Jon Bon Jovi on Hey Hey It’s Saturday with Ian “Molly” Meldrum 19/07/1997

Molly: I caught up with Jon in Hong Kong last week. Jon of course is appearing in quite a few films now, but he has also done a 40 minute film of his own. It’s like a home movie, we talked about that with him. In this home movie he has Demi Moore, Kevin Bacon and Whoopi Goldberg, which is a fair cast I reacon. I caught up with Jon and he’s of course got this album out called Destination Anywhere, the single Midnight. He hopefully will come down here (to Australia) later this year. For all you fans that love Jon Bon Jovi this is an excellent album, believe me. Let’s go with Midnight In Chelsea, roaring up the charts then we talk about the film Destination Anywhere.

****Cut to Midnight In Chelsea Video Clip (approx 10secs)****

Molly: Well Jon, welcome to Hong Kong. Jon: Thank you. Molly: Congratulations on the album, Midnight In Chelsea. The Album - Destination Anywhere, well we ARE anywhere at the moment. Tell us about the album.

Jon:When Destination Anywhere came this was really ???????. I don’t know where I’m going but I’m on my way and I can’t wait to go. So I set out originally I thought I was gonna write a very organic record, you know I was thinking DelAmetry (I think I spelt that wrong). And as I started to hear what was becoming the Brit Pop scene it was an influence. It was the things that weren’t crossing over to the States, the Manic Street Preachers, Pulp or Oasis, being the only one that really did.

Molly: OK... Let’s get down to the 40 minute movie around the album.

Jon: Yeah.

Molly: Destination Anywhere. Now to have the names in this movie alone, I mean you’d have to have a budget of, if you were paying everyone, you’d have to have a budget of 100 million before you start.

Jon: (nodding and smiling) I know it, I know it.

Molly: To have Whoopi, Kevin playing your best mate. Whoopi the taxi driver who has the cheek to ask you if you’re from New Orleans... From New Jersey I should say. And then Demi how did you get them together?

Jon: Well.....

Molly: How long did it take to do that?

Jon: I thought of this idea to develop a movie based on the album, take key lines of the lyrics, use them as dialogue and develop a script around that, and at that time I was able to approach the people that were in it because of friendships.. Demi , by accident, introduced me to Dave Stewart so her and Bruce felt a kinship to the record. So she was between projects and said yeah I’m ready to do this.

*****cut to Destination Anywhere video.. Demi and Jon are lying in bed next to each other..... Demi More says “I hate you sometimes. I hate that you leave me. I hate you when you come back and sometimes I don’t even want you to come back,” Back to Molly and Jon.*****

Jon: Whoopi, of course, having done Moonlight & Valentino with me and her being in New York doing a play made it convenient for her. I asked her a favour and she said fine I’m in.

*****cut to whoopi driving a taxi Jon a passenger in the back. Whoopi says “I’m a good driver. HEY MOVE!!!! Sorry I don’t meant to get like that but you know people just upset me out here course they don’t know how to drive, they’re from Jersey. Oh you’re not from New Jersey are you??”*****

***** Cut to clip of Kevin Bacon and Jon Bon Jovi. Jon talks over the clip*****

Jon: Kevin Bacon, who I’m a huge fan of, I didn’t know very well personally, but I’d met him just a couple of times and he’s crossing over to making a record so when I approached him with it and he heard the album, after hearing it once he called me the next day and said I’m in.

Molly: Right.....

Jon: And everyone did it for free and they worked their butts off and it was interesting.

Molly: Listen, it’s been great talking to you again as usual. You’ve got to come down to Australia. A lot of people were disappointed saying “why isn’t he coming down to Australia,”

Jon: I know it.

Molly: Congratulations on the album.

Jon: Thank you.

Molly: And to the producers involved.

Jon: Yeah.

Molly: And we’ll go out and hit the night life of Hong Kong tonight.

Jon: I’d like that. (smiling)

Molly: Then we’d both be arrested tomorrow.

Jon: (Laughs).

*****Back to studio with Molly*****

Molly: There it is Destination Anywhere the album and also the video will be out in stores soon...

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