




Win95 Wav filesWin95 Wav filesAriel
ifhuman.wav "If I become human, I'll never be with my father or sisters again." 37K
whatisit.wav "What? What is it?" 16K
loveyou.wav "I love you, daddy." 63K
partworld.wav "Wish I could be part of that world." 55K
wonderful.wav "Have you ever seen anything so wonderful in your entire life?"
Flounder: "Wow, cool!"
thankyou.wav "Ah, I'm sorry. I gotta go. Thank you, Scuttle."
Scuttle: "Anytime, sweety!"
ahhh.wav "Ahh...." New 118K

Win95 Wav filesWin95 Wav filesEric
agirl.wav "A... a girl... rescued me. She was... singing. She had the most beautiful voice." New 104K
real.wav "I'm telling you Grim, she was real! I'm going to find that girl, and I'm going to marry her." New 52K

Win95 Wav filesWin95 Wav filesSebastion
kissgirl.wav "Go on, and kiss the girl." 30K
listen.wav "Ariel, listen to me." 27K
undersea.wav "Under the sea. Under the sea. Darling, it's better, down where it's wetter. Take it from me." 103K
please.wav "Ariel, please. Will you get your head out of the clouds and back in the water where it belongs?" New 59K

Win95 Wav filesWin95 Wav filesScuttle
portbow.wav "Mermaid off the port bow." 35K
slobbery.wav "I don't know. He looks kind of hairy, and slobbery to me."
Ariel: "Not that one. The one playing the snarfblat." New

Win95 Wav filesWin95 Wav filesFlounder
whoa.wav "This shark chased us. Yeah... Yeah... And we tried to, but we couldn't... And he grrrrrr... And, and we whoa! Ahhh, and then we were safe." New 107K

Win95 Wav filesWin95 Wav filesTriton
lovehim.wav "She really does love him. Doesn't she Sabastion?" New 51K
safe.wav "Well, keep looking. Leave no shell unturned, no coral unexplored. Let no one in the kingdom sleep untill she is safe at home." New 88K

Win95 Wav filesWin95 Wav filesUrsula
undoing.wav "Flotsam! Jetsam! I want you to keep an extra close watch on this pretty little daughter of his. She may be the key to Triton's undoing." New 134K
hook.wav "Triton's daughter will be mine, and then I will make him writhe! I'll see him wriggle like a worm on a hook! " New 84K

Win95 Wav filesWin95 Wav filesThe Chef
fight.wav "Come out you little pip squeak, and fight like a man!" New 63K

Win95 Wav filesWin95 Wav filesMIDI
pow.mid Part Of Your World 5K
jazzypow.mid Part Of Your World (Jazz) 64K
kissgirl.mid Kiss The Girl 16K
undersea.mid Under The Sea 26K
undersea2.mid Under The Sea (another version of the same) 56K
mermaid.mid Clips from the different songs put into one 23K

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