Captain Napolipolita's Karaoke Bar

Captain Napolipolita is a tragic chararcter, in that nothing really goes her way. She was charged with the mission of finding and retrieving the "Fourth Princess of the Fifth Queen of the Lepton Kingdom of Alpha Cygni," (C-ko, in other words) when the first spaceship went missing.

The search was long, and frustrating. Over time, Napolipolita lost her enthusiasm, and her spirits sank. She turned to alcohol for support, and has been a drunk ever since!

Captain Napolipolita's alcoholism is a major character flaw. Because she was drunk, Napolipolita inadvertently blasted the delicate control panels of the Egota Class Cruiser, and caused it to crash. Furthermore, Napolipolita lost the chance of a ride back to Alpha Cygni because she insisted on "one for the road" when the Queen's mothership (and the entire fleet) arrived in Project A-ko, Final!

On the plus side, Captain Napolipolita is very resouceful. When she realised she was stranded, she begged for money at the end of the first movie. She musta made a HELL of a lot of dough, two weeks later the spaceship was converted into a lavish Hotel/Entertainment complex! Where did she get the money? Surely she didn't busk for it, her singing voice is TERRIBLE (as revealed in Project A-ko 3, Cinderella Rhapsody).

In any case, a toast to Captain Napolipolita. Hip Hip Hooray!

Captain Napolipolita's Quote (.wav)

Noboby leaves here unless the booze has been taken safely off the ship first!

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