Six Sisters

By Sjofn

Feedback can be sent to: Ronan for forwarding.

This story contains scenes of graphic sex between men and women. If you are under 18 or if this is illegal where you live, please go away.

Hercules and Iolaus belong to Universal Studios and Pacific Renaissance and no copyright infringement is intended. The author is just having fun.

It was a dark rainy night, Hercules and Iolaus were huddled under an overhang of rock. They were cold, wet, uncomfortable and grumpy. The wind whipped around them, forcing the rain back under the overhang, to dribble on their heads.

"We can't stay here all night. We'll catch our deaths," Iolaus grumbled, as he pulled his vest tight over his wet chest. His usually bouncing, golden curls lay flat, so wet they plastered to his head. A stream of water formed a rivulet down a forelock to the bridge of his nose. From there it continued down to the tip of his nose where it drip, drip, dripped, much to his frustration and annoyance.

"Stop whining," said Hercules, in a whining voice, raindrops falling from his cleft chin. His bulk molded the back of the indentation, no more than a rocky outcrop. The torrent of rain that was driven in by the whipping wind ran right down his back. All the rain that is except the continuous drizzle that plunked and drizzled down on their heads.

"I'll never get my vest clean," Iolaus complained, talking mostly to himself.

"And my leather pants will shrink again. So what's new?" Hercules brushed back another dripping, lank strand of hair. The rain dribbled down his hair to his face and onto the chamois shirt, soaking it thoroughly, making it heavy and limp.

"Well, we could run back to that big old house we saw back on the ridge," offered Iolaus with a shiver and a sneeze.

"Yeah, I guess that's what we should do," Hercules coughed, though he didn't relish getting back out into that stinging rain.

They made ready to take off into the driving rain, pulling their clothes around them tightly and pushing back their dripping hair. Running as fast as their feet would carry them, they tripped and tumbled, slipped and splashed through the muddy forest. Iolaus caught his boot on an exposed root and flipped up in the air. He landed flat onto his back on a rotting log, which collapsed with his weight. He jumped up from the pool of dirty water and bits of leaf and wood as quick as he could, not wanting to think what all could be floating in that stench. "Oh great! Just great," he mouthed as a loud clap of thunder drowned out his voice.

The flash of lightning played havoc on Hercules' vision. Like a strobe light it made the ordinarily stationary trees and bushes leap and bound, sometimes right into his path. Iolaus hollered out a warning to his friend, but too late. Hercules rebounded off the low limb that appeared out of nowhere, or seemed to, and landed squarely in a mud puddle. Catching his breath, Hercules stood and shook off as much of the muck as he could. Soaked and muddy, they continued on. Finally the lights from the distant windows loomed before them.

"I didn't think it was this far," complained Iolaus, barely audible above the downpour.

"Well, it was you who said it was just over on the ridge. You didn't say it was on the next ridge," growled the unhappy Hercules, who was getting decidedly peevish right about now. Still they ran on in the rain and towards the light.

Arriving at the stoop of a large door, they pushed right up to it with their chests, trying to take advantage of the little cover the door jam offered. Their jagged, heaving gasps formed a cloud of fog around them as they struggled to catch their breath. The wind was getting bitterly cold and the rain was not relenting. Hercules banged on the door and Iolaus hollered, "Hello! Open the door, we're drowning out here!"

The door opened and a rush of warmth flooded out with the golden glow from a roaring fire. A beautiful blonde woman was standing holding the door open as they tumbled in, caught off balance when the door opened and at seeing the beauty who opened it. They fell on the floor, a pile of wet, muddy maleness in contrast to the surroundings of the room.

"My goodness, look what the storm has brought us," the beautiful blonde woman said in a sweet, melodic voice. Several other women, equally beautiful, joined the blonde to examine the men who had burst so unceremoniously into their home.

Hercules and Iolaus jumped to their feet, still panting and gasping after their long run. Smoothing down their dripping clothes and raking back their wet, windblown locks, they stared wide-eyed at the beauty before them.

"Oh, geez. Sorry about the mess," Iolaus mumbled apologetically, looking down at the water stains forming on the floor.

"We, we're sorry to make a mess," added Hercules quickly with embarrassment. He pulled his legs together, trying to make a smaller puddle as the run off of rain from his body spread out around him. He elbowed Iolaus, who tried to sweep the puddling pool closer to himself with his foot. It was a valiant effort, but totally ineffectual.

Iolaus' face was turning a bright red as he looked up at the women who stood watching him curiously. The color of his face was not due entirely to the warmth of the ample fire. An embarrassed grin spread over Hercules face as steam began to rise from his body, the moisture evaporating off him, his face turning a warm rosy red as well.

"You need to get out of those wet things and get into a hot tub. You're all covered with mud and freezing cold."

It was true. Despite the steam, Hercules found his skin was covered in goose bumps. He just wasn't sure it was because he was cold. He looked over to Iolaus who seemed unable to speak for once in his life. The environment they found themselves in was a vision of warm, caressing comfort. They both felt like a three-headed hydra that had wondered in by accident. The delicate feminine beauties standing around them and their surroundings, were warm and pleasant compared to the raging storm and forest they had just traversed.

"But perhaps something hot to drink first, to warm you up?" A red headed beauty went to the fireplace and ladled two large mugs full of hot steaming liquid from the kettle. The heady aroma of herbs and honey had

their mouths watering as she handed them the amber potion. Hercules and Iolaus, hardly believing their luck, took the mugs and down the warm liquid in a gulp. It was wonderful. They immediately felt relaxed and warm. The golden glow flooded out into their bodies, relaxing them immediately as all their concerns and cares magically started to melt away.

A lovely brunette stepped up next and asked them to follow her, which they did. They soon found themselves in another room at the back of the house where a natural, effervescent hot-spring bubbled from the ground. She poured some sandalwood scented oil into the pool as she added, "Just slip off those wet things and you can wash away all that mud. I'll bring you another drink while you soak." Some of her sisters added bath salts and flower petals to the churning pool as the now scented steam rose to fill the air.

"Oh, that looks great," replied Iolaus, already slipping off his vest and boots, totally unabashed.

"I, er, well," stammered Hercules. "I'd like to, but... Ah, well you see, we don't have anything to put on. I mean our clothes are wet and ah..." He was turning several shades of red, perplexed as to how he could

get into the inviting pool and retain some level of modesty with this woman and her sisters standing around watching him.

The women giggled shyly as they stood around the pool. "We'll bring you some robes," offered the auburn haired sprite with a dimpled smile. "You go ahead and get into the pool and we'll go and get you the robes and another drink."

The ladies left the room so Hercules and Iolaus could get undressed and slip into the pool. Three of the sisters returned minutes later with mugs and pitchers filled with the fresh, hot, magic liquid, trays of food and soft, velvety robes. The men were relaxing in the foaming pool, their heads resting on the spongy, moss-covered stones that rimmed it. The warm effervescent water and heady grog, were working magic on the two tired men. The women fed them some of the bread, cheese and fruit and helped to pour the warm sweet grog into their mouths as they became even more relaxed. Laughing and giddy, a little drunk or a little drugged perhaps, even Hercules was becoming comfortable and less self-conscious as his tensions melted away.

The other three women entered the bathing room with sponges and cloths and started to help the men bathe. Funny, they were modest men usually, but somehow at that time, they didn't care about being tended to by strange women. They were happy to soak in the pool and let the women massage their sore backs and rub them with the cloths and sponges. Happy to let the warm, scented water trickled down their chest. Let small, soft hands work the sweet smelling soap into their cold skin, warming it and relaxing them further. All their aches and soreness dissolved as the women took care of them.

"Oh, this is wonderful," moaned Iolaus, as three of the women pampered him with their delicate hands. His eyes were closed and his smiling face and hair gleamed with warm aromatic oil and water.

Hercules could hardly talk he was feeling so soothed. "Yeah," was all he added as he sunk lower into the warm embrace of the broiling warmth and gentle hands.

"Now," said the blonde woman, who had first greeted them at the door, "You must come and lay down. Let us massage your legs. You've run far and your legs and feet must be tired."

Hercules was in a mellow trance as he allowed himself to be pulled from the bath. A soft sigh escaped the lips of the lucky woman who helped him on with his soft robe. She and two of her sisters led him to a room with a large wide pallet, laid out by a glowing fire.

The other three women helped Iolaus out of the bath and sighed with equal pleasure as they draped the soft robe around his wet, warm body. They pulled Iolaus gently into another room, similar to the one Hercules had been taken to. They laid him down on the pallet, rolling him over to his stomach. He was relaxed and succumbed to their ministrations with total compliance. They began to massage his legs and, slipping off his robe, they began to stroke his back. They smelled sweet and fresh and the sheets were silky and soft, like their skin. They had on loose robes that gaped open as they bent to touch Iolaus. His mind was foggy but his eyes were working fine. He liked what he saw.

In the other room Hercules was moaning softly as a beautiful auburn haired woman kneaded his stiff shoulder. As she bent to work, her robe flared open and her soft, warm breast gently caressed his folded arm. She felt cool and warm at the same time and smelled divine. Hercules was swimming in a pool sensual delight, of smell and touch. He had no desire for it to ever end.

He kissed her breast as she stretched to reach his far arm. It seemed the natural thing to do, being so near, so inviting. Her tender, oiled skin tasted like ambrosia and felt like silken cream. His tongue melted with her skin and his lips grazed on the exquisite feast. She continued her kneading of his yielding muscles as he surrendered to his senses.

Meanwhile in the other room, Iolaus, who was having a difficult time deciding which way to look, was relieved when the women rolled him over onto his back. He didn't seem to notice his robe had been removed. He did notice that the women's robes had slipped off their shoulders and that now their beautiful breasts were glowing in the reflection of the warm fire. Their glistening skin tantalizingly creamy and close.

He reached up to touch, to caress the visions of loveliness on either side of him, as the third one massaged his legs, bringing goose flesh of excitement up on his skin. The dark haired beauty leaned down and Iolaus kissed her full red lips. First he merely tasted her mouth, tested her plum pout. Then he began to devour it hungrily. He turned and kissed the honey blonde woman on his other side. She tasted just as wonderful too, all the while he caressed their soft firm breasts with his hands.

Back in Hercules' room there was kissing too. The redhead and auburn haired women taking turns, kissing his lips, his face, his neck and his chest as the blonde worked her kisses up his strong lean legs. He gasped and wondered if he would be able to taste enough of these wonderful women, touch enough of them, take in enough of their scents and lips. Oh, how wonderfully soft and supple their mouths were. He hungrily opened his own mouth wide to envelop their lips, sliding his tongue across their slick teeth, probing their warm, wet mouths. He licked and sucked the pliable fullness of their lips as they rubbed their breast up against him and teased his nipples with their hands. They ran their fingers over his furry chest and then circled his belly with their soft warm hands. It made him quiver with excitement. The blonde licked and teased his toes, feet, legs and more with her tongue.

A loud moan escaped Iolaus' lips as the brunette haired woman, who had been stroking his legs and thighs, took his testicles into her hand and kneaded them gently. He was in the Elysian Fields surely, he thought, as he sucked at the breast that presented itself to him on either side. He turned to suckle at the other and back again. The women laying on each side of him, gyrating and rubbing their bodies against his, caused friction so wonderfully sensual he could hardly believe it. He leaned over to kiss the belly of the woman on his right. He licked her stomach then turned to taste the one on his left. He slid his mouth and tongue along the silken skin and gently nipped at the soft downy fuzz. His hands clutched at their buttocks and glided across the curves of their smooth backs.

Hercules, in the meantime, was kneading the tight little fanny of the women whose breasts were hanging over his face, as he suckled them. First one side then the other, licking and sucking them, he pulled their bodies closer to him as the blonde reached up to his engorged penis and captured it in her hand.

"Ah," he moaned, throwing his head back as she took him into her mouth. He pulled one of the women to him and licked at her belly and legs, wherever he could taste her. Then he turned to do the same to her sister. His hands capturing their waists, he traced the curve of their hipbones around to their stomachs. His hands brushing their pubic mounds, as they arched to him, yearning for his deeper exploration.

Iolaus grabbed the girl at his feet and pulled her to his chest. Filling her mouth with his tongue and she his, he felt her legs part and his hardened penis slide up into her. As one sister leaned to allow him to suck on her breast, the other repositioned herself so he could rub her mound and probe her with his fingers. Sighs and groans mingled as the four danced a sweet ballet of sensual delight.

Hercules rolled over onto the first sister, spreading her white thighs wide apart. He placed his pulsing, aching penis at her hot, throbbing cavern. Wet with desire, she arched her back, thrusting up her pelvis and sucking him into her. He slid into her slowly, as she opened and adjusted for his size. Her tightness around him throbbed his organ into steel hardness. He plunged deeper into her as she gasped in surprise and delight. He rolled onto his back carrying her with him. He, still embedded in her, positioned her legs to sit astride him, as another sister filled his mouth first with her tongue and then her breast. His flicking tongue and sharp sucks drove her to a frenzy of desire. Grabbing his hand, she shoved his finger up into her moist chamber. She groaned unrestrained as he massaged her swollen clitoris and rammed his long fingers into her. She was slick with excitement and eagerly rode his probing hand. The third sister could wait no longer. Taking his other hand she guided him to her pulsing climax-button. His fingers slid on the wetness there, as he rubbed her, leading them all in a choreography of pleasurable frenzy.

Iolaus and his trio of sisters were in a rhythmic dance of their own. Rubbing, throbbing and panting in unison as they slowly increased the intensity of their desire. As one sister licked and sucked his balls, he fingered her swollen pubic lips and fondled her clitoris. The other sister, straddling his erect member, slid quickly and effortlessly up and down the long, hard shank. Taking him all, time after time as he panted and groan his pleasure, her back arching to meet his every thrust. Sister number three was positioned so that Iolaus could kiss her very core of passion. He sucked, licked and tongued her throbbing hardness until she cried. Loud groans and moans, screams of pleasure and orgasmic shouts of release were heard coming from both rooms as the house vibrated with sexual climax.

Iolaus exploded into the woman who sat on his organ as her sister convulsed onto his hand as he worked them into an all enveloping fever. The other sister's entire body quivered as she reached her climax and his wet kisses mingled with her damp orgasm.

Hercules let out a hoarse scream as all three women joined him in a harmonic cry of passionate release. Arching their backs, taking all of him they could, trembling with the delight and completeness of their orgasms, spilling onto each other as the waves of pleasure passed over them.

The sisters nestled around Iolaus as he relaxed momentarily. They were panting, catching their breath, but he wasn't done. He was still hard and wanting more. He turned his attention to the sister with honey hair.

Spreading her legs gently, he felt the warm honey spreading from her depths and entered her. He began pumping her in a new rhythm.

The same thing was happening in the next room. Hercules had kissed the sister who had mounted him, gently laying her to one side as she recovered from the total satiation of her sensual needs. He rolled over to the auburn haired sister, who welcomed him into her, ready with the wet slickness of desire. He bent over her and pulled her legs up onto his shoulders, positioning her buttock high on his thighs, and drove himself into her, to her delight. He thrust into her over and over, grinding and straining to the core of her. Plowing into her, all the way to the base of his massive organ, to the sound of her gasps and moans. Spasms quaked deep within her fleshy sheaf as he brought her again and again to sensual ecstasy. His face wore a smiling grimace and was wet with sweat from exertion as he strained to reach that sweet climax once again. He went on and on, drilling evermore deeply into her. She shuddered again and again and still he drove into her. Finally, a deep throaty groaning escaped him as he ejaculated his seed into her depths. She convulsed around him once again.

Iolaus was driving the honey haired sister into a frenzy, in the other room. She was screaming in pleasurable agony, wanting him to reach the climax she was reaching again and again as he pumped into her. Finally he flung back his head and screamed as he came, injecting her, deeply inside her, with his cream. Her tears made her smiling eyes dance as he collapsed onto her for a moment of rest and kissing as he gently brought her body down in tempo.

His passion still burning, he turned his attention to the last of his sister trio. Her full bosom pressed into his back as he slid off the moist body with honey hair. Rolling over to the blue-black haired woman, his mouth captured her red bud of a nipple. He sucked it to hardness and greedily took the other one in his mouth and sucked it until it too was a hard neb. Then he trailed his tongue up her breastbone to her neck and to the cherry lips that smiled so alluring at him. He licked them and tasted her mouth and slid his tongue along the perfect pearls that were her teeth. He flipped her over in one fluid movement, as he nibbled at her flower-petal ear lobe, and laid her on her stomach. He kissed her spine all the way down her back. Then lifting her hips, he spread her legs and entered her. He was able to probe deeply in this position. He dove into her, pressing, pounding and prodding her most sensual, sensitive grotto, until she could only groan incoherently. Back and forth and back and forth he punished her with pleasure, until her screaming passion erupted unrestrained. He buried his long hard tool into her very core, over and over, until it exploded into her.

Hercules was mounting the last of his trio of sisters, still hard as steel and hungry for her silken tunnel. He pulled her on top of him and with his large hands circumventing her waist, he lifted her up and down on his engorged member, sliding into her and filling her with himself. She flung her head side to side in ecstasy, her long blonde hair cascading down onto his chest. He pumped her up and down on his taut staff. She gyrated, rocked back and forth, clasping his steel rod tightly within her. She groaned with pleasure as she pinched his nipples and grabbed back under herself to knead his firm furry balls. This drove him to an even more furious need, as the pressure within his organ intensified to unimaginable heights. He drilled into her with a faster and faster pace, the force and need for his release growing to a frenzied climax as they melted into each other. Their gasps for breath, their wildly beating hearts, sounded in unison. Holding her to his chest, still implanted deeply in her, he rolled her onto her back and slammed his probing penis into her as far as he could go. He caressed her breast and leaning to kiss her, he dove himself into her. A last deep dive, as he ejaculated inside her. Her convulsive spasms griped and tightened around him. He came in waves of unbelievable pleasure, finally collapsing to her side, exhausted.

In the other room the bodies were tangled in a web of exhausted limbs. One head on Iolaus' chest, another sister's head on his shoulder and his head on the shoulder of yet another. Legs intertwined and arms held one another in sated contentment as they all drifted into sleep.

The firelight revealed much the same scene in the other room. Hercules now lay with his long legs draped over and under fine, soft, white ones. Long locks of varying shades draped across pillows, shoulders, stomachs and chests. All breathing in rhythmic unison as they slept the sleep of complete contentment and relaxation. A cacophony of masculine and feminine perfection lay entangled and totally sated, en masse.

Where just moments before the raging fire of passion vied with the heat and flames of the hearth, now the quiet embers of satiated desire glowed in still warmth like the red coals in the fireplace.

The Gods smiled as they looked down from their lofty abode. Yes, how fortunate is mankind to have such pleasurable earthly delights. It is almost worth becoming a human to experience such joy.

The end

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