Wally Wood Tribute Page

This is a page dedicated to the comic book artwork of the late Wally Wood. I can't give you a long detailed history about the man, for though I've come across them, I don't have them handy. I do know he was one of the classic artists with the old EC Comics, and that he died far too young and tragically. I came across his work as an adolescent and thought he was simply amazing. He remains to this day my favorite artist of his genre, and while perusing the web could not find any pages dedicated to his work, and so I thought I'd put up one myself.


I've put together a gallery of some of his artwork on the following pages. I have tended to focus on his renderings of females, as they were what initially caught my attention. I do have other images I plan to add shortly, but it takes time to get all these organized, and at least this is a start.

Power Girl

Various Wally Wood Comic Images 1

Various Wally Wood Comic Images 2


©1999 Kaol

Page created on February 1, 1999
Updated on June 24, 1999


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