Guidelines for Story Submissions

Policy Statement | Editorial Policy | Format for Submissions
Ratings Definitions | Sample Warnings and Disclaimers | Beta-Readers and Editors List

Policy Statement

This website was created to host stories that would not be posted on most of the Hercules websites due to their content. Because the space here is limited, this site only accepts stories that have a rating of at least 'R'.

All stories must contain at least one character from the show.

This site does not post Slash stories. Not because the reader might not enjoy them but there are other sites that specialize in those type of stories.

All stories posted on this site remain the property of their author(s). They are posted here with permission. Use of these stories elsewhere without proper consent of the author is NOT ALLOWED.

Editorial Policy

It is not the policy of this site to edit any story for spelling or grammar errors. The editor will make spelling corrections IF she happens to catch them but she does not go out of her way to look for them. Please make her job easier by having your story beta-read before submitting it.

Format for Submissions

Stories must be in TEXT (.txt) format and sent as an attachment to: In the subject line please type: 'ATTN: Editor'.

Please include the following at the beginning of your story:

A short description of your story will be listed under the story title along with the rating and any warnings. If you wish to provide this description yourself, please limit it to three lines and include it in the story file BEFORE the title.

If you have problems or wish more clarification of a particular item, send an email to and in the Subject line type: 'ATTN: Editor - Submissions Help'.

Ratings Definitions

The following definitions are based on those used for movies and television with a few extras thrown in.

Sample Warnings and Disclaimers

Here are some samples of various types of warnings and disclaimers. These are examples only, you do not have to use them as is. Please feel free to modify them to suit your story.



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