The Ramblings of Glycerine

To the viewers of this page:
I regret to inform you all that outside forces have created a problem regarding the infrastructure of this website. This outside force is my parents. They stumbled upon this site and expressed their extreme displeasure in the form of an ultimadum--Take it down or you will be removed from the internet. Permanently. However, since this is a joint effort, that will not be possible. So a comprimise was reached, and the verdict is as follows: Effective Immediately, any references to my name or email adress on this site will be removed. Feel free to send condolences through Setzer. Adios in text, but never in spirit.


Fuck that!!!!  I am back, in both text AND spirit.  The fire died out, we changed the URL, and I didn't bookmark it like a moron this time!  Oh, and I have my own computer and am heading to college...that always helps.  We lost the old password, so we are now officially relocated!  And...well, dammit, it seems our counter will have to start at nada....  we're somewhere around a hundred grand last I checked, but we'll make it that far again.  Get ready for some updates.  A lot of new people have beecome famous since we last touched the page.  Also look for new sections, Including "Hate Mail Ate My Balls" and....well...we'll think of some other stuff...  wooha.

--Glycerine  (The punk ass trick bitch)

The Ramblings of Setzer

Hey there kids!  Unlike Glycerine, I've been here all along.  Getiing on average of 50 hate mails a day!  Then again averaging 15 fan mails a day.  As Glycerine stated earlier, the fire was gone.  It's back more so now than ever.  With the sudden rise of manufactured boy bands, and the popularity of hip hop, we have made this our quest.  To put each and every suck ass in their place


There are a lot of famous people out there that just plain suck.  It is for this reason we feel that said famous people should be publicly degraded as much as possible.  And what better way than to portray them as scrotum-swallowing sickos! So here is the ever-growing list of famous people that just eat balls.

Tupak Shakur
The Backstreet Boys
Jonathan Taylor Thomas

 [ Email Setz | Email Glycerine ]
The Ate My Balls Ring
This Ate My Balls Ring Site 
is owned and operated by Glycerine and Setzer

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