If Daring A God Is Dangerous,
What If You Dare a Mortal?

By Rhiannon

This story contains scenes of graphic sex between a man and a woman. If you are under 18 or if this is illegal where you live, please go away.

Hercules and Iolaus belong to Universal Studios and Pacific Renaissance and no copyright infringement is intended. The author is just having fun.

Alynn was bored. The Amazon nation was forced to send their sentries out alone for there was illness throughout the camp. Alynn was rarely ill, but when the first Amazon had come down with the fever she'd moved out of her quarters to bunk near the river, thus ensuring her continued health.

Some of her sisters had done the same at other sections of the river or in the forest; others stayed in their quarters unless they had a sentry shift. The camp was understaffed so sentry duty was more important than ever. Alynn dropped down from her tree and stalked through her assigned territory. She understood the necessity of guard duty, but that didn't mean she wanted her own company for hours at a time. When she was with Lysia, Rhysa, or any of the others she didn't have this problem; they'd converse in hand sign while waiting for potential intruders.

She finished covering the area by foot and went back to scale her tree. If not for the leather gloves that covered every sentry's hands they would never attempt to keep lookouts in the trees. The rough bark and the descent by rope would destroy the hands of any sentry who didn't wear the protective covering.

An hour passed and Alynn prepared for her descent again. She heard the faint sounds of whistling. That was no birdcall; it was definitely made by a human. She tensed and readied herself to ambush the intruder. Finally, something that would hold her attention for more than a moment! Few dared to enter Amazon territory, and the ones that sought to conquer the women soon found themselves outnumbered and outsmarted.

There. She heard footsteps. The fool was getting closer. She narrowed her eyes, trying to catch a glimpse of the person making all the racket. She tensed and slid down her rope then tackled the figure that had just come under the tree's branches. She heard a faint "Hey!" from the fellow's mouth, though it was muffled from the dirt below. It was most definitely a man; she'd never been attracted to a woman's derriere before.

She put pressure on the man's kidneys, an implicit threat to get him to stay still. "Who are you and what business do you have with the Amazons?"

"Cn yu mv yr hns?" The man mumbled.

Alynn relaxed her grip a bit. She wouldn't get anywhere if the man couldn't communicate with her.

"That's better. I'm Iolaus, and you should remember me, Alynn." He sounded annoyed and frustrated.

Alynn jumped back in astonishment. "Iolaus? But your hair is brown, not blond. And where's your vest?" She hurriedly tried to brush all the dirt from his body. Great, the one man she was majorly attracted too and she'd just tried to intimidate him to death.

"I was trying to camouflage myself. There's this woman back in Plenth that's been after me. She's got her five brothers out looking for a yellow-haired man with a patchwork vest, so I changed my look. Hey, take it easy, will you?" Iolaus was becoming uncomfortable with her hands touching him everywhere. Alynn wasn't leaving an inch of him untouched as she brushed off the dirt and leaves that had been collected by his fall; she was dangerously close to finding out how much he liked the sensation of her hands on him.

"Ah, I get it. So why are you hiding out here? You think her brothers won't come to the camp?" Alynn grinned mischievously. She'd gotten a good glimpse at his codpiece; it had grown larger as she cleaned him off. That was good, maybe this time she'd persuade him to stay and 'chat' with her. She didn't see Hercules around; that man was such a pest. He had a bad habit of stealing Iolaus from her about the time she wanted to make her move.

"Exactly. I thought I'd be safe here." Iolaus brushed her hands away again. If he didn't know better, he'd think she was trying to arouse him.

Safe? She'd show him safe. That was a dare if she'd ever heard one!

"You've come to visit at a bad time. There is fever in camp. I moved near the river. You're welcome to stay with me if you like, but I don't recommend staying anywhere near the main camp for another week or so, unless you want to get sick." Alynn considered both those possibilities. If he stayed near her, she'd be able to see much more of him, and if he was ill, she could tend him. She'd bathe his nude sweaty body in cool water; she'd touch him all over. Great, now she almost wanted him to get ill.

"I'll stay out of the camp then. If you don't mind the company, I'll stay with you. I'll have lots of time to fish." Iolaus rubbed his hands together in anticipation. He had fished last with little Evander. Fishing was something he loved to do, second only to making love to a beautiful woman. Since Alynn wasn't interested in him, he could fish to his heart's content.

Iolaus quickly got into the habit of waking up before Alynn did and staying at the river until night fell. 'What a life!' He loved this even though he threw everything he caught back, well, almost everything. He kept the few he caught at dusk for meals; didn't want Alynn to think he couldn't catch anything.

Alynn was more and more frustrated with Iolaus. He treated her as if she were another man. She was getting extremely tired of this buddy-buddy routine. She'd have to take matters into her own hands at this rate.

Two nights later Alynn decided to strip in front of Iolaus and go for a swim. She had no modesty, and had only behaved herself out of respect for Iolaus. The gloves were off now, literally, as she'd just taken off her leather gloves just before she took off her garments.

Iolaus stared as Alynn took off first her gloves, then her ornaments, then her boots. Her hips were swaying in a way they never had before. He couldn't move his gaze from her body, and the wench had the nerve to just ignore his presence!

Alynn grinned. She felt Iolaus' eyes on her as she pulled off her top and skirt. This would work!

Iolaus tried to keep his eyes focused on her hair. At the moment those golden-brown locks were the only safe place for him to look. He'd had a short glimpse of the sides of her breasts, and her gorgeous buttocks and thighs were within touching distance. He sat on his hands to keep from touching the body in front of him. The last thing he wanted to do was to cut his welcome short with the Amazons. And besides, he liked Alynn, and didn't want to offend her.

Alynn slowly walked into the river and submerged herself. Good thing the water was still cool, her body temperature certainly rose being around Iolaus no matter what the occasion was. Time for step two.

She turned to Iolaus and asked, "Aren't you going to join me? The water feels nice tonight."

Iolaus gaped at her. His eyes were focused on her chest. He could see the pink nipples that were puckered from the cool water. His hands itched. He wanted to fill them with those beautiful breasts. He hadn't realized that Alynn's top concealed such luscious fruit. His mouth grew dry as she moved back to shore.

"No? Ah, well, I'm done anyway. I just wanted to cool off after my shift ended." Her eyes were bright as she noticed Iolaus' awestruck look.

Iolaus didn't really pay attention to her voice. He kept his eyes trained on the water level. First her breasts had been exposed, then her muscled abdomen, then her hips, and now he got a good look at the wet brown curls between her thighs. Sweet gods above. He couldn't handle this torture.

Alynn walked over to Iolaus and sank to her knees in front of him. "Don't you want to cool off too?" She put her hands at the bottom of his vest - good thing he'd brought it with him on the journey - and pulled it off his chest. She started caressing his upper body, glad for any excuse to touch him. And what a body this man had! Some of her sisters preferred a man with hair on his chest, but she had no complaint with Iolaus' hairless one: it just showed off his muscles better.

Iolaus tried to push her away, but there was no safe place to touch her. Her hair wrapped around his arms as he tried to grab her shoulders. He didn't dare touch her chest, not with twin temptations on either side of his hand. He was trapped. "Alynn, what are you doing?"

"You can't guess? Iolaus, I'm shocked. Come on, touch me back. I dare you." Alynn was determined to succeed. She wanted Iolaus and she wanted him now.

Iolaus had never backed down from a dare in his life and he wasn't about to start now. "A dare, huh?" He grasped her shoulders again and pulled her violently toward him. As Alynn gasped at the sudden movement he covered her lips with his and showed her how much he wanted her. He settled her body on his lap and moaned himself as he felt her; wet and hot against his codpiece that was no protection at all.

Alynn quickly reciprocated and slung her arms around his neck as she thrust her tongue into and out of his mouth. She'd waited much too long for this moment to let it go to waste. She felt his pulsing hardness and the barrier between them. She'd have to get him naked as soon as possible and judging from his reaction, he was thinking along the same lines she was.

Iolaus pulled his mouth away, licking his lips. "I'm touching you back, do you like this better?" He forced her lower body in closer contact with his and cursed the fact he was still partially dressed. He moved his hands to cover her breasts and toyed with them as he watched her face. She had the cutest little moans as he plucked at her nipples, so he continued the action.

He wondered what she'd do if he tasted her breasts. Wouldn't hurt to find out. He bent his head and engulfed as much of her left breast as he could. Alynn was making gasping noises. He started to suckle her and she began to whimper. He moved their position while he kept his mouth on her breast. Alynn was now on her back and he was finally able to undo the fastening on his pants and pull them off.

He moved his attention to the other breast and glanced up at Alynn's rosy face. He had no doubt that she was enjoying this as much as he was. He knelt in between her outstretched thighs and touched his erect manhood to her wet opening. He slowly inched his way into her body as he grinned at the noises she was making now.

Alynn moved her hands to grasp his buttocks as he quickened his pace inside her. The feel of him was better than she'd imagined, and she'd imagined it quite a bit. Others may think Iolaus was short or not macho, but who cared about that when she could have this?

Iolaus dipped his head to kiss her as he noticed her body begin to tighten around his. He captured her moans and tried to keep her body from bucking him off as she reached her peak. He grimaced as he tried to wait for her to finish before taking his own pleasure in her body. He dropped onto her and hoped he wouldn't crush her as he tried to catch his breath. That was one wild ride. Why hadn't she made a move on him before? He had no objections; he liked Alynn.

"Oh, Iolaus, that was.. was.. incredible." Alynn hit him on his back. "Why didn't you ever make love to me before?"

Iolaus grinned. He hadn't ever noticed that she was interested in him, so he said the first thing that popped into his mind. "You never dared me before."

Alynn blushed then pulled him close again. "Bet you can't do that again. Come on, I dare you."

Iolaus' smile widened as he bent back down to her. They'd have to keep each other awake during her shift tomorrow, but it would be worth it!

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