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All characters, names, and settings are property of Warner Bros. They are used here for fun and were not used in anyway to receive profit.

"Hush My Darling "
Part One

Story opens at County Memorial. Carol Hathaway is standing across the hallway from an exam room, biting her nails nervously. Show Mark Greene emerging from the room. Carol walks up to him quickly

Carol: Mark can I talk to you for a second, in private?

Mark: (looks at Carol's somewhat panicked face and becomes concerned) Sure, (gesturing to another exam room, not the one that he just came out of) In there okay? (Carol nods goes in and sits down while Mark shuts the door) So what's on your mind?

Carol: What I'm about to tell you can't ever leave this room. It's just between you and me.

Mark: Okay.

Carol: Promise me you won't tell anyone, especially Doug.

Mark: Carol, I promise, what is it?

Carol: Okay you know Doug and I have been going out for a few months again and about a month ago... Mark I think I may be pregnant.

Mark: Oh my Lord Carol...

Carol: I'm only telling you because I can't work with the chemotherapy treatments and stuff until I find out the pregnancy test results. You know what I mean?

Mark: Well, yes of course. Um, and you haven't you talked to Doug about any of this at all?

Carol: No! Why the heck would I have told you not to tell him if he already knew!? I've actually kind of been avoiding him the past couple weeks. He would know something was wrong if I were around him. He knows me too well.

Mark: Okay. When are the test results due?

Carol: Tomorrow afternoon.

Mark: Okay then I'll make sure that you aren't involved in any chemo treatments etc. and we'll need to tell Kerry too.

Carol: Okay. Thanks Mark. They're supposed to call me down here when the results are in and I'll let you know as soon as I can.

Mark: Okay. How many other people know?

Carol: The only other person I've told is Susan, but I do need to go see Kerry now.

Mark: Carol, you look exhausted. Why don't you take it easy for a while. I'll go and talk to Kerry for you.

Carol: Thanks. Right now taking a nap in the lounge sounds like the best idea in the world.

Mark: Then you go do that. You look tired and worried. Just relax for a while.

Carol: (get's up and walks towards the door) I will and Mark?. And please don't tell Doug. I don't want him to know yet, even if I am pregnant.

Mark: I won't tell him but I think you should. He has a right to know.

Carol: I don't even know if I am pregnant. I'm not going to get Doug all worked up. There's no telling what he might do. He's been doing so well this past year and I don't want to do anything to slow him down.

Mark: Whatever you want but eventually he's going to know, whether you are pregnant or not, and I think he's going to feel a lot worse as it is with Susan, Kerry, and I knowing before him.

Carol: Mark, I'm not even sure if I'm pregnant. Why don't we just wait till the test results come in before we go around getting people all exited especially if his name is Ross.

Mark: Whatever you want.

Carol: Thanks. I'll see you around. (exits the room)

Cut to: Doctors lounge, the lights are off and Carol is laying down on the couch sleeping. Her hair is a tangled mess and her face is tear stained. Doug enters the room and is about to flip on the lights when he sees Carol lying there. He looks at her face and then walks over to her and places a hand on her arm. She stirs and opens her eyes.

Doug: Carol what's wrong?

Carol: (still half asleep) Doug? What do you mean what's wrong?

Doug: You've been crying, you look an absolute wreck. What happened?

Carol: (waking up and trying to find an excuse her behavior) I was um, I was watching ‘Sleepless in Seattle' and I guess I fell asleep. It's just been a long day.

Doug: (not believing her) Uh huh. Listen Carol, you've been avoiding me for almost two weeks now. Would you mind telling me-

Carol: (looking at her watch suddenly) Oops. I need to get back to work. My break's up.

Doug: Carol-

Carol: (stands up and hurries towards the door) I've got to run! I'll talk to you later! (slams the door behind her

Doug: (to himself) Damn it! Well that was a big success.

Cut to: Locker room later that day. Doug and Mark are both in there changing out of their scrubs and into their regular clothes. No one says a thing for a moment but then Doug breaks the silence.

Doug: Mark? Can I talk to you for a second?

Mark: Sure, what's on your mind?

Doug: Have you talked to Carol lately?

Mark: (clearly uncomfortable) Um, yeah. I talked to her this morning. Why?

Doug: Did she seem strange to you at all? Upset or anything like that?

Mark: Um, no. We just talked about her work schedule and she seemed fine to me. Why?

Doug: Did she mention me at all?

Mark: No! For heaven sakes would you please answer my question!

Doug: Oh, sorry. Well earlier today I went into the lounge to get something to eat and Carol was lying on the couch sleeping. But her face was tear stained and she looked awful. When I tried to talk to her she got all flustered and ran off. She hasn't really talked to me at all in the past couple of weeks.

Mark: Did you do or say anything that might upset her?

Doug: No, not that I know of. That's why it doesn't make any sense. I thought that if something was wrong she'd tell me. I just don't know what...

Mark: Have you considered the fact that she may be very confused and vulnerable right now? I mean I've noticed that your renewed relationship has been moving pretty fast. Maybe she just needs some space and time to think.

Doug: Well I guess that is a possibility but I love her, I want her to tell me when something's wrong, to trust me, to let me in on how she's feeling. When she starts acting like this I feel so shut out and confused myself!

Mark: Like I said, maybe you should just give her some space and wait for her to come to you when she feels ready.

Doug: You know Mark, sometimes you really pull through. Thanks. (gets up and leaves the room)

Mark: Anytime, man, anytime.

Cut to: Nurses station the next afternoon. Carol is standing by the phone going through some files looking nervous and uneasy. Kerry Weaver walks up behind her.

Kerry: (quietly and gently for a change) Carol?

Carol: (turns around, slightly startled) Oh, Kerry you scared me.

Kerry: Sorry. I was just wondering if you were okay. I talked to Mark and...

Carol: Thanks, I'm fine. A little anxious perhaps but other than that I'm great.

Kerry: Good. Just let me know if you need anything okay?

Carol: I will. Thanks again.

Kerry: Sure. (turns and goes back to her own work. Carol does the same)

Jerry: (coming down the hall) We need a nurse to help with a radiation treatment in 5.

Carol looks tense but sighs with relief when Haleh says:

Haleh: I'll take it.

Carol goes back to her papers and the phone rings.

Carol: Hello, Cook County General Hospital. (there's a pause as she listens to the voice on the other end) Okay. I'll be up in a moment. (hangs up the phone and goes over to Kerry) Kerry, the results are in. I've got to run upstairs.

Kerry: Okay. Good luck.

Carol: Thanks.

Cut to: Carol sitting in the waiting room on one of the upper floors. One of the nurses comes out and sits down beside her. The camera zooms in close to them so we can hear what they're saying.

Nurse: Well, we got the test results back and...

Carol: Yes?

Nurse: You're going to have a baby.

Carol: (stunned) Are you sure?

Nurse: (smiles) We're usually pretty sure about these things yes. (studies Carol's face and her smile turns into more of a look of concern) I take it by your reaction that this wasn't something that was planned was it?

Carol: (forcing herself to smile) No, it wasn't but hey, I'm going to have a baby.

Nurse: (smiling once again) Congratulations. (hands her some papers and a bottle of pills) Now these are the prenatal vitamins. They should be taken... (her voice fades off and the camera closes in on Carol's face which is one of shock, nervousness, and a little bit of happiness.)


Part Two