The Deanna Durbin Page

    In the 1930s and 1940s no star shone brighter in Hollywood than Deanna Durbin. She charmed the world with her brilliant smile, sparkling personality, glittering good looks and amazing voice. Even now, decades after she retired from public life, a legion of fans still find in her the same image of perfection and sweetness. It is my intention to share with you a little of that charm and magic as "our Deanna" continues to entertain and gladden the lives of those who claim her for their star! This website is dedicated to spreading the happiness and joy that Deanna Durbin has brought her fans, with the most detailed and accurate information currently available. This site is not in any way approved by or connected with Deanna Durbin David, her family or by any organization which employed or is associated with her. It is the work of an avid fan who respects Miss Durbin's current wish for privacy with regard to her private life. Please feel free to sign the guestbook and/or e-mail me with any questions or comments, using the subject heading "Deanna Durbin."



Deanna Durbin fans have visited this page since November 26, 1998

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