Ultimation Central

Last Updated: July 31, 2000

Welcome to Ultimation Central, a Power Rangers site, and future home of the Ultimation Guides. The Ultimation Guides will teach you more about Power Rangers, and its original Japanese version, Sentai.

This site also hosts my own personal Power Rangers series, Power Rangers Turbo: Ultimation. This series begins after Power Rangers Zeo and rewrites the Turbo Saga. As it progresses, readers will notice a resemblence between the Ultimation Universe and the real one depicted on the Power Rangers Turbo show.

I'm actually at summer school at the moment, so no new scans this time around. However, I made six new songs in the Sound Gallery, and two new fics. I also scrapped the standalone that was there; I didn't think that was a very great idea in the first place.

When I arrive back home, I will hopefully make a small update with some pictures. Knowing my past track record, though, I wouldn't hold me to that too strongly. And over time, I do hope to phase out those annoying blue lines I used to love so much on the site with normal HR tags.

If anybody wishes to contribute information about Ohranger for the new Ultimation Guide, that would really be helpful. I have little info on the series, and frankly it would be nice if it stayed that way, but other people may be interested in the series. So, please contribute, otherwise the guide will end up with about two paragraphs outlining the barest details of the series.

The Pages of Ultimation Central

  • Click here to go to the Ultimation Guides! These guides will help you understand better both the Power Rangers universe and the Japanese Sentai. Hopefully, all your questions will be answered within. Now looking for Ohranger info!

  • Click here to go to the Power Rangers Turbo: Ultimation Page! This page archives the incredible saga, as well as any standalones I may feel like writing.

  • Click here to go to the Tributes Page! Basically a page to put up my raves about shows not covered in the Ultimation Guides. Maybe a few rants, too. Warning: this page may never be updated again. It is at the rock bottom of my priority list. When the homework gets lighter, priority on this page goes to the guides and the stories. Eventually I'll try to get something new here.

  • Click here to go to the Links section! Keep up with the experts in Power Rangers and Sentai, and find some of your favorite fanfics!

  • Click here to go to the Picture Gallery!

  • Click here to go to the Sound Gallery!

  • Click here to go to the Japanese section! A huge list of Japanese words commonly heard (at least on the tapes I have). Contributions (espcially from a native speaker) are gladly accepted!

  • Click here to see what's been updated.

  • Click here to read the disclaimer.

  • Click here to learn about the author.

  • Have any questions? Should any changes be made to this page? Just want to talk about Power Rangers or Sentai? E-mail me!

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