Subject:     NEW:  Odyssey 1/12
Sent:        31/01  11:16 AM
Received:    31/01  6:14 PM
From:        Sharon Nuttycombe,

Hi Adam.

As requested, here is what I've finished so far on "Odyssey".  Thanks!


Odyssey part 1/12
Sharon Nuttycombe 
July 18, 1996 
And now for something completely different...This is a
Scully and Skinner action/adventure story.  There is a
little romance, but it is not related to my former story,
Crossing the Line.  (There will be a sequel to Crossing
the Line, but this is not it).  

RATING: R (for violence)
KEYWORDS: Skinner/Scully Story

SUMMARY:  When Mulder disappears in the Caribbean, Skinner and 
Scully are drawn into a web of intrigue and danger.
I am a permanent resident of the State of Denial --
"Avatar" never happened.
I owe a huge debt of gratitude to Alistair Maclean's "The
Golden Rendezvous".  OK - I shamelessly stole his ideas,
but I made lots of changes.  Honest.  This is an homage...
I also apologize for any liberties I may have taken with
the Caribbean.  One can only do so much research with
Fodor's travel guides...
I would appreciate any comments or criticism.  Many
Acknowledgements:  Thanks to Linda Campbell for racking up
a huge phone bill helping me plot this monster, for
refusing to let me pack it in when the going got
tough...and for finding answers to REALLY esoteric
Disclaimer:  Scully, Skinner, and Mulder belong to Chris
Carter.  I don't own them, I'm only borrowing them for a
while (But do I have to return Skinner?  Can I keep him,
huh Chris?  Please...?)
                          Odyssey part 1/12
A man in a grey business suit walks through the park,
stopping to watch some ducks in a pond.  After a few
moments, another man appears and closes the distance
between them.
SECOND MAN:    You're late, Senator.  (He speaks with a
               trace of an accent.)
SENATOR:       I had difficulty getting away.  I think I'm
               being monitored.
SECOND MAN:    Do you have it?
SENATOR:       Yes.  What are you going to do with it?
SECOND MAN:    That's not your concern.  Give it to me. 
The Senator reluctantly removes a large, buff-coloured
envelope from his inside coat pocket and hands it to the
other man who flips it open and scans the pages inside.
SENATOR:       (Desperately)  You've got what you wanted. 
               Now give me the photographs.
The second man does not speak.  Instead, he pulls an
envelope from his jacket and hands it to the Senator who
looks inside then closes it, a look of relief on his face.
SENATOR:       We're finished now.  I don't expect to see
               or hear from you again.
SECOND MAN:    (Smiles menacingly.)  You won't.
The Senator puts the photographs inside his coat and
leaves.  The other man watched him soundlessly.  Camera
follows the Senator, who stops when he is out of sight
around some trees to light up a cigarette.  Abruptly his
hands begin to tremble.  The cigarettes fall as he
clutches at his chest then collapses.
The other man emerges from behind the trees and regards
the body for a moment.  He bends to withdraw the envelope
from the Senator's coat, then picks up one of the
SECOND MAN:    Thank you for doing business, Senator. 
He lights the cigarette, inhales deeply, and walks away
into the deepening shadows.  The camera zooms in on the
Senator's body.
"The Truth is Out There"
                         *     *     *
Scully enters carrying a bag of groceries.  She removes
her coat and begins to unpack them.  There is a knock at
her door.  She peers through the peephole then opens it to
reveal the three Lone Gunmen.
FROHICKE: (without preamble) Have you heard from Agent
SCULLY:   No.  He's taking some time off.  Why?
LANGLY:   Do you know where he is?
SCULLY:   He didn't say.  Just left a message on my
          answering machine to feed Wilbur and Orville, and
          that he was going to be away for a few days.  
LANGLY:   He's in Nassau.
SCULLY:   Nassau?   
LANGLY:   It's in the Bahamas.
SCULLY:   I know where Nassau is.  What's he doing there?
BYERS:    Have you ever heard of the Odyssey?
BYERS:    Not surprising.  Until a week ago, it was one of
          the most closely guarded secrets in the intelligence
SCULLY:   Go on.
LANGLY:   (sitting down)  Last Monday we intercepted a
          transmission from persons unknown regarding the
          Odyssey.  This morning a high-ranking government
          official who was mentioned in that transmission
          turned up dead.
FROHICKE: They made it look like a heart attack.
SCULLY:   Senator Caine?  (Picks up a newspaper - it is the
          front-page story)  You're suggesting that Senator
          Caine was a spy?  Or a traitor?
BYERS:    Not suggesting.  Stating.  He was one of the few
          people whose name has been linked to the Odyssey.
SCULLY:   (sitting down)  All right.  What exactly is the
LANGLY:   It's an American passenger liner based in the
BYERS:    It's also the cover for an ultra-top-secret
          operation which has been in place for years.
SCULLY:   What operation?
FROHICKE: The Odyssey regularly sails from Nassau to Puerto
BYERS:    The edge of the Bermuda Triangle. 
SCULLY:   (Quirks an eyebrow) The Bermuda Triangle.  I
          should have known.  
LANGLY:   Listen to us.  Agent Mulder is in danger.
SCULLY:   (Frowns)  What sort of danger?
FROHICKE: He went to Nassau to investigate the Odyssey.
          (Picks up the newspaper.)  This, however,
          indicates that whoever is behind this operation
          is aware of the leak, and is trying to plug it.
LANGLY:   They'll stop at nothing to keep this secret.
          Including killing Agent Mulder.
SCULLY:   (Exasperated)  What secret?  You still haven't
          told me what's going on.
BYERS:    We've managed to piece together some information
          over the years.  We believe that the Odyssey is
          being used to secretly transport alien weaponry
          from a downed UFO, located somewhere in the
          Bermuda Triangle.
LANGLY:   Which could also account for many of the odd
          occurrences in the area, from faulty magnetic
compasses to unexplained...
SCULLY:   Right.  A UFO.
BYERS:    You must believe us, Agent Scully.  This
          organization has already eliminated Senator
          Caine.  We believe Mulder is next on their list.
FROHICKE: This morning we obtained this.  (Hands her a one-
          page computer printout.  She reads it and looks
          up in alarm.)
SCULLY:   Where did you get this?
LANGLY:   From the office of the Assistant Director of the
          FBI to Odyssey Cruises in Nassau.
SCULLY:   Skinner?  I don't believe it.
BYERS:    Believe it.
SCULLY:   I can't.
FROHICKE: Are you willing to risk Agent Mulder's life on
SCULLY:   (Pauses and looks at the memo).  No.  (Picks up
          her phone and dials).
FROHICKE: What are you doing?
SCULLY:   Calling the Bureau.  They owe me some vacation
Camera zooms in on the printout lying on her table.  It
says:  "Situation regarding C resolved.  Could not
intercept M at airport.  Deal with situation your end.
Authorized to use any means necessary.  W.S."
                           *     *     * 
Scully arrives at the airport.  She does not see a man
dressed as a tourist following her.  He boards the
airplane and sits several rows behind her.  He opens a
magazine and begins to read, glancing at her occasionally.
                            *     *     *
Scully arrives in Nassau and discovers that Mulder had
booked himself into several hotels, but has not checked in
to any. The booking agent for Odyssey Cruises confirms
that he purchased a ticket and that it was picked up by
someone answering Mulder's description.  Mulder has also
made reservations in hotels on several islands in the area
and has purchased tickets for a multitude of flights from
one island to another.  He was obviously being cautious to
the point of paranoia.
As the Odyssey steams into port that evening, Scully
begins to feel that time is running out.  Not knowing what
else to do, she boards the ship.  As she does, she notices
the man who followed her from Washington, watching her
from the quay.  Their eyes meet briefly, and he quickly
looks away.  As she continues to gaze at him, he turns and
leaves.  As soon as he is out of sight, he dials a number
on a cellular phone.
TOURIST:    She's just boarding now.  Yes, Sir.  Right away.
He ends the call and walks away.  Behind him, the setting
sun backlights the Odyssey.
                            *     *     *

Skinner is reading some reports when his phone rings.
SKINNER:  Skinner.  Yes.  Yes, I understand.  Yes Sir.  (He
          hangs up and buzzes his secretary.)  Get me Agent
KIMBERLEY:He didn't show up for work this morning.
SKINNER:  Then send up Agent Scully.
KIMBERLEY:She called on the weekend and asked for some
          vacation time.  She won't be in either, sir.
SKINNER:  (His jaw tightening).  Did either of them mention
          where they're going?
SKINNER:  I see.  Thank you.
He releases the intercom button and retrieves his pencil.   
After a moment he tosses it down in anger.  He picks up
the phone and dials first Mulder's home number, then
Scully's but reaches only their respective answering
machines.  He hesitates, then dials again.
SKINNER:  This is Skinner.  I want a trace put out on the
          location of Agents Mulder and Scully.  Yes.  As soon as
A short while later, his phone rings again.
SKINNER:  Yes.  Are you sure?  Right.  Thank you.
He hangs up then buzzes his secretary again.  
SKINNER:  Get me Odyssey Cruises.
                            *     *     *
Skinner walks through the deserted underground garage to
his car, carrying a briefcase.  Three large men in suits
step out from the shadows and surround him.  One man steps
forward, backlit by the garage lights so that his features
are in shadows.
SKINNER:  Let me guess.  You're from the Intelligence
          Community, right?
MAN:      You've been making inquiries into Odyssey
MAN:      So I suggest you stop now, and recall your agents
          before events take an unpleasant turn.
SKINNER:   What agents?
MAN:      Don't play games with us, Mr. Skinner.  Agents
          Mulder and Scully are treading on very dangerous
SKINNER:  You'll find they don't intimidate easily,
          gentlemen.  And neither do I.  If you'll excuse
He shoulders roughly past them and unlocks his car door.
They step aside and watch him leave expressionlessly.
Inside the car, Skinner dials his carphone one-handed.
SKINNER:  This is Skinner.  Book me a seat on the next
          available flight to the Bahamas.
                             *     *     *
          END OF PART ONE

Sharon Nuttycombe

--"I have as much respect for the chain of command as the next guy.
--Only if you're standing next to Fletcher Christian." -- Adderly

