Gema was born in May, 1976, and has appeared in many productions around the world.She's is a native of Hamilton, Ontario .She's the most talented actress Iv'e ever gotten a chance to see on the screen. She's also a gifted dancer, (we can notice that in the movie "The Challengers" :)) and has appeared in the Florida Symphonic Pops in Boca Raton as a dance soloist. Her father Lou is a professional choreographer and operates a dance school together with her mother.(Pauline) As a child of art-performers, she has developed a great love for the arts, especially the acting, and after graduating from Hillfield and Strathalland College in 1995, she has decided to continue her studies at Queen's University in Kingston. She completed a Bachelor of Arts in drama in 1997. Gema's twins siblings Dominic and Amanda, are also screen actors. You've probably seen Dominic appearing in the episodes "Are you afraid of the dark". Gema has been nominated for Best Supporting Actress Co-starrin in a TV Series twice, in 1991 and 1993.
