The Amy Grant Chapman HomeSite has chosen ICQ as its prefered communication method between members. It allows members to talk to members when ever they wish. To be able to get in contact with fellows to meet one another and share ideas, concepts and anything else they may want to talk about. We are encouraging all members to get ICQ then email us with their ICQ number so we can add it to the list below making it easy for other members to contact you if they would like to. All Amy Grant Chapman members are included in the list below by default if you would like to be excluded from the list please email us saying so. Thank you.

ICQ List Name: Amy Grant Chapman
Description / Purpose: A List of Amy Grant Fans
Number Of Users: 3
ICQ List Administartor:Lorien Johnson
Organization / Affiliation: Web in Motion
Last Updated On:23-May-97
To be added to this List EMail: lorienj@ih2000.net
Lorien Johnson Elisiria 1279684 Administrator English
Amy Grant Chapman
Real Name Nickname ICQ # (UIN) Remarks Language
Reba Baskett Lois ICQ # REMARKS English
Bryen Lelak Bry ICQ # REMARKS English

What is ICQ ?

  * ICQ is very user-friendly
  * ICQ continually tells you which of your friends & colleagues are online
  * ICQ gives you real-time chat with online friends and colleagues
  * ICQ allows you to quickly send messages back and forth
  * ICQ lets you easily send files to other people

ICQ is a revolutionary, user-friendly, Internet program that tells you who's online at all times. No longer will you search in vain for friends & associates on the Net. ICQ does the searching for you, alerting you when friends or colleague sign on. With ICQ, you can chat, send messages and files, play games or just hang out with your fellow 'netters while still surfing the net.

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