My Film Poll

Hi, welcome to my film poll. All you have to do is answer a couple of questions below about your favourite films, actors, actresses etc. I will then publish the reults of the poll as frequently as is possible with my hectic schedule, so that you can see what everyone else thinks.

I have also included 5 films at the bottom in a sort of mini league, some of which I like, some of which I don’t, for you to give ratings to. These films will change whenever I update the poll, with only the winning film remaining. Obviously you can come back and vote for these five films whenever i change it without completing the top part of the survey again.

Thanks in advance for voting, and don’t forget to check back soon to find out what’s happening.

Well, here's the results of the most recent "Film Challenge". I haven't actually updated this in almost a year and a half. Talk about lazy!

Well, Return of the Jedi has finally been beaten. Men in Black is the clear winner, with an impressive 87 points. In fact, only 2 people who voted gave it a negative score. Con Air was only a few points behind, and actually got more positive votes than MIB. However, a few people didn't like it, which bought the score back down. The full results are shown below:

"Men in Black" : 87
"Con Air" : 72
"Return of the Jedi" : 26
"Event Horizon" : -10
"The Lost World": -23

Now that i've had almost a hndred votes, the proper poll is starting to shape up. The current leaders are as follows:

Films that have appeared in both the best and worst film catagories include Caddyshck, Star Trek: First Contact, Heat and The Fifth Element. There have also been surprisingly few votes for Kate Winslet in either of the actress catagories, especially condsidering her Oscar nomination and the fact that she has won "Sexiest Person in the World" in at least two well-publicised polls.

So there you have it. Thanks to all those who voted this time, and remember to vote for the new films at the bottom.

Who are you?

What is your e-mail address?

What is your favourite film of all time?

What is the worst film of all time?

Who is your favourite actor?

Who is your favourite actress?

Who is the sexiest film star?

How would you rate the following Horror films?

(NB: Now, I thought this would be pretty obvious, which is why I didn't put a note about it in before, but if you haven't seen one of the films below, then please don't give it a mark. That way, when you submit your finished survey it will automatically give it zero, thus not affecting the films mark one way or another. Please don't, as some people have done already, give it -2 or -5 points [corresponding to the last two options] just because you haven't seen it. Thank you!)

1) Halloween?

Fantastic!(5 points)
Pretty Cool! (2 points)
Okay. (0 points)
Below Average. (-2 points)
Poo! (-5 points)

2) The Exorcist?

Pretty Cool!
Below Average.

3) Friday the 13th?

Pretty Cool!
Below Average.

4) Scream 2?

Pretty Cool!
Below Average.

5) A Nightmare on Elm Street?

Pretty Cool!
Below Average.

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Hope to hear from you soon!

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