
If you want a more in depth description of the links, click here!

My Friends' homepages:

Amusing Pages:

Other pages:

Here is the in more in-depth description of the links:

  1. Firstly, I'd better mention my good friend Bob's homepage. Bob has been working on his page for a while now, so it's fairly substantial, but quite weird! So, if you like beer, good music or amusing quotes by mice, then check it out!

  2. Also, we are now joined by Ramin, my next door neighbour (at home), who has dedicated a page to his house. So if you would like to go to see Ramin's House page then click here! It amy not sound particularly riveting, but is actually very amusing. But beware! It also has a very poor (and very old) picture of me that I wasn't aware of.

  3. Ramin has also got a page about his band "Side Action" . He's in the process of creating the page as I write this, but by the time anyone gets round to reading this it will probably be finished!

  4. Ben, a friend of mine from university, also has a page on geocities (in fact, he was the one who told me about them!) If you would like to check out Ben's page then feel free. It's got music, martial arts, a chat room and much more!

  5. Another Geocities page by a friend of mine (I think i may have started a trend here) is The Official Shock Syndrome page which is written by the band's lead singer and guitarist Som. I am their biggest fan, and so I have included this link on my page even though he hasn't put a link to my page on his (Hint Hint). They are very good, and although the page isn't quite finished yet, Som promises there will be sound clips in the near future, so go check it out!

  6. If you are a student like me, why not visit Every Student's Paradise, a Geocities page by a friend of mine, also called Si. It's got lots of stuff about beer and music, including how to pour a perfect pint of Guiness.

  7. If your not into drinking and lounging about like a student, but are more of a sports fan, then my friend Steve has his own Football Website which is worth looking at. It has got his own views on various matches, team information and a best player survey.

  8. My friend Pete has now just started his own page. At the moment it just has a couple of pictures, but one of these is a picture of him and Dave Grohl from their recent concert in London! So go see Pete's Homepage.

  9. Yet another friend of mine who has got his own music page on Geocities is Rich. His page is called Loud Noise or something like that. I think Geocities should start giving me some sort of advertising payment for the number of people who have sites here through me.

  10. Go and see the Yoda ate my balls page! It's very funny, and by far the best of the "ate my balls" series which consists, of over 100 pages of various celebrities and cartoon characters in photo stories about ball munching!

  11. Now onto one of the best action stars/directors/writers in the business. He is cool, clever and above all, flexible. He has broken just about every bone in his body several times over, and he just keeps on coming back for more. His newest film, "Rumble in the Bronx" is out soon (in England that is) and it is certain to add many more people to his legion of fans. So i present you with the Official Jackie Chan Homepage! Packed full of info on the great man, including stuff apparently written with his own fair hand! If you're into Martial Arts, check it out!

  12. Here's something not directly related to films and stuff, but I think it is worth mentioning anyway (and it's my page, so there!). If you light having a bit of a chat now and again, but you are too lazy to get up off your bum and go and find someone to talk to, then why not chat to some friendly people all over the world via the internet. Broadcast is not the fastest chat service on the net, but it's okay if you use it during off-peak hours, and there are some very nice people lurking about in it's depths. So go on, give it a try!

  13. Here's an amusing page (that I'm sure my brother will like) called Walkerisms. I won't tell you what it's about, but it's not that hard to guess! It is very amusing though, so why not check it out!

  14. This page is very funny, but you need to have a slightly warped sense of humour to enjoy it fully. It is entitled Are you an Alien? and is written by a group of aliens who have crash landed on the earth and want to suck your brain. Or something like that!

  15. If you are looking for weird pages and have a strange sense of humour, then you might like to take a look at this. The Ben and Jerry Page is a collection of very strange stories. The most recent one is quite funny, but the others I looked at were a bit too weird for me.

  16. And now, for two reasons, I am including Stu Gordon's Homepage The first reason is that he has put a link to mine on his. The second is that his Mr. Ward banner and Jon Bedford wallpaper are brilliant. If you don't know either of these people, then it won't mean much to you.

  17. And finally for now, the Loaded web page, called "Uploaded". It's quite funny, and has some fairly nice pictures of women, a rogues gallery, and lots more!

Contents Page

So far, this little collection of pages has been visited times.

If you have any comments to make about this page (especially spelling mistakes or broken links), then give me an E-Mail. You can find me at:

Hope to hear from you soon!

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