

Rockhound "Steve Buscemi"
A.J "Ben Afleck"
Chick Chapple "Will Patton"
The Armadillo has been striked by an asteroid
The Empire State is going to be striked
The Empire State falling down
Space Shuttles leave the Earth
Lev Andropov "Peter Storemare"
Meeting with Billy Bob
Liv and Ben getting centi
Explosion in New York
The astranuats
Bruce leaves himself behind to save the world

The Jackal

Movie Poster
Bruce Willis In Disguise
Bruce Willis In Disguise
Bruce Willis In Disguise
Bruce looking cool
Bruce with a hand gun
Bruce with the machine gun
Bruce Willis messing around with the machine gun

Mercury Rising

Movie Poster
Bruce and Miko
Bruce trying to escape
Bruce walking
Bruce with a hand gun
Alec Baldwin

The Last Man Standing

Movie poster
Bruce looking cool
Bruce with a hand gun

Die Hard

Bruce in a mess
Bruce with a machine gun
Die hard logo

Die Hard With A Vengeance

John Mclane
Bruce Willis And Samuel L. Jackson
Bruce on the phone
Bruce and Samuel on the phone
Bruce in a big mess
They have to solve the puzzle
Bruce Willis

The Fifth Element

Movie Poster
Bruce with creatures
Bruce Willis