Out Of The Rain

By Ronan

Rated NC-17: This story contains graphic descriptions of sex between a man and a woman. If you are under 18 or that type of thing bothers you then please read something else.

The character of Iolaus is the property of Universal Studios/Pacific Renaissance and no copyright infringement is intended. The author is not receiving any compensation.

This story is just for fun. There's not really much of a plot or anything else, but Iolaus enjoyed it and I hope you will too. J


Iolaus felt the cold drop of rain as it traced it's way down his spine adding another notch to his misery. He was beginning to think he'd never felt this wet, cold and miserable before, with no sign of it letting up. As if to make things worse his stomach rumbled, reminding him that he hadn't eaten since early that morning.

"Why am I out in the middle of nowhere, trudging through a downpour?" he asked himself for the hundredth time. "I could have stayed in that last village. They had an inn. A nice cozy inn. With a nice roaring fire. And cozy warm beds." He shivered as another gust of rain lashed at him. "You could have been snuggled up in that bed right now." He groaned as he reminded himself, "and if that pretty serving girl had anything to say about it you wouldn't have been alone either." He felt his manhood stir at the memory of the invitation in her eyes, groaning as his body reminded him of other appetites he could have been indulging. "That's enough! Think about something else!" He sternly ordered himself. "Food. That's it. A steaming bowl of good thick stew. Hot. Tasty." His stomach rumbled and he growled at it to shut up. "I just can't win!"

The rain, which had seemed to be slackening off, suddenly began to come down in sheets. Iolaus stumbled to the side of the road, hoping to find more protection under the trees. This latest blast had driven every thought from his head. All he could concentrate on now was putting one foot in front of the other. He had to keep going until he found someplace dry and warm to shelter from the storm. The almost constant shivering of his body told him that he was getting dangerously cold, if he stopped now without shelter and a way to get warm he wouldn't last the night.

He was concentrating so hard on just keeping moving that he almost stumbled into the cart that blocked the road. Cursing under his breath he looked up, fully intending to yell at the driver who was inconsiderate enough to stop his vehicle in the middle of the road. The words died in his throat the minute he set eyes on the young woman hurrying towards him.

Black hair was plastered about a thin face dominated by enormous brown eyes. She had obviously been out in the rain as long if not longer then he had, Iolaus realized. Her clothing was soaked. Her skirt clung to her legs and hips, giving a tantalizing outline of the form it concealed. The blouse under her bodice was nearly transparent, the rosy nipples of her luscious breasts clearly visible through the thin coverage.

She stopped a few feet from him and as Iolaus met her gaze he saw that her eyes were full of concern and fear. "Are you alright?"

The sound of her voice, low and soft, sent a jolt of desire through him; he once more felt a stirring in his groin. 'Stop that!' he sternly ordered his body as he gathered his wits to respond, "I'm fine." He assured her, "It was my fault. I should have been watching where I was going." He swallowed hard as she smiled tentatively at him.

"No, it's my fault," she argued, "I know better than to stop in the middle of the road, but I'm afraid the one of the wheels seems to be stuck."

Iolaus tore his gaze away from her long enough to glance at the wheel. It was indeed well and truly stuck, buried nearly to its axle in clinging mud. Iolaus grinned, here was something he could do and it ought to warm him up nicely.

An hour later he was heartily regretting his boast that he would have the cart free in no time as he finished lodging bits of bark around the wheel. He'd had to clear a lot more of the clinging mud away from the wheel than he'd initially thought; as a result he was now covered in the stuff. Straightening he groaned and moved to the end of the cart bracing himself to push, praying that this time the wheel would move. He called to Maris and heard her start urging the horse forward as he strained to lift the end of the cart. He felt the mud give slightly. Shouting encouragement, he twisted using his foot to try to shove more bark under the wheel. For one long moment he thought the cart still wasn't going to move. Then suddenly it lurched forward, breaking free of the mud with a loud pop.

Iolaus staggered and nearly fell but managed to catch himself. Instead he simply sank to his knees in the muddy road, breathing hard. He was barely aware of Maris speaking to him until she took his arm and urged him up. "I-I-'m f-fine," he tried to ease the worry he saw in her eyes but the chattering of his teeth gave him away.

"You are not fine! You're freezing!" The concern in her eyes deepened and she began to guide him to the cart. "You're coming home with me. It's not far."

"I don't want to trouble you."

She silenced his half-hearted protests with a stern look. "It's the least I can do after all the help you've been." She stopped as they reached the side of the cart. "Now get up there. It won't take long to reach my home and then we can both get warm again."

As soon as Maris was sure Iolaus was settled she flicked the reins, urging the horse to carry them quickly home. She thanked the gods that he had shown up, she had been dreadfully afraid that she would have to abandon the cart and hope to come back for it before it was stolen. When she had heard the shout, then a male voice quietly cursing she had been afraid that her luck had taken a turn for the worse but he had soothed her fears and then helped her free the cart.

A sigh caught her attention and she glanced over to be sure he was all right. She quickly realized that he had fallen asleep. Well, she didn't mind that as it gave her the opportunity to study him. Even covered in mud and soaked to the skin he was a handsome man and Maris felt a trickle of warmth in her loins. It had been far too long since her husband had died. She missed having a man in her bed. Perhaps her luck was better than she'd thought. She smiled slightly as she thought of what the night might bring.

Iolaus groaned as he eased himself into the tub, the steaming water almost painful to his frozen body. He'd been beginning to believe that he'd never be warm again. With a sigh of relief he sank down, letting his head rest against the rim as the marvelous warmth slowly seeped into his bones. He just might survive after all. He was so relaxed he missed hearing the door open.

"Don't fall asleep in there, Iolaus." The soft voice startled him.

Sitting up, he spun around just in time to see Maris gathering up his muddy clothes. "What are you doing?"

Maris raised an eyebrow, grinning at him. "Taking your clothes to clean them of course silly!"

"Oh, uh.. yeah.. but," Iolaus stuttered.

She giggled, understanding his problem. "Don't worry, I've got some things of my husbands' you can wear while they dry." She paused at the door, a wicked grin lighting her face, "Though I wouldn't object if you decided not to wear them."

Iolaus felt his cheeks burn as she left the room. It took a moment for the rest of her words to sink in, then he nearly panicked. "Husband?!?!?!" He called after her.

He was still trying to think of a way out of this situation when she returned a few minutes later. He watched as she placed a neat pile of clothing on the bench by the door. "Uh, look, Maris, I'm really grateful and all," he told her as she straightened and turned to face him. "But I think it would be best if…" He totally forgot what he was going to say as she loosened the laces of her dress, allowing it to puddle around her feet. Blushing furiously, he asked, "What are you doing?" the words coming out as a strangled gasp.

"You don't mind if I join you, do you?" Maris purred seductively as she climbed in to the water.

Iolaus frantically backed as far away as the confines of the tub would allow. "Uh.. W-what about your h-husband?" Iolaus stuttered nervously.

"What about him?" Maris followed him, trapping him against the side.

"W-won't he object?" He grabbed her shoulders trying to hold her away from him.

"Why should he?" she asked throatily.

He felt her hands wandering up his legs. Quickly he reached down to grab them, pulling them away from him. "Look, Maris, this isn't right." He told her earnestly.

She stilled, starring at him; then a slow flush mounted her checks and she turned away. "I'm sorry, Iolaus." Her voice was thick with tears. "I guess my loneliness got the better of me."

His heart melted at her words, what kind of husband could she have that he left her alone? "I'm sorry too Maris." He tried to comfort her. "I just can't take advantage of a man's wife." He sighed, "If you weren't married…" He let his voice trail off, hoping she would understand what he was trying to say.

Maris turned around, a look of astonishment on her face. "But I'm not married!" she protested.

Iolaus' mind whirled in confusion. "But.. you.. What about.. You said you were giving me your husbands' clothes?" Finally realizing what the problem was Maris smiled tentatively at him. "My husband died two years ago last fall, Iolaus." Her eyes' held remembered sorrow. "I've been alone since then."

Iolaus starred at the woman before him, now he understood. Gently he reached out to her, cradling her against his chest. "I'm sorry Maris." He smoothed her hair back from her face as she looked up at him. "I can't stay." He told her quietly.

"Just for tonight." she assured him.

"Tonight." The word was a promise as he slowly lowered his head to taste her trembling lips.

Her lips parted beneath his, her tongue shyly meeting, tangling with his own. Her arms wrapped around him, hands caressing the hard muscles of his back.

He felt her body press against him as he slowly nibbled his way around her neck, stopping for a moment to lick the hollow at the base of her throat before continuing on around to gently nibble on her ear. He heard her soft moan as he used one hand to trace a line from her hip to the proud swell of her breast. Gently cupping it he drew back enough to watch her face as his thumb brushed the rosy nipple that begged for his attention.

Her back arched to his caress and she whimpered as he gently rolled her nipple between his finger and thumb; then lowered his head to run his tongue around the hard peak. He alternately licked and suckled at one breast then the other, the whimpers and gasps he brought forth from her firing his own need.

Maris' hands wandered down his back; traced the curve of his spine, then ventured lower. It was Iolaus' turn to moan as she grasped his straining shaft, slowly beginning to stroke it. He jerked, hips thrusting involuntarily as she ran a finger lightly over the tip. He gathered her close, intending to find some place more suitable for their activities but she surprised him. Taking advantage of the move, she straddled his hips. Hands never leaving his straining organ, she slowly lowered herself onto him, enveloping him in her warmth.

"Maris," he panted hoarsely.

"Shhh," she stifled his words with a kiss; rocking against him.

He moaned once more, surrendering to the desire that was racing through him. Bracing himself, he grasped her hips pulling her closer. Then he began to move inside her and it was her turn to moan. Soon he was thrusting rhythmically, feeling her muscles tightening on him, trying to bring him further inside. He twisted slightly, shifting, trying to find the spot that would send her over the edge. He knew he had found it when she shuddered. He began to thrust harder, increasing the tempo until she cried out. He felt her body tighten around him and could hold back no longer. With a hoarse shout he spilled his seed into her.

Iolaus cradled Maris against him, only gradually becoming aware of the rapidly cooling water around them. With a sigh he gathered her in his arms and stood up. Carefully setting her on her feet, he quickly climbed out of the tub. Taking the cloth she handed him, he slowly began to wipe the moisture from her skin. Gently massaging her skin as he worked to make sure not a spot was missed. By the time he'd finished she was trembling with need once again. Quickly he started to wipe the worst of the dampness from himself, skimping the job in an effort to get them both to a place where they could continue this in comfort.

He was startled when Maris took the cloth away and began to return the favor. He held himself as still as he could while she slowly rubbed his back and buttocks. Each soft caress sending a lance of fire straight to his groin. He moaned and tried to grab her when she dried his chest, gently scraping the cloth over the hard nubs of his nipples. She avoided his hands, going to her knees in front of him.

Iolaus groaned as the feel of the cloth was replaced by her lips. Slowly she kissed and licked her way down his body until she reached his straining manhood. He thought his legs would refuse to support him as she began to stroke his thick shaft while her tongue teased its weeping tip. When she took him into her mouth and began to suck, he struggled to keep from thrusting wildly into the warm depths. She continued to tease and caress him until there were no thoughts left in his mind except the need to bury himself in her.

His voice was a hoarse growl as he picked her up, "Where?"

Maris' voice was husky with need, "Through there."

He strode quickly in the direction she indicated, shouldering the door open. Placing her on the large bed that dominated the room, he knelt between her legs. She shifted, her body arching, guiding him, as he sheathed himself in her moist channel. Whimpering, she wrapped her legs around him, urging him on with hands and voice. Her words were a sirens' song of passion, inflaming him. He thrust harder, feeling the tremors of her climax building in the soft flesh that cradled him. Then his own orgasm broke over him as he heard her shout his name.

Iolaus held Maris as she slept curled against him, silently debating with himself. He was supposed to meet Hercules in Corinth today. Maris sighed and snuggled closer. He dropped a kiss on the dark head pillowed on his shoulder, smiling. He didn't think Herc would mind if he were just a little late. After all, he could always blame it on the rain.

The End.

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