welcome to my review page. here i will constantly post new reviews of horror movies. my rating system is real simple:
                    1- complete crap
                    2- mostly crap
                    3- makes a good coaster
                    4- eh, it has it's moments
                    5- decent, worth a rental
                    6- if youre bored, thisll keep your attention
                    7- recommended
                    8- very good to excellent
                    9- just go buy it now
                    10- one of the greatest movies ever made, see at all costs
if you arent able to keep up at this point, you may as well shut your computer off and take a nap.

Scream- 10- redefines slashers for a new generation.
Scream 2- 8- just as Randy said, "by definition alone they're inferior films"
Night of the Demons- 7- part gruesome terror, large part 80's cheese, and part porn, what more could you want?
Evil Dead 2: Dead By Dawn- 8- good gore and halarity. what a mix!