Final Vow

By Iolanthe

Warning: This story contains scenes of mildly graphic sex between a man and a woman. If you are under 18 or if this is illegal where you live, please go away.

Disclaimer: This story is just for fun. The author is not making any money off of it and no copyright infringement is intended.

Salamis stood before the altar. It was draped in white silk and eyelet, and the purity of its form and fashion clearly reflected its patron goddess.

The priestess Salamis, her long white robe brushing the hard, stone floor of the temple, bowed once to her goddess and closed her eyes momentarily before she turned from the altar and pushed back the cowl hood of her robe. Her straight blonde hair glowed in the firelight of the temple and her blue eyes shown with a peaceful serenity.

She smiled and called forth:

"Michaela! Come my dear."

The sounds of light footfalls could be heard in the distant temple passageways and finally a young woman in her middle twenties presented herself solemnly before Salamis and the altar. The girl knelt down on one knee with her head bowed.

The priestess observed her young charge with both pride and a little hesitance. The girl's fire-red hair hung in glorious waves down to the middle of her back and her large eyes were the color of emeralds. Michaela had come to Salamis' temple seven nights ago. She made her intentions very clear. She was going to become a priestess. And in the short time that she had been there, Salamis had to admit, she had the makings of a wonderful priestess. Except for one thing...

"Rise my child," Salamis beckoned with a delicate hand.

Michaela placed her hand in the woman's and stood, her long white gown skimming the floor. Salamis arched an eyebrow and sighed that the temple robe did not seem to fit as properly as she might have hoped...especially in the bosom area. 'Well,' she dismissed, 'the child cannot help that the goddess gifted her with such...bounty.'

"My lady, is there something wrong?" Michaela questioned, a look of concern on her flushed cheeks. "Have I done something to upset the goddess?"

"No, of course not, my child," Salamis assured her with a smile. "You have done well in your brief apprenticeship to our Lady. Your desire to serve, your diligence and loyalty, and your eagerness to learn have all pleased our Lady. I have called you before her altar to tell you that all you have left to do is to take your final vow before sealing your place in her priestesshood. Are you ready Michaela? This final vow is an important one."

"I am ready, my lady," Michaela answered without hesitation.

Salamis nodded sagely and thought, 'Of course she thinks she's ready. How can she miss what she's never had?'

"Truly I am," Michaela continued, her head bowed respectfully. "All I've ever wanted is to be a servant of our Lady. Ever since I heard her name. As you know, my mother died when I was born and my father raised me in the temple where he served. True, I never had that many friends...I scarcely saw anyone but Father...and the other priestesses there."

'Not one clue,' Salamis thought.

"Tell me Michaela," she said aloud. "Were there no priests there? Acolytes who were NOT women? Perhaps a quite...masculine...parishioner or two?"

"Do you lady??" the girl asked blushing furiously.


"No my lady," she replied nervously. "The only man I ever saw was my father."

'Oh boy...' Salamis thought.

"Michaela, listen to me my child," the older woman said in a kind voice as she placed a hand on the girl's shoulder and began to lead her from the altar. "Since this final vow...this vow of such an important one, I am asking that you give a bit more thought to it."

"But my lady--"

"No arguments child," Salamis gently scolded. "The goddess asks this of you. She wants to be certain are certain."

Michaela sighed. "Alright my lady. I shall do as the goddess asks."

"Good girl. Now, run along to your room," Salamis said turning back to the altar. "When the moon is full, you shall light the altar candles as you always do."

"Yes my lady," Michaela bowed her head and hurried off to her room.

When the sounds of her footsteps had died away Salamis raised her eyes to the great stone statue on the altar and said:

"Oh great Hestia. We have a very big problem."

On Mt. Olympus the lovely goddess Hestia heard the plea of her priestess. It was not an unfamiliar problem. In fact, the virgin goddess had encountered it numerous times. Girls were brought to her temple to be sworn in service to her, and after several months without...companionship...they either left the temple in disgrace or lived out a very lonely, unhappy, not to mention, extremely unproductive life in her temple.

But this one, this Michaela was a special case even for Hestia. It wasn't as if the girl had chosen this path, or was fairly certain she could keep her vows. This young woman had never even SEEN a man. At least none other than her father, and that certainly did not count.

She simply cannot take the vow if she has never been tempted! How can one pass a test they've never been given??

Hestia paced around the pool of water where she watched Salamis in supplication to her. What to do...what to do.... Wait! I've got it! What will it take to tempt a girl with no desire to be tempted? What can test even the staunchest, most dedicated virgin?


Hercules scanned the marketplace once again for some sign of his partner and best friend. "How does he always manage to disappear like that?"

The demi-god was used to this though. Wherever they went it seemed like his friend sought out trouble like a bee to honey. If it wasn't a bar fight or a punch to the jaw of someone who called him 'short,' it was a girl. Either she was married or engaged or had six older brothers with the size and the mindset of a cyclops.

"Iolaus!" the big man called again, then spun around when someone tapped him on the shoulder.

"Hey Herc," the compact but muscular blond warrior said around a mouthful of apple. "I'm right here."

"Where have you been, Iolaus?" the demi-god asked, hands on his hips.

Iolaus swallowed the apple.

"Sorry mother," he said impishly. "I didn't know that I'd gotten lost."

Hercules sighed.

"You know I hate it when you call me mother," he replied folding his large biceps across his broad chest.

"And you know I hate it when you ACT like a mother," Iolaus countered, mirroring his friend's pose.

They stared each other down for a few seconds and then the two friends laughed.

"I should know better by now, shouldn't I?" Hercules asked with a grin.

"You really should know better by now," Iolaus nodded.

The son of Zeus clapped his partner on the shoulder and let out a long-suffering sigh. "Where to now, buddy?"

"You mean you haven't scheduled us to kill some slimy thing this afternoon?" he asked as they moved through the marketplace.

"No, but if that's what you really want to do, Iolaus, I'm sure I could rustle us up some monsters," he answered.

"Hmmmmm," Iolaus feigned concentration. "Tempting...but no."

"Well I guess we just go where the road takes us, eh?" Hercules decided, thankful for a little respite from the monster-bashing business.

"Sounds like a plan to me!" Iolaus agreed as they left the hustle and bustle of the village behind.

"Where the wind blows us...." Hercules added.

"That's right."

"Where the path leads us--"

"Okay Herc!" Iolaus interrupted. "I get it. I get it!"

The demi-god laughed again and followed his friend down the road.

When Artemis shown her moonbeams through the high window in Michaela's room she left her small bed and pulled her white robe on. When she had come to Hestia's Temple, she had almost immediately been given the duty of candle lighting. The girl suspected that Salamis had no other ideas as to what to do with her. She laughed softly as she shut her door and made her way along the temple passageways that led to the altar.

But in a way, she could understand the priestess' doubts about her taking her final vow. Salamis worried that Michaela would find this life lonely. But what Salamis didn't understand was that she had been lonely her entire life! Raised by a pleasant but distant father, she kept to herself with no other companions. After so long, Michaela no longer had any desire to experience 'the outside world' and all those strangers in it. The cloistered life was a comfort to her. Here she was well cared for, fed, had a roof over her head, and a purpose in life. To serve the goddess Hestia. She had no use for anything more...least of all some man!

As the girl neared the altar room she heard heavy rains pelting the roof. Passing by a window she saw that it was flooding outside and showed no signs of letting up any time soon. 'Hestia bless any fools that be out in this weather,' she thought.

"Herc, you really think this is the smartest thing to do?" Iolaus called over the pounding of the rain to his partner.

"You'd rather stay out here and be soaked to the bone?" the demi-god replied as he and his friend took the steps leading to the temple two at a time.

"Yeah, but Herc!" Iolaus persisted. "This is a the're not exactly on swell terms with these people...."

"Relax Iolaus," Hercules grinned and pushed open the doors to the outer room of the temple. "As long as it's not Hera's or Ares'...we should be safe."

"That's very encouraging," the hunter mumbled as he followed his partner into the temple.

Once inside he shook the water from his hair and commenced shivering and chattering his teeth.

"H..H..Hercules," Iolaus sputtered. "It's f...f..freezing!"

"Well, it could be worse," Hercules replied.


"Oh, well, I just meant that as a rhetorical question Iolaus," the demi-god answered.

Iolaus just glared back at his friend.

"But I'm sure the altar fires are lit," Hercules continued quickly. "We can warm up inside. Come on."

"What do you mean 'we'? I'm the one freezing my--"

"In you go, buddy!" the big man said as he none-too-gently pushed his friend though the doors into the altar room.

Michaela had just lighted the last candle on the altar when she heard the ruckus behind her. Spinning around she found herself face to face with two very wet men. One tall, the other smaller in stature, both looked....rather...nice...

"Oh sweet Hestia!" she exclaimed before she feinted.

"What in Tartarus?" Iolaus asked as he and Hercules saw the young woman drop to the floor.

Both men ran to the altar where the unconscious woman lay.

"Is she okay, Herc?" Iolaus asked as they did a cursory examination.

"Yeah, she's fine," the demi-god replied. "I think she just passed out. Maybe it was the heat from all these candles....what do you think Iolaus?"

"Iolaus?" he repeated but no to avail. He soon discovered why.

His friend was too busy removing his vest to fold and place beneath the girl's head.

"What are you doing?"

"She needs a pillow, Herc."

"Yeah, but...your vest is soaking wet."

"Oh..yeah, you're right," the hunter replied, pulling the vest away much too quickly and consequently the girl's head hit the floor with a thud.


"Oh Hades!" the hunter exclaimed.

"Ow!" Michaela groaned as she held her head in her hands.

"Oh I am SO sorry about that!" Iolaus apologized. "Are you alright??"

Someone was speaking to her. Between the pounding of the rain and the pounding of her head, she could tell that much. But who...

She sat up quickly and stared at the man on her right. He was the largest man she'd ever imagined. Long dark hair clung to his wet face. His tunic was soaked through. And the bluest eyes...

"Are you okay, miss?" he asked. "Uh...we just came in to get out of the rain. Sorry if we startled you. Oh! I'm Hercules, and this is Iolaus."

She followed the big man's gaze to the person at her left and saw...

"Hi!" the hunter replied sheepishly. "Uhm, how's the head?"

What she saw was a god! He had to be a god! Those eyes...those cerulean depths that you could drown in. And those beautiful golden curls, damp and clinging to that glistening bronzed skin! That chest! Bare and golden, small rivulets of rainwater ran in smooth lines down each and every contour. And then he smiled and asked her about her head...what head???

Michaela's mind swam under the weight of this new and strange sensation. Without a word she promptly feinted a second time.

This time however, Iolaus was quick enough to catch her before she hit the floor.

"Nice catch, Iolaus," Herc replied.

"Indeed two very good catches," Salamis announced from the altar steps.

"Salamis?" Herc asked.

"You know her?" Iolaus wondered out loud.

"Yeah," Herc managed a bit uncomfortably. "We've met."

"So what brings Greece's two handsomest heroes to the Altar of Hestia?" the head priestess asked, folding her hands in front of her.

"Hestia...Hestia?!" Iolaus exclaimed, nearly dropping Michaela to the floor again. "The virgin goddess??"

"Please don't drop my apprentice again Iolaus," she smiled. "Here, bring her over here to the couch."

"'s been awhile," the demigod said following Iolaus as he gently laid the young priestess on the couch.

"Yes it has, Hercules," she replied. "You're certainly looking well."

"Thanks, you too."

"Herc!" Iolaus grabbed at his buddy's arm. "You're flirting with a virgin priestess ya know! You want to end up in Tartarus?!"

"Don't worry Iolaus," Salamis laughed. "You're friend isn't going to Tartarus. And neither will you."

"Uhm, that's good to know," Iolaus replied looking sideways at his friend.

"Salamis wasn't a Hestian Priestess when I knew her," Herc explained.

"Yeah, but..she was still...I mean, she had to be...ya know..."

"A virgin Iolaus?" Salamis announced much to the hunter's chagrin. "Is that the word that seems to escape you?"

"They don't escape him very often," Herc put in. "Virgins that is."

"Herc!" Iolaus yelled and punched the demigod in the arm.

"A real lady's man is he?" Salamis asked, a twinkle in her eye.

"Oh you can say that again," Herc nodded.

"Well then, Iolaus, I think Hestia has sent you here for a reason."

"What?!" Iolaus squealed, his voice going up a few octaves.

"Allow me to explain," Salamis replied. "My priestess here, Michaela, is a few days away from taking her final vow--"

"Poverty?" Iolaus guessed.



"No Iolaus, chastity."

"What a waste..." the hunter muttered. "Oh! Sorry! I didn't mean any disrespect.."

"None taken," Salamis replied.

"But I don't get it, what's this got to do with me?"

"You see, my well-muscled friend...oh sweet Hestia, did I say that out loud?!" Salamis ran a hand across her brow. "Perhaps I need some you boys want any wine?"

"Yeah I--"

The hunter's request was cut short by Herc elbowing him in the ribs.


"Salamis, could you just please explain what's going on?"

"Well, it's like this boys," she began. "Hestia needs to be sure that Michaela is ready to take her vow of chastity. You see, before tonight the only man she'd ever seen was her father. Hestia just wants Michaela to see what she'll be missing if she takes this vow."

"You want Iolaus to tempt your virgin apprentice?" Herc exclaimed.

"Whoa! Hold on now!" Iolaus protested. "Tempting a Hestian Priestess? You want me to end up in Tartarus?"

"Come now, she's not a Hestian Priestess yet!" Salamis retorted. "That's the whole point of this issue. Just take her to town, buy her dinner, show her a good time. Just be your sweet romantic self. Afterwards if she feels like it's something she might want to pursue, then I release her from her apprenticeship and she goes out into the world looking for love. If she thinks, 'well, is that all?', then she takes her vow of chastity and officially enters the service of Hestia."

For a few moments Iolaus was too shocked to say anything. Then, "So you're saying that this girl's entire future hinges on how great a date I am??"

"Don't be so modest, Iolaus," Herc teased.

"I don't know," Iolaus mumbled as he paced. "I mean don't get me wrong, I think she's very pretty, in fact she's quite lovely...and there's nothing I'd rather do than spend some time with's just..."

"It's just what Iolaus?" Salamis asked.

"Won't Hestia be upset if I 'lead one of her flock away'?"

"Of course not!" she answered. "Hestia sent you here for a reason. She would be indebted to you."

"Yeah Iolaus," Herc whispered. "Think of all the things you could get from a virgin goddess."

Iolaus looked confused and whispered back, "Nothing!"

Michaela stirred on the couch and Salamis hurried to her charge.

"Sweet Hestia!" the girl cried. "My lady! I believe Hestia has sent me a vision! A golden vision!"

Herc snickered.

"Knock it off!" Iolaus said under his breath.

Michaela struggled to sit up and that's when she saw him.

"Oh by all the gods on Olympus! There he is!"

"Michaela, I'd like you to meet Hercules and Iolaus. They came in earlier to get dry from the storm."

"Oh yes," Michaela replied, finding her balance and standing up. "I remember."

She stared at the blond one, shirtless, hair still damp and she began to feel something that she'd never felt before.

"Oh sweet Hestia..." she whispered again.

Salamis recovered the hunter's vest and tossed it to Herc who tossed it to Iolaus who hastily shrugged into it.

"Hi, Michaela. It's so nice to meet you...I hope your head's feeling better," he replied taking a step towards the girl.

"Oh!" she replied, absently rubbing her head. "It's...fine, thank you...Iolaus."

"I'm glad...Michaela."

Salamis was smiling like the cat that ate the canary. "Oh yes," she said. "This will do nicely."

"Michaela dear," Salamis walked over to her young charge. "Do you recall when we discussed earlier about your...readiness to take your final vow?"

"Yes, my lady."

"And I told you that Hestia wanted to be absolutely positive that this would be the right road for you?"


"Well, in a way you were correct. Hestia has sent you a vision. A golden one at that."

Michaela glanced nervously at an equally nervous Iolaus and then back to Salamis.

"I'm afraid I don't understand, my lady," Michaela sighed.

"Makes two of us," the hunter mumbled.

"Iolaus is here to help you make your decision," Salamis announced.

"I beg your pardon my lady??" the young girl suddenly felt very hot and her legs felt like rubber. She had to

"Are you alright?" Iolaus asked noticing that she was losing her natural color.

"Yes," she muttered as he helped her back to the couch. "No! I don't know.."

"Listen, Michaela," Iolaus knelt down in front of her and took her hand. "I'm just as confused about this as you are. I really don't know why Hestia chose me for this, but we don't need to make this a life and death situation."

He stopped and giggled. Michaela's eyes lit up at the sound.

"So, why don't the two of us just go catch a bite in town and go from there?"

"Well, I do have to eat," Michaela smiled, relaxing noticeably.

"Cool," Iolaus replied with a grin. "Okay. Well, since it's the middle of the night, I suggest we all get some rest, and we'll leave for town in the morning. Of course, if that's alright with Hestia?"

The hunter glanced at Salamis.

"Of course," the high priestess replied. "Michaela, you head back to bed while I show our guests to their rooms."

"Yes, my lady," she said, slightly inclining her head towards the older woman. "Iolaus...tomorrow."

"I can't wait," Iolaus replied and Hercules snickered again.

"Alright, my dear," Salamis laid a hand on her shoulder. "Off to bed you go."

Michaela waved shyly and then ran off down the corridor to her bedroom.

Salamis watched Iolaus as the hunter gazed after her.

"See Iolaus?" she said. "This won't be so bad, now, will it?"

She laughed quietly when she got no response.

After Salamis had shown Hercules and Iolaus to their rooms for the night, the demigod flopped down on his bed and sighed, "Iolaus, my friend, how do you manage to get yourself into these situations?"

"I dunno," the hunter answered dreamily as he sank down on his own bed. "It was your idea to come here."

"I had no idea what was going to happen."

"Still it was your idea."

"You're actually enjoying this aren't you?" he asked sitting up in bed and looking at his friend.

"Well, what's not to enjoy? I just got a date with a beautiful, intelligent young woman," Iolaus said, folding his hands behind his head and sighing. "Nothing wrong with that in my book, Herc."

Hercules just shook his head.

"So you're not worried about offending Hestia anymore?"

"No, why should I?" he asked, propping himself up on one elbow. "Salamis said that Hestia had chosen me for this...this test, or whatever it is."

"Well, you forget Iolaus," the demigod responded as he flopped back down on his back. "I've had far more experience with the gods. They never do anything without ulterior motives."

"Oh come on Herc! A virgin goddess?" Iolaus exclaimed. "What kind of spiteful vengeance would a virgin goddess be plotting...against me?"

"I suppose you're right, Iolaus," Herc sighed heavily.

Iolaus nodded and lay back down.

"I mean, I'm sure she wouldn't hold it against you."

"Hold what against me?"

"You know, your numerous...conquests," Herc replied.

"What does that have to do with anything?" Iolaus asked.

"Well, let's just say you've deflowered many a virgin in your day, buddy."

"Herc!" the hunter exclaimed. "What kind of thing is that to say to your best friend?"

"Hey, it's true, isn't it?" Herc shot back.

"You know what??" Iolaus replied. "I think you're just jealous!"

"Me? Jealous?! Sure, whatever you say Iolaus," the demigod retorted.

"You are!" Iolaus said. "Hey! How did you know Salamis, huh?"

"What are you talking about?"

"You said she wasn't a priestess when you knew her. How well did you know her?"

"I don't remember all the details," he answered flustered. "It was nearly ten years ago....and all we did was have dinner. I never saw her again after that."

"Hercules!" Iolaus exclaimed after a few moments of silence. Then he laughed. "YOU were her test!"


"Hestia tested Salamis the same way she's testing Michaela!" Iolaus explained. "Only YOU were Salamis' test. And she passed!"

As realization dawned on the demigod he felt so humiliated he pulled the sheet over his head.

"Hah!" the hunter replied satisfied and fluffed his pillow. "Sweet dreams, buddy!"

Michaela flung her door shut and jumped into bed. Pulling the sheets up to her chin she couldn't seem to stop smiling. She closed her eyes and she saw Iolaus. She heard his lilting laugh. The fragrance of his damp skin tickled her nose--sweet as the honeysuckle she tended in the Temple Garden yet somehow exotic.

Suddenly she sat straight up in bed and said, "What in Hestia's name is wrong with me??"

She'd never felt like this over another person. Why had she never imagined that something so wonderful was out there just waiting to be found? I never knew that another person...a man...could make one feel light and happy and excited...and scared.

She slowly lay back down and pulled up the covers again. She had no idea what she was doing! She didn't know how to act on a date. She didn't know how to act around Iolaus.

"Oh sweet Hestia..." she whispered fervently, "help me..."

Iolaus was up with the son, his cheery disposition annoying a tired demigod who didn't sleep all night.

"So what are you gonna do today Herc?" the hunter asked.

"What do you mean?" he asked from underneath the covers.

"Well, sorry buddy, but you certainly can't come along on my date!"

Iolaus giggled and Herc growled.

"I'm sure I can find a monster or two to slay."

"Cool," he replied, straightening his vest.

Michaela awoke and for a minute everything seemed normal. She started to get up to put out the altar candles as she did every morning, then suddenly she remembered. Today was NOT like any other day. Today Iolaus was taking her to breakfast in town! She then felt the butterflies in her stomach and looked down at her priestess robe.

"What am I going to wear?!"

Just before she really started panicking she remembered the dress that she had worn when she first came to the temple. She ran to her wardrobe and pulled out the blue linen gown. She slipped into it and took a wary glance in the looking glass. It was a very attractive dress with quarter-length sleeves and a rounded neckline. The high empire waist was very flattering, even if she didn't realize it.

She pulled on her brown leather boots and ran her hands through her long red waves.

She looked at her reflection and whispered, "Lead me in this, Hestia. Help me follow my heart."

When Michaela walked out to the altar room, Iolaus was standing there with Salamis. She fought the urge to run, and when the hunter turned and saw her she nearly melted on the spot.

"Michaela! Morning, ready for breakfast?" he asked cheerily as he walked over to take her hands in his.

"I...I think so, yes," she managed with a look at Salamis.

"Great!" he replied with that grin. "Then let's go!"

"Oh, Salamis, Herc's still sleeping, but don't worry, he'll be out of your hair before long," Iolaus explained as he squeezed Michaela's hand and started to lead her out the temple door. "Oh! Uh..curfew?"

Salamis laughed. "Just have her back by midnight so she can report to me her...findings."

"Midnight," he giggled. "Just like Cinderellias!"

"You don't mind walking do you?" Iolaus asked as they stepped out onto the road.

"Oh no, no I don't mind at all," Michaela replied quickly. "Actually I've never been that good around horses. I think, for some reason, that they're afraid of me."

Iolaus giggled. "Nah me either. I prefer to walk. Gets the blood going....but if you don't want--"

"No, it's fine, Iolaus, it's a beautiful day for walking."

"Okay," Iolaus nodded. "It's not that far to town anyway. Know what you want for breakfast?"

"No not really," she admitted.

"Well what do you usually have at the temple for breakfast?"


"Porridge..." he echoed with a small shudder. He quickly recovered. "Then today's the day you try something different! We can have eggs and bacon and ham and fruit and cheese--"

"Whoa! Hold on, Iolaus," she laughed. "I don't know about you but I certainly can't eat that much food."

He couldn't help but grin. So the rumors of his hearty appetite had not covered the countryside as Herc had suggested.

As they began to near town, Iolaus noted that Michaela seemed to get a bit more nervous. Surely she was not used to all the sights and sounds of a hustling and bustling marketplace. Wanting to assure her, the hunter gently slid his hand into hers and squeezed. This caused the girl to look at him, eyes wide.

"Michaela," she said as he pulled her to a halt beside him. "You've nothing to be nervous about. "

She nodded unsurely.

"Hey, are ya more nervous about going into town or being with me?" he asked trying to lighten the situation.

"Being with you, actually," she replied, concentrating on the ground in front of her.

Iolaus looked at her shocked at what she'd said.

"Michaela, I promise, I'd never do anything to hurt you."

"I know, I know," she answered finally meeting his gaze. "It's just this funny feeling in my stomach...and, and I've never been around anyone like you before...nor any man for that matter...and I just...I'm not sure what to say or do.."

Touching her cheek lightly with his finger he replied, "You're doing everything perfect. Just be yourself. Cause I...really like yourself, er...I mean, I enjoy being around you Michaela. You're bright and funny...and very pretty."

Michaela felt her cheeks go scarlet, all except the spot he'd touched. That of course had gone numb a few moments ago.

"I...I enjoy being with you too Iolaus." 'Because you make me feel like I'm melting into a puddle on the ground' she added silently, then couldn't believe she'd actually thought that!

"Well great!" Iolaus laughed. "Then we'll just be two people who enjoy each other's company sharing a simple breakfast."

"Okay," she agreed and her hand safely in his, he led her into the marketplace.

When they walked into town, Iolaus was met, well, like a hero. Calls and shouts of "Hey Iolaus!" "Atta boy Iolaus!" and "Great to see ya Iolaus!" met them at every turn.

Michaela just watched as Iolaus silently accepted the praise with the cutest blush on his cheeks. "Hmmm," she thought. "Men blush too?"

She laughed as Iolaus steered her into a Tavern he knew well and took a table near an uncrowded corner of the room.

As soon as they were seated a buxom serving girl sauntered over and eyed the hunter up and down like she was going to place an order.

"Well, well, Iolaus," she practically sang, "You are a sight for sore eyes...and uhm...various other body parts."

She laughed and then looked at the young girl who was staring at her wide-eyed.

"And who's this? A cousin? Are you babysitting, Iolaus?" she teased.

"No, Brithia," replied Iolaus with a quick glance at Michaela. "This is Michaela...and she's here with me...for breakfast."

The barmaid raised a perfectly sculptured eyebrow as if to say, "You must be joking."

Michaela may not have been the most experienced person in the world but even she knew this person was insulting her.

"Yes, Brithia," she said boldly. "I am Iolaus' date. Something to eat please?"

Brithia shot a look at Iolaus and when she realized he wasn't coming to her defense she said, "Well!" Then she hurriedly took their order and flounced off as Iolaus tried but failed to hide a giggle behind his hand.

"That was good, Michaela," he finally managed.

"She just wasn't being very nice is all. I didn't mean to insult her back."

"Don't worry, you can't insult Brithia..."

"Do you know that woman, Iolaus?" she asked, eyes lowered.


"I mean, have you dated her?" she asked again.

Iolaus thought about that. Oh he knew Brithia alright...intimately. Had they ever left this Tavern together? Nope.

"We've spent some time together...on occasion," he managed before the barmaid brought their breakfast over.

"There you are...I hope you like it. I know what an..appetite Iolaus has. I just hope you can satisfy it as well as I can."

Iolaus rubbed a hand over his eyes as Brithia walked off. Michaela just stared down at her food. Although Brithia's words had confused her, she had an idea that they weren't meant to be nice. She was hungry so she started eating. Iolaus felt terrible over what the barmaid had said. Maybe they just should've had an outdoor picnic....

"Michaela, listen, I'm sorry about that, really I am," he said covering her hand with his on the table. "Brithia and I have--"

"It's none of my business Iolaus," she assured him with a fragile smile. "You are a, even I know that. A hero. A warrior. Look at how the villagers greeted you! It's only natural that lots of women...greet you as well."

Iolaus sighed.

"She still didn't have to say what she said."

"Don't worry about it Iolaus," she replied, a twinkle in her emerald eyes. "I already knew how large your appetite was. Remember, we discussed it on the way here."

Michaela smiled and went back to her eggs while Iolaus laughed...nervously. He actually had no idea whether or not Michaela knew what Brithia meant by 'appetite,' and frankly, it worried him.

After a delicious breakfast of eggs and bacon and freshly squeezed orange juice, Iolaus tossed some coins on the table and led Michaela from the establishment, giving Brithia the evil eye as he did. She simply smiled and blew him a kiss.

They emerged out in the sunlight of a beautiful day and Michaela stopped just to soak it up.

"So, what now?" Iolaus asked. "We have the whole day."

"It's your town Iolaus," Michaela smiled. "What do you suggest?"

"Hey! You like to fish?" he asked suddenly very excited.

"Fish?" she questioned.

"Yeah! I know this beautiful spot down near the lake just outside of town! You'd love it there! We could catch lunch and eat beside the lake. Whatta ya say?"

"Oh, Iolaus, I've never fished before..."

"Don't worry! I'll take care of everything...all you have to do is enjoy yourself!"

"Well..okay! It sounds great Iolaus!" Michaela said smiling. "Just promise me I won't have to touch anything too slimy."

"Only if you want to," he laughed and took her hand to head for one of his favorite fishing spots.

Michaela was only slightly nervous as he led her off the main path and wandered farther into the woods, but she knew that he wouldn't let anything happen to her. So she relaxed a bit and took in the scenery. When they left the forest and entered a small clearing she was delighted and pleasantly surprised.

"It's beautiful, Iolaus," she breathed as her gaze fell upon the patch of green grass and fragrant flowers that lined the edge of the still blue lake. Mountains surrounded them on three sides and the sun was high between two peaks. A huge willow tree grew beside the lake and offered some much-needed shade.

"I told you it would be," he replied inhaling deeply the fresh air. "Now, you just sit here and I'll gather the things we'll need."

The hunter led her beneath the willow where she settled herself and asked, "What kinds of things?"

"Let's see...we'll need some good sturdy sticks for poles, some vine and something to get the fishes' attention," Iolaus explained as he begin to do a cursory search around him.

"Are you good at fishing, then?" Michaela asked leaning back against the tree trunk.

"Well now that all depends on whom you ask," he replied somewhat more modestly that normal.

"Oh I don't believe that," Michaela smiled. "You wouldn't have brought me out here to watch you do something badly."

Iolaus laughed. "I suppose so. But I figured that saying "Fish fear me" would sound a little less than humble."

"You should be proud of who and what you are Iolaus," she said.

The hunter looked over to her, questions in his eyes.

"My lady Salamis told me what heroes you and Hercules are," she explained. "She says that the number of people you two have helped over the years is immeasurable."

Iolaus started to blush again as he shifted from one foot to the other staring down at the long sticks he'd picked up.

"Brave, honorable and true, willing to sacrifice your lives for each other and those you seek to help," Michaela continued as she shifted her position on the grass. "Better men you'll never meet, she said."

"Herc must be paying Salamis under the table," Iolaus laughed.

"I beg your pardon?" the girl asked, not understanding the figure of speech.

"Uhm, nothing, nothing important," he managed and then announced. "I think this is all we'll need!"

Michaela sat by the edge of the lake and watched transfixed as the hunter used his knife to fashion very small sharp sticks to place on the end of the thin vines he attached to the makeshift poles.

"Do you always do this everytime you fish?" she asked.

"Well, sometimes Herc and I bring our own poles, but these'll do in a pinch," he answered. "Now for the bait."


"Yup, we need something to get the fishes' attention so they'll bite the hook," he explained as he scanned the forest floor for something they could use.

Michaela looked around as well, though she didn't really know what she was looking for.

"Oh this'll work!" he said as he picked up a couple of smooth, thin, shell-like rocks. The surfaces were shiny and glinted in the sun.

"That's mother-of-pearl!" Michaela exclaimed, excited that she recognized it. "Some of the things in the temple are decorated with mother-of-pearl."

"Is that right?" he asked as he attached the thin shells to the vines. "Well, these fish are about to have a spiritual encounter."

Iolaus then gently but firmly wrapped Michaela's hands around one of the poles and together they let it fly. She smiled when the hook hit the water with a plop. He did the same with his and they settled in to wait for the fish to start biting.

"So, you seem to know a bit about me," Iolaus ventured. "I don't know a whole lot about you. Tell me about yourself, Michaela."

She was quiet a moment.

"There's nothing to tell really," she answered not looking at him. "I've had a pretty uneventful life."

Iolaus figured it'd be hard to get her to open up so he helped her along.

"Where were you born?"

"Not far from here, just outside of Thebes actually," she answered. "My mom...died when I was two. I don't remember a whole lot about her, but I remember she was very beautiful."

"I'm sure she was," Iolaus replied, studying his fishing line so as not to make her feel self-conscious. "And your dad?"

"My father worked as an acolyte in the village temple," she explained. "He was a good man, but I don't think he was expecting to raise a child, especially a little girl on his own. I pretty much grew up in the temple. Lots of older women there to watch over me. Never had any friends my own age...but at the time, I thought that's how it was supposed to be."

"What about when you went to school? Surely you met other kids then?" the hunter asked, turning to face her.

"The women at the temple saw to my education," she told him, finding it easier and easier to talk to this kind man about herself and her past. "They were always very nice...but it was always a teacher-student relationship. I never got close to any of them..."

"When did you decide to come to Hestia's temple?" he asked, noticing how at last she seemed to be relaxing...and how her serene face made her even more attractive.

"When my father died recently, the women at the temple felt it best that I moved on and found work somewhere else," she said. "One of them suggested Hestia's temple and they escorted me there to meet with Salamis. She was so nice and friendly. Right from the start she treated me differently than the other women. She'd hug me and tell me stories...."

Her voice trailed off as the hunter realized that Salamis was probably the only mother figure Michaela had ever known.

"Yeah, she seems pretty great," he agreed with a smile.

They were silent again. Then Iolaus plowed forward once more.

"So you never wanted to be anything but a priestess?"

"I don't know anything else, Iolaus," she answered resignedly.

"Maybe, someone could teach you things."

"What kinds of things?" she asked curiously.

"Just...things," he answered nervously. "Things that normal girls--not that you're NOT normal! I mean....uhm...of course you're normal, that's not what I meant, but--"

Michaela started to giggle. Then she laughed.

"What's so funny?" the hunter asked a bit taken aback by her response.

"I like you when you babble," she replied.

"Oh," he said warily looking out at the lake and then back at the girl beside him. "Why is that?"


"Because why?" he prompted with a giggle of his own.

"Because you get these little..crinkles around your eyes're trying so hard to say the right thing...and it, well, it makes you even cuter than you already are," she managed to say and then study her hands.

He just sat there a moment with a silly grin on his face. " think I'm cute?"

"I do," she replied matter-of-factly without looking up at him.

"Huh. Well thanks," he said nodding his head. Then he thought, although I am really the only guy she's ever known...not much to compare it to....

A squeal from Michaela pulled him back to the present and he realized that she had a bite on her line.

"Alright, Michaela!" he said as he dropped his own pole on the ground beside him. "Okay, now, reel him in!"

"Reel him in?" she exclaimed. "How???"

Iolaus laughed and closed his hands over hers on the pole and together they managed to pull in a nice sized trout.

Michaela squealed again when the thing landed in her lap. She scrambled backwards and Iolaus reached out for the stunned fish before it jumped back into the lake. He managed a swipe at it which knocked it to the ground but it also caused him to lose his balance and trip over his own fishing pole.

"Oomf!" Michaela let out a surprised cry of her own when Iolaus managed to fall right on top of her.

"Uhm, sorry," he mumbled as their noses nearly touched they were so close.

"No problem," she answered, her voice barely above a whisper. He was so close to her. She felt the weight of his body on the length of hers. She felt his warm breath on her neck. His lips were so beautiful, slightly parted. Did they feel as soft as they looked?

Iolaus was in a haze of his own. He knew he should get up immediately, but he just couldn't seem to do it. She was so soft beneath him, his chest pressed up against her breasts, her eyes wide with surprise. And she smelled so good! Her hair was a mixture of lavender and freesia and her beautiful mouth! It formed a small "o" as she stared back up at him. Gods! All he wanted to do was kiss her!

Did she even know what a kiss was? Would she pummel him if he tried? Would he ever get the opportunity to be this close to her again? What if she hated him for trying?

Michaela didn't make a move. She just lay there, staring into his beautiful face and those hypnotic eyes. He seemed to be considering something of very great importance. She looked back to his lips...would he mind if she touched them? This was a first for her, but somehow she felt so right with Iolaus. She had to feel them.

Very slowly she raised her hand. It trembled as she neared those precious lips. Iolaus automatically thought she was pushing him away, so he was very surprised when her soft fingers lightly grazed his mouth. She couldn't help but smile. They were every bit as soft as they looked.

For Iolaus, that was all it took. Slowly and cautiously he bent his head toward her mouth.

Michaela had no idea what he was doing, but the die had been cast. With heartfelt apologies to Hestia, she was at that moment, prepared to allow Iolaus to do whatever he wanted. If it continued to bring her the amazing sensation that burned within her right now, she would take that chance. It was a feeling she'd never felt before and didn't want to lose yet.

When his lips touched hers, her whole body quivered at such never before felt intimacy. Then as quickly as his lips had descended upon hers, they were gone. She cried inwardly at the loss and looked up at him hovering above her.

"Should I...have done that?" he asked quietly. The brief touch had been electric. And not nearly enough...but the last thing he wanted to do was scare her.

His kiss was too great a gift to have been stripped of it so soon, so she simply nodded and whispered, "Do it again."

Iolaus' heart soared, but still he knew he needed to proceed cautiously. He wanted her first kiss to be an enjoyable one.

She waited a few seconds and it happened again. The soft lips met hers once more and the feeling was even better than before. She closed her eyes and his mouth slowly began to move against hers. Soft, pliant movements that made her feel like she was floating in the blue sky above them.

Gods! She tasted so good! He was afraid he wouldn't be able to get enough of her, so he decided to take this one step at a time. Her mouth was untested and untasted, and he felt a great honor to be the first one to experience it. Before he realized it, his tongue was begging entrance to that secret chamber.

She jumped when she felt his warm tongue glide along her lips and suddenly his mouth was not enough. She wanted what was inside too. She carefully opened her lips and her stomach did a flip when she felt his moist tongue slide effortlessly into her mouth.

When Iolaus felt her lips parting he cheered silently. His tongue immediately sought out its counterpart and he felt her shiver when their tongues met. He tightened one arm around her waist and his other hand came up to gently stroke the side of her face. Her eyes were closed and he rejoiced at how sweetly her mouth was moving against his own.

As she felt his arms tighten around her and his tongue more boldly exploring the hidden recesses of her mouth, Michaela felt as though she were being swept away on some tide or powerful ocean wave. If she didn't hold on, she would surely be swept away. Her hands found purchase on his bare biceps and she shuddered again. She smoothed them over with her hands and then moved them over his back and shoulders. The vest was between his skin and her fingers and she found herself surprisingly feeling bereft at that fact. Her willowy arms snaked higher until they met around his neck. And she held on to him like a lifeline.

He felt her body pressing against his as she embraced him and the sensation nearly did him in. That, plus the fact that she had now gathered enough courage to thrust her own tongue into his mouth and very accurately mimicked the movements his had been making in hers. Over the front of his teeth, the roof of his mouth and back to entangle with its partner, Iolaus discovered that this completely inexperienced young woman was indeed a very quick learner.

The kiss seemed to go on forever, but in reality only a few minutes. Fighting between breathing and staying inside her mouth, the hunter finally wrenched himself away from her mouth. They were both gasping for breath. Michaela swallowed hard and sought out his eyes. When his breathing calmed he looked into her flushed face and gently touched her slightly swollen lips with his fingers.

"By the gods..." she whispered, not trusting her own voice. "What are you doing to me?"

To her utter delight his face broke into one of his brightest smiles that made her automatically smile in return.

"Uhm...kissing?" he replied softly.

"Kissing..." she echoed and bit her bottom lip as if in deep thought. " it."

"Me too," he giggled.

"I love the way your mouth tastes," she said before stealing another precious kiss.

Iolaus sighed as Michaela's kisses grew more urgent, hungry. Gods...he thought....I've created a monster. Not that I'm complaining. Iolaus and Michaela lay in the approaching new day sun and kissed until their lips ached. But it was a sweet ache.

"I suppose this was what my lady Salamis wanted me to experience before making my decision," Michaela thought aloud as Iolaus finally gave her a hand up from her prone position.

"Something like that," Iolaus said a bit nervously as he sat her down comfortably under the shady willow tree. Her kisses had naturally left the hunter wanting more, but he didn't dare say anything. The thought alone made him feel flushed.

Instead he said, "I think we should cook this fish. It's almost lunchtime. Ya hungry?"

"Very," she replied as she smoothed out her dress.

Iolaus tried to concentrate on gathering some wood for a fire and starting it. Then he pulled out his knife and began to scale the fish.

"Iolaus?" Michaela queried.


"Does all that...kissing...mean I'm not a virgin anymore?"

Iolaus nearly sliced his finger off.


"Well," she smiled shyly. "I certainly feel different now...."

", no, no," he stammered. "We just kissed--"

"I hardly call that just a kiss, Iolaus," she giggled. "That was the most incredible thing I've ever experienced in my entire life!"

"Oh...well, Michaela, thanks," he replied, genuinely touched at her sentiment. "It was...absolutely amazing for me too, I didn't mean to imply that it wasn't. It's just kissing doesn't mean...that you're not a virgin anymore."

"Oh," she said.

Iolaus couldn't tell if she was disappointed by that fact or not.

He went back to cleaning the fish hoping that his face wasn't as red as it felt. Finally he wrapped the fish in a large leaf with some spices and herbs from his carry sack and set it to cook over the fire.

For the first time, he realized as he sat back down a little ways from Michaela, that he was slightly uncomfortable around the young woman. First all that mid-blowing kissing, then her talking so nonchalantly and openly about being a virgin, and oh, by the gods, she was just so beautiful! Perhaps he should just take her back to the temple right now. Maybe she would just let the subject drop.

"Iolaus, what would we have to do in order for me not to be a virgin anymore?"

Or maybe not.

"Michaela!" he swallowed hard. "You don't know...what you're asking--"

"Of course I don't!" she replied, slightly perturbed. "That's why I'm asking you!"

"Oh gods," he mumbled and wiped a hand across his face. When he looked back to her she was still patiently waiting for his answer. "I can't believe this..."

"Iolaus, do you know the answer to my question?"

"Of...of course I know!" he stammered, his voice going up an octave or two. Boy did he know!

"Then why can't you tell me?" she asked.

At that moment Iolaus was drawn to the sight of her mouth. It was set in a small pout. Lips slightly parted. He remembered how they felt, how they tasted...just a small prelude of what it would be like to.... Before he knew what he was doing, he said, still watching her mouth, "Cause if I tell you...I'll want to...even more than I already do..."

"Do what, Iolaus?" she asked, genuine concern in her beautiful green eyes. The breeze gently whipped her red waves around her face and Iolaus was literally in a world of hurt.


What would she say if he just ran and jumped in the lake? That might momentarily solve his problem, but not her curiosity. She would surely ask again, not to mention ask why he'd jumped in the lake!

"You're not going to tell me, are you Iolaus?" she asked sadly.

"Michaela..." he managed to get out.

"That's okay. Just...forget I ever asked," she sighed. "I had no idea that whatever is it you won't explain to me was such a bad thing. Perhaps I do belong in the temple then. But I really enjoyed that kissing....who knew what followed would be so terrible that people dare not speak of it....but then again, you just said you wanted to do it...oh Iolaus! I'm so confused now!"

Okay, now he really felt like a heel. How could he leave her with such an idea? That love between two people was a "bad" and "terrible" thing? She was an emotional mess...tears moistening her beautiful cheeks.

"Michaela, I'm sorry," he said lifting a hand to the side of her face. "I didn't mean to confuse you, really I didn''s just this...what you're talking's not a simple's not something most people find easy to talk about, especially with...I mean guys talk to other guys about it, and...I'd imagine women talk to other women about it...but men and women...there's not usually a whole lot of talking....I mean, not that that's necessarily a good thing....I think people should talk more about and women I mean--"

"Iolaus," Michaela said, smiling through her tears, "You're babbling."

"Oh, sorry," he managed a nervous smile.

"Iolaus...something's...on fire."

"You're tellin' me."

"Iolaus! It's the fish!"

The hunter spun around to see that lunch was now slightly charbroiled. Still he managed to get most of the burnt parts off and knew it would still be very much edible. It was a fairly large fish so he cut it down the middle and handed Michaela her half on another large leaf.

Taking a deep breath the hunter announced. "Why don't we"

And the two set to eating in relative silence.

The whole while Iolaus thought about what he should do. On one hand, he knew he should leave her alone and take her back to Hestia's temple relatively unscathed. He'd done his part. He'd taken her out, eaten and talked with her, even taught her how to fish. He had also shown her what kissing was...something he enjoyed very much, and with the way she had responded, something he thought she had also enjoyed. Certainly enough food for thought. Definitely enough to help her make her decision about her final vow.

Then again, he seemed to have presented her with a quandary. Michaela wanted to know what came next. Was that his responsibility too? Responsibility?! What was he talking about?! Like it would be some burden, some chore to make love to this beautiful young woman! He mentally kicked himself for that absurd thought. But when he had failed to talk about it with her she got the impression that it was somehow a "bad" thing. He couldn't let her go through life...perhaps make that final vow without knowing the whole truth...could he? What if she decided against the temple but still avoided close relationships because of her misplaced notion that what usually followed heavy petting was bad?

He had her entire emotional future in his hands!! There was only one thing left to do. He had started this....he would finish it.

If she wanted to, of course.

Okay, he sighed to himself, here goes nothing...or rather everything.

Michaela had finished her fish and Iolaus took the empty leaf from her hand and discarded it along with his. Taking her hands in his, he began.

"Michaela, when two people, a man and a woman, feel...strongly about each other, they develop a passion that each wants to share with the other."

"Iolaus?" she said, cocking her head to one side. "Is this the answer to my question?"

Laughing softly he nodded and she replied, "Thank you."

'Don't thank me quite yet,' he thought then continued.

"Most of the time this...passion is shared through lovemaking," he managed to say. Deep breath, and onward: "This involves the joining of two individuals in a very intimate"

"That sounds so beautiful Iolaus," she whispered. "And when this...lovemaking occurs...the individuals are no longer virgins?"

"Correct," he sighed again. "That is one of the reasons why both people need to be absolutely sure that this is what they want to happen. Because once you've done it, you can never go back to that innocence. Do you understand?"

"Once I give away my maidenhood it's gone forever. Is that what you're saying Iolaus?" she asked quietly.

"Yes," he nodded.

"What does it feel like?" she asked.

'I knew this wasn't going to be a simple answer.'

"Michaela, making love is not really something that can be described--"

"Is it pleasurable?"

How to answer that? Can't lie to her.

"Yes, it can be...extremely pleasurable for both people involved. It can be...incredible."

"Like the kissing?" she asked eagerly.

He laughed. "Like the kissing. Only...much more...intense...much more...intimate."

Michaela seemed to be lost in thought for a moment as she digested the new information.

"You've done this on numerous occasions?" she asked, genuinely interested.

The hunter blushed and just nodded, not trusting his voice at the moment.

"The barmaid back at the tavern?"

Again he nodded.

"I see," she replied with a triumphant smile. "So it wasn't food she was talking about when she referred to your 'appetite!'"

He couldn't contain the giggle this time and it spilled over and he suddenly kissed her hands.

"You are one of a kind, my dear Michaela," he sighed shaking his blond head.

She returned his smile. Then she kissed him on the lips. "Again, thank you Iolaus, for explaining."

"My pleasure," he grinned, the taste of her lips still lingering on his.

"And I want you to know, that with your help, I've made some decisions."

"Oh?" he replied somewhat nervously.

"Yes. One, I've decided not to go back to the temple," she began. "I've seen things...things you've shown me, that I want to see more of...learn more about...village life looks...interesting..."

Her voice trailed off in soft laughter. "Second...I want...I want you to show me this...lovemaking...if it's anything like your kisses then I'm all for it!"

She laughed again at the expression on his face.

"Michaela, are you sure?" he asked seriously as he cupped her face in his hands. "Are you sure this is what you want? Make no mistake about's what I want...Right or wrong, I've wanted it for awhile now...but you have to be sure...I don't want to see you hurt--"

"I'm sure Iolaus," she whispered, leaning into his embrace. "I've never been more sure about anything in my me love..."

With joy in his heart and love in his eyes Iolaus gathered Michaela into his arms and simply gazed at her smiling face. He placed an oh-so-gentle kiss on her lips and slowly guided her down to the shady grass beneath the willow tree. The sun was on its downward course and the shadows played about them like eager school children.

On the one hand Iolaus was ecstatic. He knew this was right. He knew they both wanted it. He knew it would be amazing. But on the other hand, he worried about scaring her...hurting her. She had never done this and had no idea what to expect. She had no idea that no matter how gentle he was with her, there would be pain involved. How did he get her through that without completely ruining it for her?

He looked into her emerald eyes and tried to gauge her thoughts.

"Are you scared?" he whispered, caressing the side of her face.

"No," she replied quickly. "Well, maybe...just a little bit."

Iolaus nodded almost imperceptibly.

Michaela stroked his cheek gently. "But I want this. I want you. Make love to me, Iolaus."

The last was whispered, far too low to be heard by anyone outside their embrace.

Taking the hunter's face between her hands, she pulled his lips down on hers firmly. The look of surprise in Iolaus' eyes was quickly replaced with one of happiness as he wound his hands through her long red mane of hair. She reveled again in the feel of his warm, moist lips caressing hers softly, then more and more possessively and hungrily. When he parted her lips with a deftly darting tongue she jumped slightly and let out a moan of pleasure.

Iolaus had pulled her body tightly against his own and she could feel his every muscle. She could feel the heat of his bare chest against the thin material of her gown. She just melted into him and held on for dear life. The hunter expertly continued his explorations of her body, his hands caressing her arms, her back, her buttocks. He nearly had her in a frenzy when he came up for air.

He took one look at her slightly bruised lips still parted in a small "o" and nearly cried out his passion into the night. She still held onto him, lest her desire should weaken her further.

Iolaus looked down on that sweet, beautiful face as he hovered above her. He lowered his lips softly to hers and kissed her with a gentleness she never could've imagined.

"I want you so much," he sighed contentedly as he gathered her in his arms and began a trail of hot kisses down the column of her throat.

The hunger in his cerulean eyes nearly consumed her, so powerful was it. And she knew that her hunger matched his own.

"Michaela," he whispered as he nuzzled her neck.

"Yes Iolaus?" she sighed, running her hands beneath his vest and massaging the hard muscles in his back. Satin over steel, she thought.

"You just relax, and we'll go slow and easy for as long as you want," Iolaus promised, the heady scent of her hair and skin making him reel with thoughts of untold pleasures. "Don't worry about a thing...I'll be here, and I swear I won't let you fall."

"Make love to me Iolaus..." she moaned again softly. "I need you now...and I know that your love could never hurt me."

The hunter slipped out of his vest and began to unlace Michaela's top. His sure hands moving gracefully down her blouse left her breathless with the very idea of him undressing her. How would she feel when she lay beneath him, completely exposed? She shivered as he pushed the now open blouse off her silky shoulders. Michaela watched his face as Iolaus sighed in appreciation of the bounty which lay before him.

"You are so beautiful Michaela," he cooed as he lowered his blonde head and kissed the sensitive area between her breasts.

Michaela sighed softly as his warm, soft lips moved down her chest. Part of her couldn't believe this was happening; the other part thought it so completely natural.

When she felt his hand cup her breast, her breath caught in her throat. Her skin tingled with fire everywhere he touched. She watched in delight as every sound she made caused the hunter to smile with joy and passion. Kneading her right breast with one hand, Iolaus suddenly moved his lips to the other. Michaela cried out helplessly as he took first the nipple and then the breast into his hot, wet mouth. He suckled her like a babe, and Michaela felt a burning sensation starting in her very core and spreading outward in all directions like tongues of fire.

When Iolaus turned his attentions to her other breast and gently took the nipple between his teeth, Michaela started wriggling beneath him. Her hips seemed to have a mind of their own as they pushed upwards as she arched her back and flung her head deep into the plush grass.

Iolaus knew she was close to the breaking point and he was nearing it himself. Still laving her breast with his tongue, he reached down to the waist of her skirt and expertly had the item removed in seconds.

Michaela gasped as she felt Iolaus' hand began to caress the spot between her legs. Gods have mercy! She never knew anyone could make her feel like this. She felt ready to explode. When she felt him insert one strong finger into her, she buried her head in his shoulder, shaking with the mixed sensations he was bringing about with his touch.

"Just breathe...relax my love," Iolaus whispered as he began to rub the spot within her that he hoped would take her over the edge.

Her mind swam in desire-clouded fog. She'd never felt such pleasure or even dreamed of it. She felt Iolaus rub her harder and faster, until she thought she'd die right there in his arms.

"Iolaus!!!" she screamed his name hoarsely as her body shook with the force of her orgasm.

The hunter held her tightly as the rocking of her body lessened and her breathing slowly returned to normal. She lay her head back on the grass and watched the hunter as he watched her. "Iolaus..."

Witnessing the peak of her desire had almost pushed him over too. The look in his eyes was one of pure passion and need. And it exited her beyond belief. Michaela managed a small smile and chewing her bottom lip she purred, "More..."

A grin split the hunter's face from ear to ear as he got to his knees and leaned over the young woman.

"If that's really what you want...." he was now teasing her, for the look in her dark eyes was unmistakable.

Michaela reached her hands up and ran them up and down Iolaus' bare chest, smooth and tanned. "I place myself completely in your...very capable hands."

Michaela's hands wandered lower and came to rest on the buckle of Iolaus' belt.

Iolaus took a deep breath and sat up. Gently removing her hands from the buckle, he began to take his belt off. He watched Michaela as she leaned back into the verdant grass, her knees resting together, as she drank in the sight of the hunter. Then her heart did a flip-flop in her chest as he wriggled out of the leather pants.

Now it was Michaela's turn to breathe deeply at the sight of him. He was so beautiful. A small moan escaped her lips as he moved forward to hover over her once more. She entwined her fingers in his golden curls and pulled his mouth to hers. He kissed her passionately. The kiss seemed to go on forever--she never wanted it to stop. And suddenly his tongue was probing her mouth again, sliding across her teeth. Her breathing came rapidly went he started nibbling on her bottom lip while his hand gently slid down her side and over her thigh. She reveled in the weight of his body that he was now placing on her. Skin against skin--the fire within her started up again.

Breaking the kiss, Iolaus placed a hand on Michaela's knees and slowly pushed her legs open. She was putty in his hands and she did as he instructed without question.

When both her knees rested against the ground Iolaus moved between her legs.

Still holding himself above her, he looked into her eyes and whispered, "Just remember to relax, alright? Everything okay?"

Kneading his back, she smiled and replied softly, "Everything's...perfect."

Iolaus smiled compassionately and stroked her beautiful red hair. He bent down and kissed her on the forehead. "I only want to make you happy. You know that, don't you?"

"Yes," was her whispered response. "And I trust you with my very soul. Make me yours completely Iolaus... please take me now!"

"A precious gift that I am honored to have been given," he kissed her lips again as he slowly lowered himself into her.

Then he felt it. Michaela tensed up and he knew exactly why. He could feel it.

"Michaela?" he whispered, stopping halfway inside her. As much as he tried he couldn't keep himself from continuing to grow inside her. Her tight warmth was incredible. "Michaela honey?"

She had buried her face in his shoulder and although he couldn't see her eyes he felt the wetness of tears.

"Sweetheart?" he asked again anxiously as he rubbed her back.

Her breath was coming in quick gasps between her lips as she kept her head buried.


"Iolaus...does it always...hurt so much?" a tiny voice asked.

"Oh gods!" he exclaimed as he started to pull out. "The last thing in the world that I wanted to do was hurt you and that's exactly what I've done!"

Michaela grabbed onto his shoulders to try to prevent him from leaving her.

"No! Please...don't stop..." she begged weakly.

"I'm so sorry, Michaela..." he crooned as he stroked her hair.

"Just tell me," she said again. "Does it always hurt so much?"

"No, no sweetheart," he assured her, wishing he could see her eyes. "There's usually pain the first time, but after that..."

"That's all I wanted to hear," the girl responded in a shaky voice. "Do it Iolaus."

"Are you sure?"

" it!"

Her voice brooked no argument and once again he was on the move.

As Michaela felt him start to slip inside her farther, the ecstasy lit a flame a hundred times brighter than before. Then he kissed her, and he saw her face light up as he started to move inside her.

He tried to go slow, but the feeling of her around him was driving him farther and farther over the edge. His hands roamed over every inch of her body which was now writhing beneath him. Then suddenly and without warning, he felt her hips thrust upwards and he was instantly buried deep inside her.

"Oh gods!" he cried at the unexpected pleasure.

Michaela's every nerve was on fire. Her heart beat so fast she thought it would burst, and he was moving faster and faster within her. She thrust her hips in unison with his, needing him to be even closer to her. Hearing him grunt softly in delight she smiled and wrapped her legs around his waist.

As he found and rubbed across that sensitive spot again, she cried out. Having found it, Iolaus' thrusting was now merciless. And each time he ignited that spot into flames she thought, surely it could get no better, and every time she was wrong.

"Iolaus! Iolaus...Iolaus...Oh sweet Hestia! Iolaus!" she cried out in pleasure over and over as he continued his relentless pursuit of the body-shaking conclusion that would soon descend upon them both.

"I'm not should be calling...Hestia's name at!" he cried and she swore she heard him giggle in the midst of his pleasure.

"Right now I feel like...calling on the...entire...Greek Pantheon!!" she replied loudly.

Then he felt it. Michaela cried out once more as she hit the edge of her passion and spiraled upwards ever faster. He followed fast on her heels and at the very last possible moment he pulled out of her and grabbed hold of his manhood as he released his seed over his hand and onto her belly.

Slowly they both began to float back down to the ground. And they lay in each other's arms, breathing deeply. As Iolaus held her tenderly, Michaela sighed in a contentment she'd never known.

She looked up into those impossible blue orbs and whispered..."Oh my...Iolaus...that was...oh Iolaus!" And she snuggled into his chest kissing the smooth skin gently.

Iolaus giggled softly and dropped a kiss on her forehead. "I just hope you enjoyed it as much as I did..."

"Oh yes..yes!" she insisted

The hunter raised up slightly but she tightened her legs around his waist. "No, please don't go..."

"I won't," he replied. "I just need to clean you up a bit."

Then he reached over to his carry-sack and pulled out a soft clean cloth, then gently wiped his seed from her belly.

"That tickles!" she laughed and squirmed beneath him. That admission only caused him to tickle her more. In between giggling, she begged for mercy until he finally stopped and tossed the cloth aside.

"Iolaus," she sighed as she stroked the side of his face with her hand. "Seriously...that was..incredible. I...I'd never even imagined could be given by another human being."

"I'm sorry I hurt you," he whispered.

"It was a very small price to pay for the pleasure that followed my hunter," she assured him with a kiss from swollen lips.

He shivered as she nibbled on his bottom lip and giggled. "What have I done?"

She echoed his laugh and continued to devour his mouth as one hand smoothed over his shoulders and back down to his firm buttocks. She gave it a squeeze and Iolaus let out a moan. He could feel himself getting harder already.

"Ya know, we're gonna be really itchy if we...keep rolling around in...this grass."

"I don't mind. Ya know what they say... you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours," she said and gave him another squeeze.

"You're a really quick learner, ya know that?" he laughed as he started stroking in and out of her again.

Michaela groaned in absolute bliss as the hunter once again brought her to that pinnacle and beyond. In fact it was over an hour later when he finally helped her put her gown back on. He pulled his leathers on and Michaela turned to face him.

Kneeling before him, she kissed the very tip of his manhood and whispered, "I hope to see you again really soon."

Then she giggled as she tucked him inside his breeches.

Iolaus sighed and pulled her up beside him.

"You are so incredible. I'm so lucky to have met you."

"I'm very happy to have made your acquaintance, Iolaus. You've taught me so much...and I'm not talking about the sex part..."

Iolaus raised his eyebrows.

"Okay, I AM talking about the sex part," she laughed. "But the other things as well. You've taught me that I can survive on my own. That I don't have to spend the rest of my life cloistered from people and the world. And I want to thank you for that Iolaus."

"You already have," he replied kissing her flushed cheek. "You let me be a part of your self, even for just a little while. I'll never forget you."

"Not I you, my hunter," she whispered and drew his head in for another kiss.

"I just love this kissing thing," she giggled.

He laughed and kissed her back soundly.

"So what happens now?" he asked as she hugged him tightly to her.

"Well, I guess I should go back to the temple and get my things...well, what few things I have. I need to thank Salamis for all that she's done for me. I just hope she isn't too upset that I chose to leave the Temple."

"She won't be," he assured her. "She's the one who wanted you to have this choice. She'll be happy for you no matter what your decision is."

"Yeah, I think you're right," she nodded.

"Well we'd better get going, Cinderellias. It's almost midnight," he offered.

"I don't know, I think that time limit was just if I decided to come back on a permanent basis," she grinned.

"Ah..I see," Iolaus replied, a twinkle in his eyes. "You're saying you'd rather wait til morning to go back?"

She laughed.

"Well, only if you think you can fill in my spare time between now and then."

He cocked his head to one side.

"I think we can probably figure out something," he grinned back. "How about a moonlight stroll first?"

"You're on," she said as he led her along the banks of the dusk-bathed lake.

"So, my hunter," she giggled. "Wanna teach me to shoot a bow and arrow?"


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