The Syd Barrett Web Ring

Arnold Layne had a strange hobby.....


Welcome to the Syd Barrett Web Ring, here you can sign up, and get all the other info you need. The only rules for the Syd Barrett Web Ring is that it contains some Syd information, so Pink Floyd sites are more than welcome, I'll check out your site after you E-mail me back that you got the webring graphic up on the page. O.K., still interested, fill out the form below.

Please note: Filling out this form does not automatically add you to the ring, it adds you to the queue, you will be added to the ring once the graphic is up on your page.

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The Syd Barrett Webring is owned and maintained by Stephen Schneider, any ?'s, E-mail me below.

The Syd Barrett Webringİ 1997, 1998 and 1999 Stephen Schneider

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Syd Barrett Webring hits since 5/19/97