Memoirs Of An Invisible Man CD (Colosseum Schallplatten)

Memoirs Of An Invisible Man
(Film - 1992 CD - 1992)
Music Composed By Shirley Walker
Varese Sarabande
Part Number VSD-5355  Length 30:30

01. Theme Medley (3:22)
02. In A State Of Molecular Flux (4:00)
03. Fear Creeps In (3:09)
04. Love In The Rain (1:38)
05. Nick Escapes The Apartment Siege (3:31)
06. The Final Chase (3:14)
07. Nick And Alice In Love (2:28)
08. Jenkins Closes In (4:37)
09. The Invisible Man Reveals Himself (1:40)
10. You're Not Alone Anymore (2:11)

Music Composed & Conducted By: Shirley Walker
Album Produced By: Shirley Walker
Executive Producers: Daniel Allan Carlin And Robert Townson

Additional Orchestrations: Larry "Knock On Wood" Rench,
 Lisa "L'Istessi" Bloom, Bruce "Count The Ants" Fowler
Concert Master: Cathy "Extraordinario" Lenski

Synthesizer Programmer: Hans "Mr. C, To You" Zimmer
Music Scoring Mixers: Robert "Back Up" Fernandez,
 Doug "Don't Get On Me" Botnick
Music Mixes: Robert "Mix 1" Fernandez
Film Music Editor: Thomas "The Protector" Milano
Music Contractor: Patti "Quiet Everyone" Zimmitti
Music Copying Service: Joel "We're In Pretty Good Shape" Franklin
The Auricle: Richard "Click Dick" Grant

Assistant Engineers: "The Guys" Bill Easystone, Gary Carlson,
  Jim Walker, Jay Selvester
Soundtrack Editing: Curtis "Crossfade" Roush
Mastering Engineer: Joe Gastwirt
Executive Assistant: Tom Null

Special Thanks: Gary LeMel, Chevy Chase, Daniel Allen Carlin,
 Steve Bartek,  Milander/Schluessner/Kaufman

Very Special Thanks: Don Walker

Memoirs Of An Invisible Man"Shirley Walker's music for MEMOIRS OF AN INVISIBLE MAN is everything a great score should be. It's big and beautiful and it moves you. Shirley composes her music with passion, and then gives that passion a shove right back into the viewing experience of the film."

- John Carpenter

"Shirley's score has improved this movie by 100%. In fact, it was silent when we gave it to her, and we decided to add dialogue and sound effects in order not to be overwhelmed."

- Chevy Chase


Memoirs Of An Invisible ManShirley Walker and I first met in San Francisco during the Spring of 1979, while she was playing keyboards on the APOCALYPSE NOW recording sessions. As music producer on THE BLACK STALLION, it was my task to hire someone of her talent to assist us in creating and recording a temp-track to put into the movie for preliminary screenings. To make a long and potentially litigious-story short, Shirley eventually and heroically composed or adapted many of the crucial cues in the film's final soundtrack.

Memoirs Of An Invisible ManSince that time, and following her inevitable move to Hollywood, Shirley's talent and expertise have been exploited by many of the industry's most successful creators. And in a town where job worthiness is frequently determined not by ability, but by political skill, inter-personal relationships, and explicit gender, her current success is nothing less than miraculous. After orchestrating and conducting scores for BLACK RAIN, BATMAN, DICK TRACY and DAYS OF THUNDER, she was given the opportunity to compose the music for Warner Television's THE FLASH. Based on these successful efforts, and thanks to the administration of Gary LeMel, my own recommendation, the enthusiastic endorsement of a very visible Chevy Chase and the courage of the ever-innovative John Carpenter, Shirley was engaged to compose the score for MEMOIRS OF AN INVISIBLE MAN.

And on Monday, January 6, 1992, as she carried her scores to the podium and stood before 86 of the world's finest musicians, Shirley Walker made film history by becoming the first woman to compose and record the soundtrack for a major Hollywood motion picture. The sessions were inspired, magical and completely triumphant. This is real movie music at its very best-the perfect partner to John Carpenter's bigger than life fantasy adventure. In it you will hear the power and danger, the comedy and suspense, the mystery and love of the film, the moment and the artist.

- Daniel Allan Carlin

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