I don't remember when I met Kim but it seems to me that it must have been sometimes around 1997. Back then, and even before she had this site dedicated to Winona Ryder.
In the 'Net a lot of fan sites come and go. The reasons why envelop a lot of things:
No time; The person is no longer online; The webmaster lost interest. And so on. Whatever. Kim's dedication is why you're even here to read this. 
Regular visitors know that she hasn't updated in a while and as her friend I know why and I'm glad to say the reasons are good ones. Still, this page is going to leave even if it is just a small jump elsewhere (but more on that from Kim in a moment). Certainly her dedication to making a really good fan site isn't going anywhere. Just one of the oldest Winona fan pages is all and its kind of sad to see it go. Its not life altering to be sure but its still a minor disappointment. Just minor though and the reason why is the cue for your humble webmistress to pipe up and so now, brief words from Kim Thörning:

    Hey Guys!
    I have both sad and good news today. First the sad news: I've realized that I can't continue keeping this site fresh all by my own, therefore I will shut it down for the future that will come. This of course hurts me because I've promised you guys for a long time that I'm going to redesign this site and keep it up to date. So now for the good news I've joined
    http://www.andgodcreatednoni.com and it's crew . Everything earlier found on this page will eventually be found on that page. This makes it possible for me to "resurrect" (nice touch eh?) this site within an even greater site and keep it up to date with the help of a couple of great guys, MistaG and Mark.

    / Kim T

So once again; Kim's Page is leaving, but not Kim herself and I hope you'll follow her to her new home on the web. Deep down, you know you should. 

-Michael Goodman



Copyright © Kim Thörning