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First things first:

All these sounds have I, MKR, created on my own, and have not violated any laws of any kind. And due to some diskspace difficulties are some of the sounds on different servers. But those servers are mine to. The makers of the movies of which I have recorded sounds from, and then put them out on the Internet, should have the credits.

I am only a "distributitour" of the sounds. The ownership of the sounds have the moviecompanys.

But enough with laws and ownership stuff, ENJOY MKR`S WORLD OF SOUNDS!!

Just Pick A Movie And You Will Be Transported To the Wav-Area.

*LATEST UPDATE*: 97/03/02


Other new things are: the MIDI-department that u can find below. And Lots,Lots and Lots of *.wav-files from different movies have been added under MISC.

NEW SOUND EVENTS ARE HERE! I have struggled with getting these sounds out on the Net, so show me some respect and USE these sounds, or else all my work have been for nothing, thanks again pal....

(all the sounds are in *.wav)

The Shadow The great movie, starring Alec Baldwin as a superhero, clearing out the thrash in town. These sounds are also from the Pinball Game. A MUST FOR THE PINBALL FANS!!
The Adam Sandler Page Did U like Adam in SNL,Billy Madison and Happy Gilmore??? Then this page is the one for U. Hilarius stuff and crazy *.wavs!!!. Yahoo For ADAM!!!!
The Last Boyscout Starring Bruce Willis and Damon Wayans in this action/comedy which has a great wit in the lines and here is Bruce in his best. CHECK IT OUT!!!
Wayne´s World II Mike Myers and Dana Carvey stars in this second film, which has some classic lines. A MUST FOR THE FANS!!
Coming To America Im just gonna say one word: EDDIE MURPHY!!!
Blood In Blood Out This movie has it all: great suspense, good acting and most of all...AWESOME LINES, LIKE: "VATOS LOCOS FOR EVER"
MIDIS Im not a personal fan of MIDIS but some files tI have made that sounds great have I decided to give to those who enjoy MIDIS
MISC. This is all the *.wavs I made from different movies(not ALL of them,have over 100 files), therefor these files are gonna go under Misc. There are sounds from LATE SHOW, ATTACK FROM MARS,STRANGE BREW,BEAVIS AND BUTTHEAD AND MANY, MANY MORE
SOUND EVENTS Now its here! SOUND EVENTS FOR YOUR COMPUTER. U may use them in any way U choose.
BULLETPROOF Adam Sandler and Damon Wayans stars in this great movie with hilarius lines. For those who have seen it: download the sounds!!, and for those who havent: DO SO!

Thats all I had, I will of course keep adding new movies at REQUESTS!!! Im not gonna work my ass of with these sounds with no one listing, So.. If U WANT some new sounds/movies, U´LL HAVE TO MAIL ME

You are the. soundfreak here since 97-01-06


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