously on top of him, glorying in the feel of his naked body
 against hers.  She had wanted this for so long, had dreamt of
 him for what seemed like forever...

	Skinner was losing control.  He tried to draw back a little,
 but she wouldn't let him, her own needs dictating the pace.  She
 moaned and slid her hands lower, and then there was nothing but
 need and desire.  They were no longer Assistant Director and
 Federal Agent but only two people who needed each other

	He ran a hand over the inside of her thighs, then moved it
 higher, and Scully's fingers tightened on him.  She whimpered,
 and gasped for breath.  Then, with a sudden twist, their
 positions were reversed and, without pausing, he drove himself
 deeply into her, groaning.  Scully cried out, arching upward to
 meet him.  She wrapped both legs fiercely around his waist, her
 body straining to match his every move.  Oblivious to everything
 but sensation and need, Skinner plunged into her again and
 again, angling her rocking hips so he could bury himself ever
 deeper into her.  The force of his thrusts left them both
	He slid his hand between them and caressed her.  A tremor
 ran through her, then Scully called out his name as waves of
 desire crashed violently over her, dark lights exploding behind
 her eyes.  Her fingers tightened on his shoulders and her nails
 dug into his skin.  Skinner stiffened.  A savage shudder went
 through him as he gasped and emptied himself into her.  He
 buried his face in her hair, groaning her name while Scully
 clung helplessly to him, her breath coming fast against his
 cheek and tears forming on her eyelashes.  Then he collapsed,
 his full weight settling on her.  Silence slowly descended.  

	Scully quivered violently, aftershocks rippling through her
 frame.  Gasping for air, his heart racing, Skinner tried to
 withdraw, ease his weight from her a little...and found he
 couldn't.  He couldn't move, couldn't breathe, could barely

	"I'll get off in a minute," he managed to whisper hoarsely.

	Her arms unconsciously tightened around him.  "Take your
 time."  Her voice was thin and ragged.

	For an eternity they did not move, then strength began to
 return to the Assistant Director, and he slowly withdrew, to
 collapse once more beside her.  His breath was still coming in
 short gasps.  He could feel her shivering against him, the cool
 air beginning to chill both of their damp bodies.  With hands
 that shook, he managed to reach down for a blanket and dragged
 it around them, pulling her even closer into his arms. 
 Together, their hearts resumed a more regular pace.

	Scully blinked tiredly, then closed her eyes.  She felt...
 shattered.  That had been...there were no words.  Actually there
 were words, but they were generally used to describe cosmic
 events like the birth and death of stars or _really_ powerful
 explosive devices...If she had to describe this, she'd probably
 have to use the Richter scale.  And even that didn't go high
 enough.  She clung tiredly to Skinner, her limbs entangled with
 his, unable to move.  

	Sanity slowly returned to the Assistant Director.  It came
 back, took a quick look around, and decided to head out again
 for a quick pint or two.  Skinner didn't miss it.  He didn't
 want to deal with what they had done, didn't want to become the
 Assistant Director again.  He just wanted to hold the woman
 beside him...for a little longer.

	An lifetime passed.  Finally, when he knew he could delay no
 longer, Skinner reluctantly opened his eyes.  Scully's face was
 flushed, her body still damp with sweat.  For a moment he
 delighted in the feeling of her nestled closely against him, one
 hand resting on his chest, the other folded around his
 waist...but then he saw the bruises on her lips and the streaks
 of tears that marred her face... and remorse shot through him. 
 What had he done?  He had just brutally attacked the woman
 he...No.  Don't say it.  Don't think about it.  Just lie here
 quietly, and maybe the world will go away.

	It didn't.  Hesitantly, Skinner brought a gentle hand up to
 brush away the dampness on her cheeks.  Her eyes opened, her
 lashes brushing against his fingertips and she gazed at him
 blankly.  There was no recrimination in her eyes, only a sort of
 stunned surprise.  No wonder.  He probably looked the same way. 

	Scully felt dazed.  She had just had one of the most...
 significant...experiences of her life, and it was with someone
 she shouldn't be with.  For a moment she wondered why.  Why
 shouldn't she have slept with Walter Skinner?  Her mind went
 blank and then she remembered.  The FBI, her career,
 professionalism, lines that shouldn't be crossed.  Ever.  A
 familiar pain clutched at her heart and she knew it was
 reflected in her eyes.  The expression on his face changed, to
 something very like guilt.   Her pain increased.  She wanted
 nothing more than to lie here in his arms and wake up beside him
 tomorrow morning.  But she couldn't.  Circumstances, pride, and
 her sense of duty wouldn't let her.  Slowly, Scully began to
 gather up the shattered remnants of her self-control, preparing
 to draw away. 

	Skinner watched her withdraw mentally and a piercing wave of
 pain swept over him.  What had he done?

	"Dana," he said hoarsely, realizing it was almost the first
 word either of them had spoken since she had arrived on his
 doorstep.  "I...I'm sorry."  Her eyebrows arched in surprise.  

	"Sorry?"  There was a note of disbelief in her voice.  The
 pain in his chest increased in magnitude.  "Sorry for what?" she
 asked, her retreat momentarily halted.

	Skinner swallowed.  "I should have been...gentler.  Slower. 
 I never asked..."

	A look of relief crossed her face and her lips curled upward
 in a faint smile.  "Slower would have been less...that
 were..."  She was beginning to babble incoherently.  Take a deep
 breath, Dana.  She did.  She started again.  "Fast was...good. 
 Better than good.  I...didn't want you to slow down."  This was
 ridiculous.  She was blushing.  After what they had just done,
 she should have been beyond blushing.  The look of relief in his
 eyes made her feel better though.  He truly was...wonderful.  In
 more ways than one.   Which brought her back to her original
 problem.  She had just slept with her boss.  What was she going
 to do?

	Skinner watched the momentary amusement fade from her eyes,
 to be replaced by a look of anxiety and guilt.  Guilt he
 understood.  The larger issues were beginning to crowd in on him
 too.  He had just slept with someone under his direct
 supervision.  What was he going to do?  

	Scully began to slide backward out of his arms, her face
 reflecting her emotional maelstrom.  And suddenly, the pain in
 her eyes was more than he could bear.  He pulled her back into
 his embrace and whispered:

	"Wait.  We need to talk."

	Talk.  Yes.  They needed to talk.  But she couldn't seem to
 concentrate, considering...everything.  Walter Skinner was more
 than a little distracting at the best of times.  Now...naked,
 well, it would be like trying to ignore an out-of-control high-
 speed train headed straight toward her, all whistles screaming.

	"I should go."  Her voice was no more than a whisper.

	"No.  Not like this."  Without thinking about what he was
 doing, Skinner bent his head once more to her lips, kissing her
 infinitely more gently this time, determined to prove that he
 was more than the madman who had attacked her at the door.

	For an endless moment, Scully did not respond, then she
 quivered slightly and her lips parted beneath his.  Skinner held
 himself firmly in check, caressing her lips lightly with his
 own, but the kiss nevertheless held more than a little
 desperation.  Skinner knew that it was coloured by fear -- fear
 that she might leave him -- but he couldn't seem to suppress the
 emotion.  He had spent a lifetime controlling his feelings, but they were getting away from him.  Tentatively, he ran
 his fingers down her body, exploring the curves that he had
 missed the first time around.  

	Scully hesitated.  They shouldn't be doing this...shouldn't
 have...but she couldn't help herself.  Where Walter Skinner was
 concerned, she had less control than a fighter jet without a
 pilot.  Whoever was in command of Dana Scully had obviously
 bailed out without a backward glance and was rapidly
 disappearing over the horizon.  She was running on automatic
 pilot again, and she couldn't find it in her to care.  She slid
 her arms sensuously around his ribcage.

	Skinner was gently but firmly deepening the kiss when a
 stray thought sliced through his mind, and he pulled away from
 her with a jerk.  Scully's eyes flickered open in surprise.


	Skinner pulled even further away.  What had he been
 thinking...?  "I didn't...that is...I...didn't use any
 protection."  He came to a stumbling halt.

	For an instant Scully paled, her grip on him loosening, then
 her mind ran through some rapid calculations, and a look of
 relief flitted across her face.  "It's okay," she said.  "It
 should be okay."  She paused, then continued, seeing the
 stricken look on his face.  "It's not your fault.  I...I didn't
 think of it either."

	That didn't help.  Skinner still felt like a...well, there
 were no polite words for what he felt like.  Irresponsible,
 selfish dolt.  That was the least of them.  He must have been

	Scully cast him an strained half-smile.  "Don't worry," she
 said softly, pulling out of his arms and wrapping the blanket
 more tightly around her, "I suppose the only thing wrong with
 either of us is a complete lack of...patience."  Her voice rose
 slightly at the end of the sentence, making it into a question. 
 Skinner stared guiltily at her.  

	"Yes.  Only a lack of patience.  Nothing else."  He didn't
 miss the brief look of relief that crossed her eyes.	

	"Yes.  Only that."  They stared at each other, the mood
 effectively broken, passion and need no longer colouring their
 thoughts.  With the return of reason came the knowledge that
 they were going to have to face what had happened.  They
 couldn't ignore what was going on anymore.  Skinner and Scully
 stared silently at each other, a myriad of emotions playing over
 their faces.

                          *     *     *

	Scully paused a moment, then awkwardly wrapped a blanket
 around her body and eased herself from the bed.  It was probably
 too late for modesty, but old habits died hard.  Skinner did not
 move, but watched her silently, with troubled eyes.  Then he
 reached for his jeans.

	Scully averted her gaze and bent down to retrieve her
 clothes.  She followed a trail of garments back out to the
 living room, some his, some hers, then she vanished into the
 bathroom.  Once there she ran the cold water and stared at
 herself in the mirror.

	She looked like she had just emerged from the other end of a
 three-day orgy.  Her lips were swollen and slightly bruised, her
 hair rumpled, and her eyes dark with shadows.  She shivered and
 looked away, then rubbed cold water over her face.  

	Okay.  She couldn't avoid the issue anymore.  Actually, the
 issue had just walked up and thumped her on the back of the
 head.  Hard.  It was time to face facts.

	Celeste had been wrong.  Sleeping with Skinner -- *sleeping 
 with Skinner, oh my god, what have I done?* -- had not helped. 
 She couldn't think any more clearly now than she could half an
 hour ago.  They still had to work together, still had a
 supervisor/employee relationship.  This hadn't helped at all; it
 had only made things worse.  *But it had felt so good*.  Scully
 grimaced and stared at herself once more in the mirror.  She had
 to talk to him as she had originally planned, had to find some
 sort of solution.  And she really had to stop talking to

                          *     *     *

	Skinner found his shirt by the door and pulled it over his
 head.  All he was missing now were his socks.  Where...?  Oh
 yes, under the bed.  He returned to the bedroom and was reaching
 underneath for them when Scully appeared in the doorway.  He
 slowly straightened, and they stared at each other awkwardly. 
 The silence between them grew.

	Scully was the first to speak.  "I'm missing a shoe." 
 Inside, she cringed.  Of all the things to say...

	Now that she mentioned it, she was standing a little
 lopsided.  Skinner tore his gaze from her and cast his eyes
 around the room.  There.  Beneath the chair.  He bent and picked
 it up then crossed the room to her.  Wordlessly he held it out.

	As she took it, their fingertips brushed, and Scully
 shivered.  Something flickered behind Skinner's eyes, and then
 they were several feet away from each other again.  Scully
 looked down at the shoe in her hands and shifted uncomfortably
 from one foot to the other.

	"I'm..."	"We..."  

	They both spoke at once, then fell silent together.  Scully
 looked up and met his gaze, unhappiness evident in her own.  "I
 didn't plan this when I came over here," she managed to say
 evenly enough.

	"I believe you.  I didn't intend to do...what I did."

	Scully drew a deep ragged breath.  "We should talk."

	"I agree."

	This was insane.  They were behaving like two polite
 strangers.  Again.  After all that had happened.  Life couldn't
 get much more bizarre.  She drew another deep breath.  "Okay. 
 I'll start."  He waited expectantly.  "I guess we could say
 we're both...fairly attracted to each other."

	Understatement of the century, Agent Scully, he thought

	"I suppose...this was sort of inevitable," she continued. 
 "And we are two consenting adults..."  Very consenting, it would
 appear.  "But we're also both professionals.  We still have to
 work together."

	"What exactly are you saying?"

	She squared her shoulders.  "I'm saying that we may have
 crossed the line, but that we don't have to remain on this side.
 Things can be as they were..."  As they were?  With herself
 hiding in the basement and launching unprovoked verbal attacks
 at her partner, and her senses rioting every time she laid eyes
 on the Assistant Director?  Even now, her gaze lingered
 appreciatively on his chest through the open front of his
 shirt...Scully bit her lip and pulled herself back together. 
 "We need to behave as professionals.  And nothing more."
	Skinner felt a brief, irrational flare of disappointment. 
 For an instant, only an instant, he had wanted her to forget who
 they were, had wanted...But no.  She was right.  Of course she
 was right.  

	"I agree," he said.  He was proud of his voice.  It gave
 nothing away.  As usual.  They might have been discussing the
 weather.  He could feel the walls around him beginning to

	Scully nodded, fighting the absurd sensation of sorrow that
 passed through her.  Of course she was right.  But then why did
 it feel so wrong?  Suddenly, she felt very, very tired.  She
 bent and slid the shoe over her foot.  It was time to go.  Time
 to try to salvage whatever professionalism still existed between
 them.  She turned to leave.

	"Dana."  His voice stopped her in her tracks.  "You're
 right.  About everything..."  There was a pause.


	"But I'm not going to say I'm sorry."  She looked up at him
 in surprise.  He continued.  "Oh yes, I'm sorry about...well,
 I'm not normally so out of control like that...and I'm sorry
 about the lack of precautions...but I'm not sorry."

	For some absurd reason, Scully was suddenly filled with a
 sensation of joy.  He wasn't sorry.  Why should that make her
 feel so happy?  The same problems still existed, and they had
 just compounded them...exponentially.  But...he wasn't sorry.  A
 small smile crossed her face.

	"Goodnight, Walter."  

                          *     *     *

	The fleeting moment of happiness faded as soon as Scully
 crossed the threshold and closed the door behind her.  She
 leaned against it for a long moment.  So much for not hiding
 from the situation.  She was still hiding, perhaps now more than
 ever.  She braced herself.  She was doing the right thing. 
 Wasn't she?  Then why did it hurt so much?  Scully couldn't
 answer that question.  Blinking hard, she pushed herself away
 from the door and walked out once more into the cold, empty

                          *     *     *

	Skinner watched her go and did not move to stop her, even
 though a part of him cried out to.  She had to come to her own
 decisions, as did he.  The thought came unbidden to his mind: 
 "You're letting the woman you love walk out the door."  A shock
 rippled through him.   Love?  What he felt wasn't love. 
 Passion, desire, lust, maybe, but not love.  He didn't love Dana
 Scully.  Did he?  Only silence and the deepening chill of the
 room answered him.


