Dale's House of Pancakes and Halibut


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Why Criticize?

The critic has a low reputation in American culture. The great American critics, men like Mark Twain, H. L. Mencken, and Ambrose Bierce wrote fearlessly and tirelessly, revelaing the emperor's new clothes for what they were. Today, criticism has a different definition, either as reviews of film, television, print, or other media, or as a bunch of soreheads who constantly complain. The `soreheads', the true critics, are people like Andy Rooney and the late Mike Royko. They never worry about the consequences of what they say, and thus, get the reputation of curmudgeons. I think critics deserve a higher reputation. They are those whose faulty eyesight allows them to see things as they really are, rather than as they should be.

I wish to become a true critic myself, someday. Thus, I present to you my "Dale's House of Pancakes and Halibut." It consists mostly of film reviews, but also contains some ramblings on contemporary mores. It is to the memory of the great critics throughout the ages that I dedicate these pages.

My Life and (Not so) Hard Times

I am Dale Abersold. I am a critic by avocation, a historian by training, and a lump by vocation. I've lived many places, seen many things, and had many odd jobs. I love opera, good movies and animation, and well-constructed sentences. I am Mormon and Liberal Democrat, though I tend to play the "devil's advocate" when it comes to political discussions. If you wish to email me, I'll probably email you back. If you are Winona Ryder, I'll definitely write you back. Heck, I'd probably shoot a president for you (note to Secret Service: I am not referring to the President of the United States. Please do not arrest me).

BTW, my other pages are still up. Why don't you visit them?

Copyright 1997 by Dale G. Abersold

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