The following interview is a transcript (courtesy of yours truly, Mohammad Khan) of an interview taken by E! Entertainment News with John Carpenter. The segment first appeared on 10-7-97. Copyrights to E! Television Network. This interview is mostly done, except for a few inserts I've omitted at the moment (nothing important). The entire text of the interview however is here. I'll insert the missing lines later.

JC: I've been typecast as a horror director because of Halloween, that's what people see me as.

[Cut to image of burning car running down punk, from Christine]

JC: It took me a little while to kinda get used to that, I wasn't sure that I wanted to be typecast but now I've come to really love it. It's really neat to be John Carpenter.

[Cut to alternating scenes from They Live]

JC: I love scaring people, it's really fun. Uh, I don't know that, that uh, I, every horror film doesn't necesarrily have to scare someone you know, but it is fun. It is fun to hear the audience scream.

[Cut to on the set, directing Vampires]

JC: I came from, uh, an era of filmaking where when you, I went to filmschool and I began making movies and we were taught to make them as personal as possible to us. Make them something that we felt.

I knew I wanted to be a director, a movie director, when I was eight years old. And it was probably the movies that I saw when I was very young and the fact that my father gave me his eight millimeter movie camera cuz he didn't want to take home movies anymore and I began to actually make little films with my friend and I enjoyed it so much and I just got into the creative process of directing and I decided that's what I wanted to do.

By writing screenplays, by, uh, doing the music, by directing, uh, I can make it my own, I have a more of a creative hand in a little bit of everything. That doesn't mean they're, they're always great but it means they're always mine.

If you were a young director and you asked me for advice I would say learn the technical craft, early. So that you know exactly what a camera will give you when Uh, then find out in yourself what kind of stories mean something to you. And, um, don't let anyone get in your way if you can possibly help it. Get your vision on the screen.

I love being, sitting on my couch watching basketball. That's really where I'm happiest as a human being, but if I have to work, uh, sitting on a set is okay.

[cut to E! News host Gina St. John]

John Carpenters next movie is Vampires which, surprise, surprise, is a horror thriller.


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