Hercules and Xena Banner Exchange
Hercules and Xena Banner Exchange

The Many Faces of the Chakram

Page 1

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dirty chakram - It's the multi-purpose chakram at its best!

fishy chakram - Uh oh...Xena doesn't look too happy...

seasonal chak - The seasonal chakram!

Xena chak - Watch out! Chakram coming through!

Calli chak - What an interesting take on that chakram!

perfect shot - "Now let's see...if I shoot here...then there...and if it goes up onto that..."

on the side - Xena's trusty chakram at her side.

disguised chak - Do you see it? It's the chakram in disguise!

Callisto's chak - "Oooh, I like it! Look at that design!"

temple chak - *gasp* Somebody help the priestess!

Go on to the next chakram page...

Computer (Chakram) Goodies

Xena, Gabrielle, and all other characters are the property of MCA/Universal and Renaissance Pictures.
Images were taken from several sites, and no copyright infringements were intended. This is a non-profit website.

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