If you're interested in writing fanfiction, contact me at: sammy3@ix.netcom.com

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All characters, names, and settings are property of Warner Bros. They are used here for fun and were not used in anyway to receive profit.

EDITOR'S NOTE: This story is definitely for mature audiences only. It contains some content that will undoubtably offend some people. Send your comments to CodeBlueER@aol.com and not to me. Thanks. -John


THE CONTENTS OF THIS STORY MAY BE OFFENSIVE TO SOME READERS. This story deals with a violent sexual act and an emotional aftermath from it. THE DETAILS GIVEN TO THE EVENTS IN THIS STORY MAY NOT BE SUITABLE FOR YOUNG READERS. Every once in a while, a writer needs to test their own creativity by creating something you wouldn't think of in your worst nightmare. The idea for me as a hobby writer to create something like this for a character I love as much as I love "Doug Ross" would have to have a personal meaning. Maybe I just would love to see Doug that wounded as George Clooney plays that part of him so well...or that I would just love to Carol pamper Doug this way. And even if I can never see it on "ER", I can see it in my mind when I write. Hope that makes sense.

Please know that a normal and healthy mind created this story. And know that sending this story to you, should you be reading this now, has taken more courage than I have ever had in the past. If you are reading it, please just accept it for the entertainment value it was meant for. And although I can't promise for sure how long it will take, most likely there will be a sequel to this story as there is much more to cover with it than touched upon in this one.

The characters in this story are not mine and no money is made by me for the use of them in this story.


Opening Act