By Dawn Underwood

*=episode title
Once apon a time, in a land far, far away lived a woman named 
Sparks.  Now one day, Sparks was taking a walk.  While walking 
she came upon a *bend in the river she'd been following.  At this 
bend was a shallow area, so Sparks decided to cross the river.  
As she was crossing the river, a giant rabbit called to her 
from the other bank.  "Stop where you are or I will have to eat 
you!" he called.
"Eat me?  Why?  Who are you?" she asked, up to her waist in 
water.  There was *water, water everywhere and she knew getting 
to the other side was going to be *harder than it looked.
"I'm the *rabbit who ate Las Vegas," he boasted, "and you look 
like you'll make a good snack!"

Frightened, Sparks did not know what to do.  All of a sudden 
she heard a cry of, "*The A-Team is coming, the A-Team is coming!" 
and saw a man in a blue baseball cap swinging through the trees 
on a vine. (You know, kinda like George of the Jungle?)

In order to save their *skins, Face, a friend of the man who swung 
through the trees, whipped up a *recipe for heavy bread.  The 
rabbit, who was a *beast from the belly of a boeing, sank in the river.

*Without reservations, the Team, with Sparks in tow, headed for 
*the island where there was a joyful *family reunion with Sparks 
and her green daughter, *Timber.  In the distance, they could hear 
the peals of the *belles of St. Mary's and thought it might be *a 
nice place to visit.  But *trouble was brewing and they were *in 
plane sight of the bad guys.

Not knowing where to go, Hannibal passed out a plain *white ballot.
It was decided to grab a nearby jeep, but when the tires went flat, 
they had *trouble on wheels and the get away became a *mexican slayride.
The ride ended when the jeep crashed into a building housing *pros 
and cons and the fearless Team was having a *bad time on the border
of these two places until the *duke of whispering pines appeared 
out of nowhere.  After a *quarterback sneak and a *westcoast 
turnaround, both *deadly maneuvers, the Team and Sparks were safely
back for a *holliday in the hills.  They left *Timber on *the island 
with the little sailors and all the wild donkies because she was enjoying
herself so much.
	Now, what REALLY happened between Sparks and Murdock?  Well, we'll 
leave that for your imagination.

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