College Profiles of the Apache Tribe

This new page will detail the lives of the Apache Tribe in their new college environs. It's still under construction, but here's what we've got so far.

John is currently enrolled in Bard College, in the lyrically named Annandale-On-Hudson, New York. In this hotbed of zany liberal art freex, he has found a bunch of kindred spirits, maybe a little too kindred. His wacky roommate Farley almost instantly became a trusted friend, and hallmates like Hardcore Dan, a fan of Septic Flesh, irk him in a friendly way daily. His time at Bard has been punctuated, as usual, by a string of girls who dislike him. His time at Bard has brought a new goal into sight, one that may or may not ever be brought to fruition: to be a fashion designer, like Gianni Versace and Calvin Klein. (His thing for Kate Moss continues unabated.) He does not get out enough, and lives a Greek Tragedy-like existence: all action happens offstage.

Eamonn goes to Quinnipiac College in southern CT. He wrote a profile, I'll get to it eventually.

Antti goes to Lehigh University.

Minh goes to Dartmouth College.

Tim goes to Haverford College.

Jason is a student at Carleton College in the cultural mecca of the Western Hemisphere---Northfield, MN. Never heard of it? Get out more often, you! Currently, Jason is hard at work with his nerd studies in the hopes of fulfilling his tentative plan to attend medical school. By doing so, he'll soon be en route to performing strange and unlawful experimental surgery on the unsuspecting public. He has made many new friends out here in Minnesota, all of whom son muy chillin'. His immediate task at hand---to assassinate Antti Koskelo for the sake of the American way.

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