The first 230 SIGNS

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  1. When you are using illegal substances, you are AT the party scene.
  2. You want to go to the beach, smoke, write in your journal and listen to Radiohead.
  3. You don't trust the UPS anymore.
  4. When you pass a fish tank, you look.........nobody is on the other side.
  5. You reenact the death scene with your friends at least once a day.
  6. You reenact the death scene in your room alone every night.
  7. You spend hours thinking up R+J merchandise---"Montague and Capulet guns", "Romeo and Juliet clothing line", "The 'Fair Verona' play-set (dolls included)".
  8. You know all of Mercutio's dance moves.
  9. You consult your English professor for further insights into the movie.
  10. You used to check the Internet everyday to find out when the second soundtrack was coming out.
  11. You suddenly have an obsession with angels, Catholic imagery, and bright Hawaiian shirts.
  12. When you get a letter from a friend, you jump up and down and scream, "News from Verona!".
  13. When you see people arguing, you just have to jump in and scream, "Poor fools, you know not what you do."
  14. Your ideal spring break would be a trip to Mexico City.
  15. You have the name "Montague" or "Capulet" shaved into the back of your head.
  16. You think it would be funny to cast Arnie as Romeo---"Wake up, Juliet. You're hiding. Wake-----UP-------."
  17. You buy a Mexican cross ring because you think it looks like the "and" sign from Romeo "+" Juliet.
  18. When your girlfriend tells you to leave her room, she has to study, you say "Will thou left me so unsatisfied?"
  19. Your standard greeting for friends each morning is "good morrow!"
  20. You refuse to date any guy who would not die for you.
  21. Thy switch off between listening to R + J 68, 96 R&J Volume I, Volume II and Radiohead’s song “Exit Music” on CD.
  22. Thy constantly listen to the Romeo and Juliet soundtrack. Even when you are sleeping, you are listening to the soundtrack. Then, you wake up in the middle of the night hearing, "Love me, love me, say that you love me."
  23. Thy went to see the movie Ransom for a second time just so you can see the preview of Romeo and Juliet again. (B tried this, but another preview was show-The preview was Harry Flynt)
  24. When watching TV, thy cannot wait to the commercials for that rare chance to see Marvin's Room advertised and see Leonardo DiCaprio say his line, "I'm sorry I burned down the house." (something like that)
  25. Thy constantly visit this site, almost every hour. (Well, I admit-I do)
  26. Thy have called Entertainment Weekly's Studio store asking if they sell any Romeo and Juliet merchandise. (did that yesterda,but they don’t have anything)
  27. Thy call all of your local music stores asking, "Is the Romeo and Juliet Soundtrack Volume II out yet?" (Courtney does this, but maybe not every day)
  28. Thy constantly visit THIS SITE making sure that they have not changed the release date of R&J on video to rent, April 8th. (I am paranoid)
  29. Thy take inventory at your local music store to see how many R&J soundtracks (Volume I + II) they have sold. (admit)
  30. Every links to a R&J, Leo or Claire site in a search engine is in the "vlink" color. (almost for B)
  31. Thy have read the screenplay to R&J numerous times. (I keep reading it)
  32. Thy cut out every advertisement for Romeo and Juliet and put it in a scrapbook. (What a good idea)
  33. When thy are alone (like in the shower), thy act out part of the play Romeo and Juliet out loud.
  34. On papers, you call yourself Juliet Capulet or Romeo Montague.
  35. Thy have an email address that relates to Romeo and Juliet. (I do )
  36. Thy visit Yahoo News daily and every other up-to-date news search engine searching for keywords "Romeo," "DiCaprio" and "Claire." (where else do you think I find my news)
  37. Thy have noticed in the '68 version that the Capulets are the aggressors with the 1st battle sequence, but in the '96 version, the Montagues start the rumble.
  38. Thy start renting and watching every movie with an actor from Romeo and Juliet in it. For example: Poison Ivy (Leo), Little Women, (Claire) Foxfire, (Dash Mihok) Scream, (Jamie Kennedy) Die Hard 2 (John Leguizamo) and Hackers (Jessie Bradford).
  39. Thy have seen the movie: The Pest with John Leguizamo. (I have seen it and it is hilarious)
  40. Thy have bought Henry Mancini’s Greatest Hits so you can have the instrumental version of the Love Story Theme from Romeo and Juliet ('68) called "A Time For Us." (Bought it Saturday from Best Buy)
  41. At least once a week thy spend a long night looking at every R&J site to see if each individual webmaster has updated their site.
  42. Thy have become attached to your "thick white robe."
  43. Thy have gotten out your old Hawaiian shirts from your trip to Hawaii and wear them thinking that they are in-style.
  44. Thy have bought and hung the R&J poster in your room. (B-has it up)
  45. When it rains late at night, you keep thinking that Romeo is going to come through the balcony.
  46. Thy have been playing pool more often.
  47. Thy have watched every movie version of R&J and have bought their soundtracks.
  48. When you want to get away from everything, thy drive to Mantua.
  49. Every morning you hear nightingales singing.
  50. Thy are counting down the days to when R&J comes out to buy on video. (I have a counter on the site telling you the exact countdown time)
  51. Every time thy talk about thyself you use "thy" instead of "I." (just kind of like this list)
  52. Thy have dreamt that you took a picture with Leonardo DiCaprio in front of Cinderella Castle in Walt Disney World Florida, and your mother took the picture. (I dreamt this)
  53. Thy email everyone in your guestbook more than 7 times to tell them about updates on your site. (I really didn't mean to do it 7 times)
  54. Thy play dead, when your parents want you to do something that you really do not want to do.
  55. Thy want to get the poster tattooed on thyself.
  56. Thy have seen R&J more than 100 times. (someone actually told me this)
  57. Every cop you see you call them "Prince."
  58. When you got pulled over by a cop you said, "Prince, I don't know what thy do?"
  59. Next Halloween you will be the young King Arthur or and Angel.
  60. Thy are determined that if you see every picture still relating to scenes in R&J in chronological order, you believe that you have seen the movie again.
  61. Next year your French name will be "Juliet." (Someone told me that their name is already “Juliet”)
  62. Every time thy look over something high (like a balcony) you belt out the words, "O' Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?"
  63. Thy have begun to smoke thinking it is cool. (I cannot stand the smell of smoke and I do not promote smoking)
  64. If thy do smoke, thy have vowed never to do it at a gas station.
  65. You have gotten all of your toy guns out and are pretending to kill the Capulets.
  66. OUT with Cops and Robbers, IN with Capulet v. Montague.
  67. Thy send all of your mail way in advance.
  68. When you die, you want many candles around you at your funeral.
  69. Every time you wake up from sleeping, you quickly yell, "I am here Romeo. I am alive. Don't drink the poison."
  70. You try to separate thyself from thy enemies.
  71. Thee are seriously considering changing thy name to Romeo Montague or Juliet Capulet.
  72. Thee art considering marrying the person who changed his/her name to Romeo Montague or Juliet Capulet.
  73. Thee goes and watches every movie starring Leonardo DiCaprio or Claire Danes then mesh them together in your mind.
  74. Thee have downloaded so many pictures of Leonardo DiCaprio or Claire Danes that thee can make a home video of his life by putting them in "slideshow."
  75. You have make a shrine on your bedroom wall for the movie Romeo and Juliet and all its players. (someone told me this)
  76. You dressed in makeup and a dress and danced like Mercutio at a recent party. (some 16 year old guy emailed me and told me this)
  77. If you have a Romeo and Juliet ScreenSaver running on your computer.
  78. If when you go to a look through magazines to see if there is something having to do with Leo, R&J, or Claire.
  79. Thee have Romeo and Juliet movie scene wallpaper all over your room.
  80. You go around calling your friends Tybalt, Mercutio, and Rosaline.
  81. You decide to marry at 14.
  82. You go out on your room's balcony each night searching for a secret lover.
  83. You almost kill yourself trying to reenact the roles from the death scene in your school play. (someone told me that they know someone who went to far with their acting and they are now a vegetable for the rest of their life)
  84. You do not answer to anyone unless they call you “Romeo” or “Juliet.”
  85. You recite the words from the movie .... all day long. (I (B) can honestly say that I was playing volleyball one night and I (B) was reciting R + J while playing)
  86. You cry hysterically after reading the part in the play where Romeo dies.
  87. You wear wings or armor to school.
  88. You just rented That Thing You Do or Courage Under Fire just so you can see the R + J video premiere. (I (B)rented That Thing... Last night)
  89. 5 out of 6 of your psychiatrists recommend you stop thinking about Leo’s ass in the movie.
  90. You wear sunglasses in the day and cry out asking for Rosaline to come back to you.
  91. You walk out onto your balcony, eventhough you don't have one.
  92. You bite your thumb at your teachers.
  93. You have a costume party every night by yourself and you act out all the roles at once.
  94. You go to the next town's seven 11 and ask for poison.
  95. You go to the nearest elevator and click on the top and bottom floors non-stop till you puke.
  96. You decide to move to Verona Beach....only to find out that there is no such place.
  97. You stalk Leo and Claire by calling them and reciting lines from the movie.
  98. You just cannot help but call your cousins kinsman.
  99. You listen to the soundtrack while brushing your teeth with a Leo brush.
  100. Thou has Romeo + Juliet pictures taped on your computer screen and on the hard drive (I have a pix of Leo taped on my computer hard drive)
  101. Thou has all of your spiral notebooks for school with pictures of Romeo + Juliet on them
  102. You register yourself as one of the character from R + J
  103. Thou nicknames people either, “Romeo” or “Juliet”
  104. Thou reads outrageous lists about how other people suffer from the disease of romeoandjulietilocious
  105. You own a copy of R + J for every character in the play and in each copy you have highlighted all that character’s lines and call it their script
  106. When thou sees a large banded silver ring, you see if “I love thee” is engraved on the inside (Kayreen actually did this when her sister showed her a ring)
  107. Your wallpaper in your room or dorm room is a mixture of R + J pictures and posters
  108. Thou purchase 2 of each R+J posters just in case something should happen to the first ones.
  109. When thy friends ask thou to go somewhere thou don't want to go, thou always quote Romeo and bellow, "But tis no wit to go!"
  110. Thou cover thy binder for school/etc with quotes from thy favorite play, R+J.
  111. Thou have written thy own words to Young hearts run free ("Young hearts, let go, never be hung up, hung up on Leonardo...")
  112. When thou go to nightclubs and hear Young hearts run free, thou imitate Mercutio's funky dances moves and do the "eye thing" (in which Romeo wakes up next to Juliet, dreaming of shooting Tybalt) in the appropriate place.
  113. Thou notice the names Romeo (but not Montague) and Juliet (but not Capulet) in the paper when reading the state places for the year 12 final exams (a friend did this and called me and said "gee I wonder if they're going out???")
  114. Thou search high and low for a copy of the 68 R+J and when thou arrive at the last video shop in town and find the one & only copy already rented out, thou scream "I am fortune's fool!"
  115. Thou develop a sudden attachment to that old song "Just like R+J" (does anyone know this song? "our love's gonna be destroyed by tragedy, just like R+J"?).
  116. Thou begin to notice lines from songs that mention R+J (like Don't fear the Reaper - "R+J are together in eternity").
  117. Thou sit in class and sigh, "Did my mind drift till now? Forswear it, hey, for I never felt true boredom till this day"
  118. Thou dream of Leo on the Oprah Winfrey show doing an act-a-thon (my friend dreamt this).
  119. Thou have danced with a poster of Leo (or Claire).
  120. Thou have devised a way of listening to "Kissing You" like it's played in the movie (ie echoing, in-the-bathroom kind of way) by twisting the headphone plug on thy Discman out a little (sounded really good!!!).
  121. Thou become insanely jealous when thou realise one of thy friends actually has a balcony.
  122. Thou have read the short story upon which R+J the play was based (where the families are the Montesches and the Capellets).
  123. Thou take thy R+J book to Sydney just in case Baz Luhrmann is there autographing books at a shopping centre or something (someone carried it around for 2 days....).
  124. Thee try to bribe the video store clerk to let you rent R&J when they just got a shipment of copies in even though they aren't renting them out yet (this was before th official release date).
  125. Thee watch all of leo's movies and then sit and complain that he isn't acting very much like Romeo.
  126. Thee watch reruns of MSCL on MTV and try to distort Claire's character to make her like Juliet
  127. Thee plan on seeing TITANIC just to see Leo do some romance.
  128. Thee plan on seeing Les Miserables hoping to see some romance.
  129. Thee know about Leo and Claire movies years before they are due to come out in theaters
  130. Thee pretend you are pregnant with Leo's baby, or maybe that's signs you are obsessed with Leo?
  131. Thou names your dog "Romeo," "Juliet," or "Tybalt."
  132. While watching the movie (Romeo and Juliet) you pretend that you're Romeo or Juliet--taking the place of Leonardo DiCaprio or Claire Danes.
  133. You memorize the whole script.
  134. You decide to become an actor or actress just so that you can act as Romeo or Juliet.
  135. You call your boyfriend or girlfriend "Romeo" or "Juliet"
  136. You have a huge party inviting everyone, hoping that you'll meet your true love.
  137. When your boyfriend dumps you for a "prettier girl," you say to him, "Young men's love lies not truly in their hearts, but in their eyes."
  138. While singing at your school concert, you sing the words from songs from the R+J soundtrack, not the song you're supposed to be singing.
  139. You say to your enemy, "Thou art a villain!"
  140. Thee become obssessed with candles and angels.
  141. Thee hire a nurse.
  142. Thee make a ring with “I love thee” on the inside.
  143. Thee by a huge fish tank hoping to find true love
  144. Thee decided to have a huge party with fancy dress and you dress as an angel or knight.
  145. Thee got hold of material that looks like a shroud and cover yourself with it at night.
  146. Theehave the fiery heart logo from R&J tatooed on your chest.
  147. Thee are dying for drama club to put on R&J so you can audition.
  148. Thee yell "a plague o'er both your houses" to people who make you mad, even if there's not two people involved.
  149. Thee faint when someone says they haven't heard of R&J.
  150. Thou art already planning your Halloween party.
  151. Thou wert the first person in your town to rent the movie (yep, I think so).
  152. Thou bought Volume 2 and Radiohead’s OK COMPUTER the day it came out (of which I am guilty on both counts).
  153. You bought the TEEN magazines in order to get all ten postcards.
  154. You had a Romeo and Juliet Viewing Party the day it came out on Video to rent.
  155. Watched the opening sequence in the ten minute interval between breakfast and leaving for school. ( I watched the movie just before thou wert going to take it back while eating dinner, just watched the gas station scene)
  156. Watching it immediately upon arriving home from school. (I listened to the soundtrack CD first until I had my viewing party).
  157. Awakened the entire household at 6 in the morning while listening to track #2 "O Verona" while getting dressed for school. (I was playing it in the car as soon as I got it and I was shocked of how LOUD it is)
  158. You plan on naming your daughter Juliet Claire or Juliet Verona and your son Romeo.
  159. You decide how Leo play each and every male role you see.
  160. Your planning on directing your own Romeo and Juliet movie.
  161. You buy items (such as pillows with your initials monogrammed in them) for your room that makes it look like Juliet's.
  162. Every inch of your locker is covered with Romeo and Juliet pictures.
  163. Your liceanse plate will be "Juliet," "Romeo," "Montague," or "Capulet"
  164. Thou art a webmaster of a Romeo and Juliet site (Thy know that thy art).
  165. Thou have vowed to see Titanic when it comes out on December 19th.
  166. Thou wants to buy a Titanic T-shirt with Leonardo on the front. (not one yet)
  167. Thou writing a Romeo and Juliet soundtrack 2 review in your school newspaper.
  168. You went looking for the pink pyjamas Juliet wore when she was found 'dead' after drinking the poisson. I actually went to several stores, but couldn't find one that even resembles it.
  169. You've tried blackmailing the video shop to sell you the first copy of R+J for $200............. (I have tried and not suceeded, even for that amount[I'm getting desperate!!!!])
  170. You threaten to dump your boyfriend if he doesn't recite lines from the pool scene late at night after a party, with you in your swimming pool.
  171. You name all your soft toys with characters from R+J and act out the lines with your favourite teddy as Romeo.
  172. You dream of directing the film with all the same actor's and actresses except for Claire Danes. Instead of her being Juliet, you have casted your best friend.
  173. You taped Entertainment Tonight for the preview of Titanic and watch it over and over again (seen it 17 times already)
  174. When you hear of a bad review of the movie, you take it personally.
  175. You want to rent a house just because it has a balcony
  176. You have ever written Oprah Winfrey (Oprah) saying you had cancer and your only dream in life was to kiss leo.
  177. Y ou kiss your computer monitor everytime Leo's picture comes up.
  178. If even the teachers in your school know about your obsession.
  179. If you have made an audio tape of the movie so you can listen to it when you can't watch it
  180. If you have over 750 posters/pictures of Leo Claire, and the other players of the movie.
  181. If you are planning on starring in and directing your own updated Romeo and Juliet
  182. If when you go up to someone and you start talking to them and if for once you don't mention the movie or someone in it, they faint from shock.
  183. Y ou know every single line from the movie, and can say it exactly along with the movie, including pauses, crying, etc.
  184. You order so much R+J merchandise you get yourself into debt by the hundreds.
  185. You find ways to incorporate the lines into your everyday speaking (i.e. If you are mad at someone who is trying to talk to you, you say, "Speak not to me, for I'll not hear a word, do as thou wilt for I have done with thee.")
  186. While studying the play in your english class, your teachers asks you to take over the class because you know more about it.
  187. The local video store is always calling to remind you that the video 'Romeo and Juliet' is overdue and you are being billed daily for it.
  188. Everytime you here the last three songs on Romeo and Juliet Soundtrack volume 2, you start crying. (B has a habit of doing this)
  189. You beg your parents to brake the seal everytime you rent Romeo and Juliet from BlockBuster so you have to buy it.
  190. Every other day, you call the movie store and find out when Romeo and Juliet will be out to buy (August 19th-stop calling).
  191. The bookstore knows you by name because you go in there frequently looking for Modern Day Romeo, MSCL, the book, and Romeo and Juliet screenplay.
  192. You know both volumes of the soundtrack by heart. (B does)
  193. When you have a party, you watch the video the night before and make sure that everybody that comes wheres the exact same costumes as the people in the movie at the Capulet Party.
  194. You beg the city council to change the name of your city/town to Verona. (I should do this)
  195. You walk into a gas station and get the urge to reinact the gas station scene. (nope, sorry, not me)
  196. Your family offers to pay for you to get psychiatric help.
  197. You recite movie lines so often that everyone you know, knows them also.
  198. You own a duplicat of all of the movie outfits and costumes.
  199. When you meet your true love, you encourage your parents to start feuding.
  200. Thou hast a reputation for knowing all about the movie that people from all over the globe contact you to ask questions (always happens to me).
  201. Thou art writting or are planning on writting a book on the movie entitled: Romeo + Juliet: The Obsessors Know-All.
  202. Even though illegal, you dubbed the movie because you were broke from rental late fees & you couldn't wait til it comes out.
  203. Thou asks your parents to change your last name to Capulet/Montague
  204. You've started a R+J newspaper or magazine (I should do this).
  205. Thou hast taken a poster of Leo + Claire together, put a mirror over one of their faces then look in it to see your face with them
  206. Your name is "(fill in your name here)"
  207. When announcing you name for student of the month, they added that you were having a Romeo and Juliet party that day over the loudspeaker for the entire school to hear.
  208. Your buddy has been cast as Romeo in the skits they're doing in drama (and gets to act out the balcony scene because the teacher knows it's his fave).
  209. Thou hast memorized the poetry that Romeo says in the beginning of "Introduction to Romeo" on the second album and recite it with him i.e.
    "Why then O brawling love, O loving hate?" you know you do it.
  210. Thou knowest the exact time you can see Leo's butt in the movie.
  211. Thou plan a trip to Verona just to see Verona's wall and act out the balcony scene (someone's friend that is actually doing this).
  212. Thou kept and cherish your movie ticket from R + J.
  213. Thou cannot wait until Pay-per-view shows R + J on May 11th.
  214. Thou art planning on watching R + J on Pay-per-view even with the squigly lines through the picture (that’s always fun).
  215. On Wednesday May 21st you will be counting down the hours until B Waltters Young Hollywood special is on (too bad-Tiger Woods was on instead).
  216. Thou hangs onto any reports of the Titanic's release date. You desperately want the movie to come out in July (Oh well-got to wait to Dec. 19th).
  217. When you get your TV or Cable guide you look to see if any movies starring Leo or Claire will be on. Such searches are for "Basketball Diaries" and/or "Little Women."
  218. You watched Pay-per-view for a half hour waiting for a preview of R + J to come on. (B did that on 5/28/97)
  219. When your parents tell you to do something you don't want to do, you get some water and you color it blue and drink it!
  220. You plan on naming your kid's first name Juliet or Romeo and their middle names, Capulet or Montague!
  221. You make your mother watch the movie with you (my mom saw it with me).
  222. Your parents now call you Romeo or Juliet because they're afraid your goinng to start yellinng at them if they don't!
  223. Your friends have your teacher take your real name out of the gradebook and put Romeo or Juliet.
  224. You start taking voice lessons so you can sing like Quindon Tarver.
  225. You want to have your basketball team changed to the Montague Panthers or the Capulet Cats.
  226. The whole town knows about your obsession.
  227. Forget Nikes or Rebooks, you want a pair or Montagues or Capulets.
  228. You make your 4 yr. old brother learn the the part of Tybalt.
  229. You have your computer desktop wallpapered with pictures from R&J.
  230. All things listed under FAVORITES or BOOKMARKS have to do with R&j, Leo or Claire.