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Jar Jar Binks is a CGI Charachter.   He was created by a team of 15 digital aritsts.  He is played by the Actor
  Ahmed Best.  George Lucas would film scenes with Ahmed in costume as Jar Jar Binks, so that the actors had
      something to react to, and he would later be digitally edited out, and the CGI Jar Jar be put in. Ahmed Best is 25
  years old, raised in the Bronx and educated in New Jersey, where one of his schoolmates was the hip-hop artist
          Lauryn Hill.  Best was discovered for the part at a San Francisco production of STOMP. From then on, his life would
         be changed, forever.  Best lives in a small 2 room apartment in the Bronx, he's a lifelong vegetarian because "One,
for health reasons, two, when I was growing up in the Bronx the meat that they would put on the shelves in the
supermarkets was diseased and rotten.  So, my parents said 'no meat'".   

More info coming soon! Stay Tuned!

Here are some pics to look at for now!

ahmedbest.jpg (23030 bytes) ....ahmedandjake.jpg (53012 bytes)

ahmed01.jpg (7440 bytes)...ahmed02.jpg (12632 bytes)


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