Welcome on my quest to lose weight...
May life be never ending fun at the beach!
Thought I give it a try. After all you could get a two-month supply (at the time of this writing) for about half of what those pills on the pharmacy shelves cost. I was impressed, so I'm mentioning it in this webpage. I'm now on week 10 and am down 20 pounds...

Check back soon to hear about my exercise program, new website, and free email news letter.

Any questions or suggestion? Contact me at lifebalanceadvisor.com@gmail.com
From this site I learned that I needed to lose around 30 pounds to be near my healthy weight.

Doing a little more research, I learned that the reason so many fad diets fail is the body is just not able to cope with the crash in caloric intake. Sure they work while you're on them, but once you stop the diet, people tend to gain back the weight they lose and then some, because those diets slow the body's metabolism, and it burns fewer calories to keep from (what it perceived to be) starving to death. You don't want that. The best way to lose weight, and keep it off, is to lose no more than 1 to 2 pounds a week. Repeat... ONE to TWO pounds ONLY a week... You body won't freak out, and your metabolism won't slow down.

Okay now I know the situation, but what am I going to do to improve it? What am I going to eat? Yes, it's tempting to buy into one of the diet plans that sends you the food and tells you what to eat, but there's a free way to get this information too. The answer can be found free at:
Remeber the old governmental pyramid food chart? Well it's been revised and individualized.
You simply enter your information, and the website tells you how much of each group you need to eat.

OH!!! Another thing... The goverment has gotten rid of the "portions"... It acutally tells you that the amount of food in terms of "cups" and "ounces." There's also a nice neat food diary you can download or print off to keep track of your intake.

Okay, now I'm ready to start dieting and keep up with a food journal.

Week 1 was my toughest week. I went through the cabinets and tossed out all the junk food items and restocked them with the healthy alternatives as suggested from the government pyramid site... I recorded everythng I ate and discovered that the reason for my weight gain was due to over eating. I'm not going to lie, I was hungry... so hungry in fact that I went to the local pharmacy to see what I could find to curve my appetite. I knew I wasn't going to starve because I was following the food chart, but years of over eating made it tough to adjust. Okay, so I'm at the shelves looking at the different pills and shakes wondering what I want to try, and I can't get over the cost of these items. I knew there had to be a better way, so I go online again to see what I could find and ran across
Apple Patch
First off, this is my story and what's helped me to lose weight. I got sick and tired of all the ads trying to get me to purchase fad, crash diets or over priced diets when I knew I could do it myself and you can too This is my attempt to spread the news that you don't have to be a slave to all the marketing ploys. Most of the links provided are for free products or services. I only include links to products that cost money if I've used them and was really impressed with the results.

Second off, the picture above is me 10 years ago with my dog Bogart on the beach in Pensacola. This is the image that inspired me to do something about my weight. (I'd love to be that thin again.)

Picture it, you go about life doing the same routine day after day. Then one morning you wake up (after a night of staying out WAY too late) and you don't recognize the reflection. That's what happened to me about 10 weeks ago.

I knew I was over weight but didn't know by how much, so the first thing I needed to do was access the situation. Did some research on the web and ran across the free website